The Princess of Pless —one of the most beautiful of women — praises Mercolized Wax for the Complexion MERCOLIZED WAX absorbs the old dry and discoloured scarfskin, leaving expos-d the fresh n~w complexion underneath. Use it for a few nights and see how your wrinkle* and skin blemishes will disappear. The fame of this remarkable wax is world wide. Can be obtained from all Chemists and high-class Stores. The Princess cf Pless ■writes : Dear Sirs. " It gives mc very much pleasure in writing you in order that every woman may know the benefits obe derived from Mercolized Wax So much depends on good looks that wriihout a clear complexion and an unwrinkled face a woman does not get very far in this worlu I can tell you he c. Sir* with full truth, that people think lam younger than I am. and for this I have to thank your marvellous Mercolized Wax. which I have used since 1311. when I got back to my dear old EngWnd and those friends who were let t. Anyone like mc wh-> has used eld creams and skm foods will see how vastly superior to them Mercolized Wax is for skin treatment. " My maid here stands next to mc whilst I am writing this letter and says that since I have used it I look younger. I always use it after washing every morning and before no'nsi to bed at tikht. and my skin has become much smoother, and whiter, and my wrinkles h-ve gradually disappeared. ' I write this letter in order to help the poor ladies who really want to know how to treat their skins, and to keep younu-looking for a very moderate outliy instead of irdu'sing in expensive beauty and massage treatments. This wax they can use themselves, and in a very short time they will he surprised at the difference it will make in their complexion. It whitens sunburnt skin, and for use on the hands it is most excellent. "Yours truly. "(Signed) Marie Therese. PRINCESS OF PLESS." /«a " --"*e T t * l * s economical method of beautj- ■ •S vlSr fying old worn floor boards and B ' J i /]& -%* scratched and disfigured furniture. Ligrri- H /( ,'p\ tine stains and varnishes in one operation, M <jf\// I *^> and puts a glistening coat of beauty over 9 K\y//|:i y/WT A l ' le su^ cc that js peculiar to Lignitine H ( yMrl ~— r- alone. It is easy to use, dries, overnight «| V L r . ama in s beautiful indefinitely. There D IX \f are a^as charming shades. B yyi \— Sold at all paint stores. B he H-^j^—'\T Kfe. Ask about Claris other Home Products. I K(J - '— f&"- T- -JffflfcK, ROBT. INGHAM CI ""X & CO. (A'ti*.) LTD, B Jg ' — — | l lJßsßy Sydney and London B N.Z-i Box 819, P. 0., AUCKLAND. I
graf— jBSk ■ n^fKifc—^fc£. ■ ndTi^-ifc*^ Cuticura Talcum Unadulterated Exquisitely Scented j regulate stomach, liver and bowels, and ENSURE GOOD DIGESTION and a HEALTHY, ACTIVE LIVER. Small Pill (new size 32 in box) price 1/6. Of all chemists throughout the World. I James Cockle & Co., Ltd- London.
"For Better Furniture" \ j Better Furniture Available \ I t0 A "' \ \ c outstanc^in § advantage of the Credit System—the system | popularly known as the MAPLE WAY of Furnishing—is the fact P I that it enables the people of moderate means to secure better furniture |j * than is possible when they are obliged to pay the whole cost in cash. H ™ . No matter what your circumstances or means, no matter how H 1 A moderate your income may be, our liberal terms of extended credit A v\ opens the door of comfort and happiness in your home life. ■jj JT*S €ASY TO PAY An ins P ection °* OUY Furniture will convince you that it represents I THE MAPLE WAY good ' solid value for your mone y- I* is mainly this fact—good, solid H . value given consistently all the year with our liberal I terms of extended credit, that has made THE MAPLE Auckland's n most popular FURNITURE STORE. n Come along and talk over your furnishing problem with us. You will 4 find it not so difficult after all when approached the MAPLE WAY. I S& SAtKARANGAHAPE ROAD -C/ose to GrartonfaWge
Page 12 Advertisements Column 3
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 12
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