j The New Zealand tioan anil Mercantile Agency reports:— ' At Weatfield fat stock market on Wednesday beef was penned in extra large numbers. Competition was steady, with prices fully equal to Inst report. We auote: —lustra choice oxen to 22/ per 1001b; Choice and prime oxcu, 16/ to 20' per 1001b; rough and plain oxen. 13/ to 15/ per 1001b: young cow end Jielfer beef. 13' to 10/ per , IOOIh. No extra heavy prime steers were [ienued. Heavy prime steers. £7 15/ to medium prime steers, £6 10/ to £7 I 1:2/0; lig-ht prime steers. £5 to £6 7 0; I small and unfinished steers, £3 10/ to £4 115/; extra heavy prime cows and heifers ! sold to £8, for a pen of two fatted by Mr. I George Chamberlain. Ponul Island; 9 -cows 1 from the same client averaged £7 l/t>: [heavy and medium prime cows and heifers ! £;; 18/ to £3 10/; others, £2 10/ upwards; aged and inferior cows. £1 6/ upwards: I bulls, £1 5/ to £1 17/6. Calves were I penned in average numbers and declined I in price. Rwiners, £2 10/ to £3 14/; | heavy vealers, £2 10/ to £3 13/; medium I vealers. £2 to £2 14': light vealers, £1 10/ I to £1 It}.': smaller, £1 to £1 S/; small and I fresh-dropped. 5/ to 13. Sheep were I penned in large numbers, competition being ! good t hronguou-t. prices easily being on a par with last weeks sale. Kxtra heavy I prime wethers sold to £1 12,0; heavy prime i wethers, £1 2/6 to £1 5/i medium prime I wethers, £1 0 3 to £1 2/3: light prime I wethers. 18' to £1: unfinished wethers, ! ir> 6 to 17.i1: heavy prime ewes. 17. 0 to £1 j V; medium prime ewes, 13 9 to 17/6; light J prime ewes. 18/ to 1-VO: inferior ewes. 7/ i to 11/. Ijimbs were penned in average numbers, selling at late quotations. Heavy .prime, £1 2'ti to £1 4.0: niediaui prime, 19/ to £1 2/3: light prime, IS/tt to IS/9; store lambs, best 12' to 13/, others 7/ upwards. I'igs wore penned iv average nuittbens, cnmpctiition being not so keen as the previous week, with prices easier. Choppers, £1 lo £1 13/: heavy baconers, £3 11/ to £3 10': medium bacouers, £2 IS/ to £2 19/; light and heavy porkers. £1 15/ to £2 10/; light porkers. £1 10/ to £2 s'. Store plg3 at last week's prices. Alfred Buckland and «ons, Ltd., report: Yesterday at our weekly West-field fat stock market we penned tieef to the number of Xi 2 iead. coinurising 424 steers, 10-3 cows and heifers, and Uiree bulls. These numbers were again in excess of requirements, and all classes suffered a further loolb, choice and prime 18/ to £1. ordinary and plain ]<J/ to 17. <>. prime young cow and to 13/. rough, beef 3/ to 11,. Extra heavy prime steers ranged in price from £9 to I £10. heavy prime £7 10/ to £8 15/. lighter i prime £t> to £7 ."./. light prime £3 to £3 ! 15/. small and uulinished £3 to £4 13/; heavy prime younic cows and heifers. £4 to £5 "i ; heavy cows and lighter heifers, i £3 to £3 15/. lighter £2 to £2 15/: other | cows. £1 to £1 17,6. The highest averages for steers were:—B from Mr. W. Vosper. Diugle.v I>ell. Cambridge. £9 lS.'ti: 13 from Mr. Be.n. Keid. Waeren-go, £S 15/2: 20 from Messrs. I'cr.hain Larsons Aka Aka property. £7 7/1: JS. ex road. £7 10/3; .T2, ex rail, £7 1 •': 2 from Mr. J. W. Anderson, IHaerere, £0 12/6: 7 cows! from the same consignment £3 1/1: 31 from iMessrs. Ball Bros.. Te Puke. £6 10/S: 17 ex Waikato, £0 7, t>: 8 from Mr. Jos. 'Slater, Pukekawa. £G.". ; S from Mr. Mack! Martin, Puke-ka-wa. £<> 3'; 2S from Mr. .las. Fag:ui, Ohlnewni. £6 1/7: :a from Mr. .1. C. Itol- | lestou. £0 0/4: 32 from Mr. 11. Bayly. Tlrau. £. r . IS/9: (i from Mr. \V. <J. Kay. Te Knwa, £.". 15/; '> from Mr. .1. C.umpstoue. Klokio £3 13 4: 9 from Mr. .1. .«. 'Hill. Uhinewai. £3 11/11; 23. ex coast. £3 10/1: 11 from .Mr. W. H. Ilaynes. Pneroa, £.'. 8/11: IS from Mr. 11. 1.. Bayly. Tirau. £S ll>/; f> cows from Mr. W. <". Ring. Hinuera. £3 13 : 20 cows Trom Morriusville. £3 1/7. The sheet) i>ens were well filled with a nice class of mutton, which, met with a keen sale. Last week's advanced rates were easily sustained, and in many case* exceeded. Heavy prime wethers £1 4/ to £1 e/6 (no extra heavy wefhere penned), medium to heavy prime £1 to £1 3/6. liahter prime 17'<: to 19 U lisbt and unfinished 14/ to 17/ small stores 11' to 13/ C: best heavy prime you ewes 17/6 to £1. heavy fat ewes 15/ u> 17', lighter 1,3/ to 14,.J>. other ewes '■>■' to 12/6 (2134 sbld). Morp than on average supply of lambs came forward. There was n steady dettinud. l'rime lambs were tinn, and there was also a fair inquiry for nnflnished. Best Drime £1 to £1 3T> fno heavy prime offered), lighter nrinie 17/ to 19/6. light 15/ to IS 0. unfinished 10/fi to 14/6. small stores "/ to 10/ (10T8 sold). Fat and younp calves Tvere penned in large numbers. The demaud was less keen, and values were slightly lower. Runners made from £2 5/ to £3 17/. hravy vealers £"J 5/ to £2 IS', medium £1 13' to £2 I.'. light IS/ to £1 7,' M. small and fresh-dropped 4/ to 12/6 flo!) sold). Pigs came forward in extra large numbers. There was ii steady demand throughout for all classes, but vfilues were easier Ulan last week. Choppers £1 12"f> to £3. heavy baconers £3 3/ to £3 19 medium baconers £2 19/ to £.°. 3/; heavy porkers to lleht baconers £2 10/ to £2 IS.'. lisrrit to mciUmn porkers £1 IS' to £2 B. unfinished norkers £1 10/ to £1 18/: stores £1 to £1 S,. sits 14 to' 17 c, weaners <J' to 11/6 (COG soldi.. Dalsety and Co. repor- tts ro.iows: — Keef.—A large yarding. Prices -n-ero unchiinged IJ-om last week. We quote: Light prime ox and heifer up to 22/ per 1001b. prime ox 18/ to 20-. plain 13/ to 17/, prime cow 15/ to 16, . aged doivn to 10/. Sheep.—A medium yarding. Prices were on a par with last week. Heavy prime up to 27. Drimo 22-' to 24/. medium 18/ to 20/. unfinished Iβ,' to 17/: extra prime ewes up to £1, prime 16/ to 17/. light down to 12. Calves.—An average yarding. Prices were eaßier for heavy vealprs. Llphf prime sold np to late rates. Best mnde up to £3. ordinary 30/ to £2. smaller tlown to £1. fresh dropped 5/ to 0/. Pigs. — A heavy yarding. Tribes were considerably easier. !Heavv baconers, £3 to £3 13/. light £2 2 to£2 13/: choppers up to £2 10/: porkers. £1 10 to £2 10/. Lambs.—A moderate yarding. Prices were ud to late rates. Best nt> to 24/ liitht 14/ to 17/. others down to 11 '. ADDIXGTON. (.By Telegraph.—Press Association. ) CHHISTCHURCH. Wednesday. At the Addingtou market to-day there was again a very heavy yarding of sheep. particularly. Pat iambs improved in value by 2/ per head. Armours operated ami secured a proportion. Fat sheep also met a slightly better sale, but fat cattle were again a drug on the market. Store Sheep.—Another very large yarding. Although hardly as keen as last week. there was a free sale. Forward rape lambs 15/ to lti/9, good 13/ to 14/9, medium 10/ to 12/!). small 7/9 to !>/!), cull 4/9 to 7/6; good two-tooth crossbred ewes 20/ to 30/6 ordinary IS/B to 28/6. inferior 13/6 to 16/; good crossbred, four, six, and eight-tooth ewes, 22/ to 24/; good crossbred 18/6 to 22/ ordinary 16/6 to IS/:'., inferior 11/ to liJ/0 rape 7/11. cull 2/ to (i/: forward four and six-tooth wethers 19/ to 20/7, ordinary 14/9 to It!/: two-tooth wethers, 13/6 to 18/ Kat Lambs.—f)2U2 were penned. A sharp advance in values was recorded, which averaged/ Sfd to B}d. Kxtra prime lambs 27/3 to 31/9. prime 24/ to 27/. medium -1/ to 23/9. light and unfinished 17/ to 20/9 Fat Sheep.—A large yarding, of which 73 per cent were ewes. Kxtra priino wethers JG/6 to 31/10. prime L'2/e to 23/<>. medium 19/6 to 22/3, inferior Hi/6 to 19/; extra prime ewes 'IV. prime 18/ to 21/. medium 14/6 to 17/6, light 12/ to 34/3. Fat Cattle. —A weak sale. Extra prime steers £14 ."./, prime £S 15/ to £12 7,1, roedinm -Eβ 13/ to fS 12/0. light £3 to £6 12/6: extra prime heifers £8 ]2/fS. prime £.-> to £7 13/ ordinary £2 12/6 to £4 13/; prime cows £4 17/6 to £7 17/6, ordinary cows £2 5/ to £4 12/ C. ' Vealers.—Anything good sold well at late rates. Kunners. £5 12/6: good vealers £3 15/ to £4 10/. medium £1 15/ to £2 r>/; small calves 4/ and upwards. Store Cattle. —A larger entry and a better deniaud than for some time past Two-year-old steers £2 5/ to £2 10/. yearling £1 3, to £1 10/: two-year-old heifers" £4 10/ yearling and IS-iuonths £2 to £3: medium cows £1 10/ to £2. inferior 10/ to 20' Dairy Cattle.—Prices were about equal tn late rates. Second and third calvors close to calving. £9 to £15; springing heifers £U to £14; cows in milk. £3 to £9. Fat Piss.—A good demand. Baconers improved in price, but porkers were aboui. tne same. Choppers. £3 to £» 10/: light bacouers £3 10/ to £4 5/. heavy £4 10/ to £3 .V; average price per lb 6Jd to 7d; light porkers 47/ to 52/, heavy 33/ to 60/- avense price per lb. Sd to B}d. " ' Store Pigs.—A fair demand. Medium stores 20/ to :»/. smal i ]s/ to aJ/ . „ weaners 7/6 to 10/. small 4/ to 7. WAIEATQ SALES. ■ The Fanners' Co-op. Auctioneering Co.. Ltd., report: — At Hamilton, on Tuesday we ha'i an average yarding of all classes of stock anil a complete flnd satisfactory clearance. ' Fat i atrle improved niijrhtly, competition brisk to the conclusion. Steers mail? to ~ V, medi-Tin quality £5 3/ to £3 15/, light ana Improved £4 26 to £t 12 (5. Cows made to £S I"', this for a woll-nnlshed maiden heller. Ordinary cow beef realised from
£3 to £i IS/. Forward st*ere re»chc« £4 15/: others from £4 IV. Grown steers in store <x>ndltion were hard *o quit, values ranging from £2 IS/ to £3 8/; rough quality, 37/ to £2 2/. P'resh-«.oadltioned cows ran from £1 11' to £2. stores from 17/6 to £1 2/6. Heifers in calf, somewhat small aad inferior, sow from £3 10/ to £3 17/6: 18----raonths steers sold under strong competition hi considerable advance on recent valuesCalves also showed a marked improveme-nt. heifeiw selline from £1 to £1 15/. for medium quality steers from IS/ to £1 1/: small veal calves, £1 7/. Competition for sheep was brisk throughout, and practically the whole entry changed bands. TCethers n--a.de fi-um T2/Vi to -3/0 for vrell-fluishee •weights, lighter sorts from 13/: cwtbs from 13/9" to i.ye: forward wethere. IG/10: small faf lambs. 15/3. Store lambs were in good demand and sold readily, the best making from 10/ to 12/11. Fnt pigs were penned in average number?, and were better value than "last week, competition being steadier from a larger gathering of buyers. .Store ■pigs slso Improved, everything yarded findporkers to light bar-oners £2 10/ to £3 3A light and medium porker* £X Its/ to £3 8/, forward stores £1 10/ to £1 IS/, slips W t° £1 5/i best weaners 8/ to 15/, smaller sorts 2/ to 7.
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Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 82, 6 April 1922, Page 8
Word Count
1,959WESFIELD FAT STOCK Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 82, 6 April 1922, Page 8
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