Practical Gardening.
Correspondents toil! gnxitly oblige by observing the foltowing roles in tending questions for publication in these columns: — '/. letters should be addressed Garden Editor "Star" Office Auckland 3. Write one one side of the paper, and make all communications an cone-., as possible 3 Flowers, etc, sent for naming must be sent separately and, if possible, packed in a tin or wooden box — cardboard boxes arc very liable to be broken in transit and tltc content* damaged. -j. The full name and address of the sender must atioays be semi, but • Koro dc plume or initial may be given for publication.
* THE WEEK'S WORK. * 3* THE FLOWER GARDEN. ± The nlantinp of annuals of all sorts should be continued. * 'M Prepare Dahlia and Chrysanthemum beds. * * Beds and borders should have the hoe put through them to break the surface. * =fc Stake and tie any tall subjects, such as Delphiniums. * * Border Carnations which are throwing up flower spikes should be staked * X and disbudded, but not to the same extont as Perpetuals. '% T Roses should bo disbudded, and keep a sharp look out for aphis. Spray at If. X once If any is seen. £ X A dressing of a concentrated artificial manure or a good watering with X X liquid manure will help the Roses. *f : I Sweet Peas now showing bloom require attention by training and removing # A surplus growths, etc. X THE VEGETABLE GARDEN. * jjj Hurry on Potato planting. Spray and earth un any crops that ere ready. T Sow Pumpkins, Pie Melons, Cucumbers, Rock and Water Melons. . jjj T Tomato planting should bo done as plants are available. Good strong sturdy *T T plants are best, evon if somewhat small. "1 J Sow American Swoel Corn. This makes a good vogotabte and Is easily grown. jr. y_ Keep on sowing and planting Lettuces, Radishes, and other salads, so as X X to keep up the successions! supply. '■{■ ■j. Tall varieties of Peas require staking. . X. * Sow and plant Runner and Dwarf Beans. Runner Beans will transplant if ij: x carefully lifted and watered. ■>. yfi Keep the Onion crop clean and the surface loose by booing. # * *
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 20
Word Count
Practical Gardening.
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 254, 23 October 1920, Page 20
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