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SITUATIONS VACANT. j A UCKLAND General Labourers* Union. — •**■ Wanted, 17 Labourers. —Labourers' Bureau, Labourers' Union, Trades Hall. 610 BLACKSMITH, general, "wanted.— W. Wilson. Ltd., Federal St. _S>7 BO D V M A X E It. Wanted Single Man, who can make wheels and well up In repairs.—Apply, stating wages, etc.. to J. F. LAMBERT, Motor Works. Helensville. D 4 BOOT Trade. —Benchman for pegged work ivanted at ouce.—lo, Ruskiu St., Palnell. Phone 920 A. 553 BOY, smart, wanted.—A. Kohn, Jeweller, : 17S. Queen St. 171 OY, abouF""*lo, wanted. —W. J. Colgan, , Grocer. Queen St, __C 3 I "DOY, strong, wanted for factory.—KenAJ derdiue and Kirkup, Ltd., Sale St. 383 B - OY wanted for Machine Room. —Apply Manager Jobbing Department "Star" Office. D 4 BOY wanted for the Binding Department. 20/ per xveek.—Abel Dykes, Ltd., Shortland St. 233 BOY wauted to learu brushmaking trade. F. Croshy aud Sous, 317, Queen St. I Phone 1170. 40 "DOY, smart, wanted for warehouse.—The \AJ New Zealand Saddlery Co., Ltd., 304. I Hobson St. 2__s "DOYS for Factory—Browne Bros, and A-* Geddes. Ltd.. .M-uufacturlug Confectioners. Nexvmarket. 231 "OOY, strong, wanted; good wages.—Gee \AJ and Potter. Coach and Motor Builders, j I/orne and Rutland Sts. 66 T>OY wanted to learn vulcanising; good AJ wages.—T. Falrhurst, "i 2, Excelsior Buildings, Customs St. K. 329 DOV wanted for shoe shine: wanes £I.— AJ Jackson Bros., Hairdressers and Tobacconists. Smeeton's Bldgs. 164 I "DOY, smart, wanted, for electrical ware\AJ house; good prospects.—Apply In writing, with references. Electric. 504. STAR 12
"DOY Feeder for platen printing machine, AJ ;rood wapes: nlso Boy for messages, bicycle provided.—Alpe Bros., Commerce St. 574 T>OY WANTED AS APPRENTICE, Plnno- -*-* forte IBuslness; tuning and repairs; most be respectable nnd intelligent.—Application to be made to Mr. iH, Slmmonds, Accountant, Endean's Bldgs., Queen St. 639 "ROY, SMART. WANTED FOR OUR AJ FANCY DEPT. Good wages and prospects to suitable applicant.—Apply, xvith references, to A. J. ENTRICAN AND CO , LTD., Customs St., Tuesday afternoon. 209 "ROY WANTED TO LEARN THE AJ TRADE; £1 week to start: splendid opportunity for suitable Iad.—KEAN'S MOTOR PAINTING GARAGE, Manukau Road. Newmarket. 592 TJOY WANTED. FOR LARGE OFFICE. ■*■* Good Opening for lad leaving school. ACCOUNTS, fill. STAR. E3 "DREAD Baker wanted.—Apply McGregor AJ nnd Montgomery, Devonport. 599 "RRICKLAYER; xvages 3/ hour to good AJ man—Craig P.ros., Weilesley St. West 43 "ORO-—LAY-BBS wanted, also a Labourer. XJ Highest wages. — Apply Bryan's Stables. Three Lamps. __2 "RUTCHER. good general hand, wanted.—----AJ Manager, Auckland Meat Co., Wakefield St. 019 "D'CTCHER—Wanted, good Man, for the AJ trade.—Fearon Bros., 64, Ponsonby Rd. 503 UTCHER.—Wantexi" a" good Counter n.ind: Rood xvnees to right man.— Apply D. Reid. Weilesley St. 210 BUTCFTE-R, sood all round, wanted; highest wages paid: single man pref.— Qnlckendcn 8r06., Kahotu. Taranakl. 90 BLACKSMITH wanted for Sawmill; must he good shoer.—Apply Box 12. Raetlhl; _____________________ Timber Co. _____=» C~ ARPENTERS wanted. —W. Morrison, 18, Lichfield Rd., Parnell or Phone 3765. ____7 a«.RPENTERS nnd Bricklayers for John Burns' job. Stanley St.—C. F. Bamnn and Sons. ' 51" C-tA It P ENTERS wanted; 2/9 per hour.— > Apply on job, Te Roti, No. 6, Orakel Rd., Remuera. — CARPENTERS.— Two Good Men wanted; top wage*.—Apply on job, Alexander Aye.. Mt. Albert. 119 CARPENTERS wanted for Epsom; top wages, good men.—Knight, Mt. Eden Rd.. near Store, past Terminus. 158 ARPENTER - (rougiiT wanted, to erect shed nt Balmoral. Takapuna: material found.—lo3. Gt. South Rd„ Remuera. 231 CARPENTERS (21 wanted: wages 2/0, good men.—Apply evenings. Isaac Hitches. Llsnoe Aye., off Dominion Rd. 108 CARPENTERS nnd Labourers wanted, toxvn and country work: good wages, cood men.—W. Philcox nnd Sons, Victoria Arcade. 377
CHEMIST Apprentice.—Wanted a smart, well-educated Tooth for above position: good prospects.— M. Eccles. M.P.S.. Dispensing Chemist. 21S, Ponsonhy_Rd. 620 APPLICATIONS, to be made on P.S.C. Form 17a, obtainable at principal Post Oltlces, will lie received up to Noon for the following position :— Tourist and Health Resorts Department. Closing on November 8, 1920. SECOND SHIFT ENGINEER, OKERE. General Division. Salary £285 petannum : maximum £:tOS; less £22 per annum for rent of cottage. Further particulars may be obtained on application. A. C. TURNBUI.L. Secretary, 514 Public Service Commissioner. A UCKLAND RACING CLUB'S SPRING -"-*- MEETING. WANTED FOR GRANDSTAND ENCLOSURE ONLY: FIRST-CLASS WAITRESSES. COOKS, TANTRY AND GENERAL HANDS. ONLY FIRST-CLASS HANDS REQUIRED. WAITRESSES, 15/ PER DAY. Xpply on THURSDAY. October 2S, between 12 noon and 5 p.m., to JOHN SINCLAIR, CATERING CONTRACTOR. At J. Jones, Auctioneer. New City Markets. JOHN SINCLAIR. Claude Road, Epsom. Phone ISfi4. ">"8 AUCKLAND EDUCATION BOARD. Applications, on printed forms, xvill be received until 5 p.m. on THURSDAY, 2Sth October. 1020. for any of the undernamed c.j.polntments:— HEADMASTER—POINT CHEVALIER. Salary (old scale), £380 to £410. Sixroomed residence provided. Last Quarter's average. 457. Also FEMALE ASSISTANT at the NORMAL SCHOOL to take charge of the JUNIOR MODEL SCHOOL, containing Classes P to 5.2 (about 30 children), and to train Students in this xvork. Salary (new Scale), _140 to £270, pins grading increment. (This being a special appointment, the applicant whose name stands the highest on the graded list of teachers will not necessarily be appointed.) 594 BAY OF PLENTY DAIRY ASSOCIATION. Wanted, for Butter Factory— ASSISTANT (Single) Also. STRONG YOUTH. Union Wages. Apply MANAGER. TE TUKE. 544 BOYS WANTED, 14 TO ie __ARS OF AGE. TO PACK TUCKER'S, SPECIALTIES. £1 Per Week to Start, with Quick Ri-es to Willing Workers. W. F. TUCKER AND CO., Manufacturers Raking Powder, Jelly Crystals, etc., Severn Street, Khyber Pass, D 4
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 1
Word Count
900Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 1
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