| SITUATIONS VACANT. for office, experience unnecessary,' v -" good wages, just left school. —Clean Towel Supply. 66, Federal St. 209 IMPROVERS and Apprentices, good, •*- wanted urgently: good wages.—Madame Lorraine, 482, Queen St. 21 T—I'PROV'ER, experienced, to dressmaking A- wanted; good wages,—Miss Irving, 217, Karangahape „d. "Phono 2674 A. 79 TRONERS (2), respectable, and Girl for X shop; good wages.—Manager, Auckland Laundry Co., Upper Queen St. 563 T ADY, young, us Probntloner Nurse, priAJ vate hospital: experience not nccessurv. Address at STAR. 359 LADY, young, experienced, for shop.— Shoebrlilge Bros., Rakers, 41, llreat North Rd.. Grey Lynn. .V.D T ADY, capable Operator nnd Retoucher, \AJ good business ability, can take charge. State experience, salary, Adou, 044, STAR. 261 "VTACHINIST. competent, wanted ; one aaX used to large platen preferred.— Watson and Eyre, Printers, Palmerston North. 111 MILLINERY.— Smart Improvers wanted; also Apprentice with some experience. Mrs. Southworth, "La Paris," just below G.P.O. 109 mAILORESS.—Trouser. Vest Hand, flrstX class, requires work in own home. — Vest. 607. STAR. 225 T~ AI-ORESS.—Trousers n"nd Wst Hand •wanted.—At The Little Tailor Shop. Victoria St. East. 479 rr\A lLOßESSES—Coatmaker wanted: must -*- be competent on bidics" nnd gent's coats. City trade. £4.—Tailor 645, «TAR. 202 for Tfamllton. 2 A- Good Trouser and Vest lland3; 12/ job, constant.—Apply between 12.30 and 1.30 p.m.. J. Hodgson. Victoria St. 224 TTJOMAN wanted To "do~"plain sewing, one ' ' week or more—ls. Sentinel Rd., Ponsophy. Telephone 3?28 (2 rings). 103 T E a A L WANTED, EXPERIENCED SHORTHAND TYPISTE. Apply PARR. BLOMFIELD AND ALEXANDER, Solicitors, SSO Shortland Street. if A N G O N U I HOSPITAL. MATRON WANTED. Applications. oddre«sed to the undersigned, are invited for tbe position of MATRON of the Mancnnnl District Hospital. Salary £200. rising to £2.W. Anpllennts mxist possess General nnd Midwifery lertlflcntes and be State registered, to Ftnte previous experience, nnd earliest date able to commence duties, and forward not more than two testimonials. C. MoKINNON, Secretary Hospital Board.
Box 57, Kaitala. _570 T»TILLINIBR, GOOD, (WITH SOTOWIROQM AAA- ;SALES -EX PER HE NO-, Wanted for the Bay of Plenty District. Liberal Salary. Apply. MACKY. TDG-VN. CALDWELL LTD.. .Elliott Street, Auckland. 459 Tlf ILLINER, CAPABLE, *" A TO TAKE CHARGE OF CHILDREN'S MILLINERY WORKROOM. Apply JOHN COURT. LTD.. 352 Queen Street,. SARCOOD-3 UNDERCLOTHING FACTORY. 154, HOBSON STREET. WANTED. EXPERIENCED BLOUSE AND rXPRIK'iOTIIING MACHINISTS. Also. APPRENTICES. 569 CJTCRAW HAT MACHINISTS. WANTED, EXPERIENCED MACHINISTS, Also. IMPROVERS AND BEGINNERS. High Wages. Ideal Conditions. New, light, airy workroom**. Morning tea. No Saturday work. Trade thoroughly Taught. Apply on Saturday Morning, between 9 and Q2 o'clock; also, any day next xveek,
except Monday. SOMERSET AND CO.. Warehousemen, No. 27, Nugent Street. Second street on right down Khyber Pass from top of Symonds Street. 11l rp O DRESSMAKERS. WANTED, A CAPABLE WORKING FOREWOMAN FOR OUR PRINCIPAL DRESSMAKING DEPARTMENT. MR. JAMIESON, MILNE AND CHOY'CE, LTD. 340 TTT ANT ED. FOR HIGH-CLASS MILLINERYESTABLISHMENT, FIRST-CLASS MILLINER, TO TAKE CHARGE OP WORKROOM. Apply In first instance to MILLINER, 602 BON 193, G.r.O. TTTANTED IMMEDIATELY, For nigh-Class "Chart and Ready for Service" Clothing Manufacture: EXPERIENCED COAT MACHINISTS, ■EXPERIENCED VEST MACHINISTS. EXPERIENCED TROUSER MACHINISTS, ■XPERIENCED BiREECHES MACHINISTS. Guaranteed Wage, £3 3/ weekly. Substantial Bonus earned on output. Applications Invited from Ladies who nave had Experience on Treadle or Power Machines. If you want to Earn the Highest Wages Paid in the Trade we can find you the Job. Our Workrooms are the most comfortable and healthy In New Zealand. Apply to MR. GEO. GOODWIN, 'MACKY, LOGAN, CALDWELL, LTD., Newmarket. • 158