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THE MARKETS AT A GLANCI BUSINESS SATISFACTORY. "Auckland Star" 'Office. Thursday. September 23. IP2<>. Business on first of month acrount now provtrliug a busy period for the wliol pnle. while retailers report business vei mtlefai-tory. The must fentu iv i-uunoc'tion «ith the trade this week h: been the welcome news that the susri works hare twinied operations, alihouf ii nill pmbubly ho another week hefo leltliwl i.~ OVHlable t.i local Mor kcf|i.T-, .is the rii>t uut|ini i> poii Soiiili. where the position lias be( ►FV.-rel.v aditr, while Auckland hns fe little nf Ilic Inconvenience '-nused 1 ifenatinu »f work at the refinery. An i ilma'tlon ha* bren weireri by wholesale th.n Auckland llns hp-n receivin- more ih< a f.iir >har.. In the pn»l i>l IA. unj in tt future it will lip necefsury tn take a hirci proportion of No. -' and No. 3. The most nerlnu* influence now i* v ena] .-hnrtiise. which naturally nffects a dependant Industrie*, and should uo settl niPtu lie erructcd within tlie uext few da\ commercial activities will be brnu-ht; to standstill through transport difficulties an the vessatlua of manufacture. The up list remains conspicuous, thou? lower prices show on two or three Hues Sngn and Tapioca.— Ootid business Us were reached. A large shlpmefiT la™; peeted nhout middle of November an prices should ifpiln show lower. Chewr.—Available supplies nrc rapid] hpcorulnt: lower and continue to move vi ward, alth.itlKh market value has not y been readied. A-fd* -Market* continue to sho'S 1 .,. 1 W* landliiß of citric reflects conHner.hle advance. The advice recentl rl.u f ri S ,oUlmn 'if.rriuft to prtmar « «r Irendi .Team of tartar is n ol ii'i'^hM."? , ! ,'- T " ln, " Jln « "hkb shows th mtrber level* mentioned. peenoes.—lt would not cnra e as a sui Prise ir local manufacture- shewed lii-he' as lie market shows very strong. Euklls able" advance"' be ' Ug QU ° ted at tousld<;, a l, H ni!^-7 T . he 1O " aI markt,t """• SHOW inSJtr f ?i re aud U «"»sins Uonsiderabl anijeij to those concerned New stnek "• * X T tetl shortly, but prices will fh o , more tian double last ye.irs value. tonH\e3KSP ' red " c,ion ot £1 P c flpm nß fl"f—Tbe market eontinuee t imnm. n M bißb f r CosU ale uot «i aealri o B°lcSo"s ' ° a 011 beIUE V " r tor R nm Pllt «-Mp e3, r Market bas bpen bare fo tr e end h of e, tn , e lt ,v'eV rrlVal ' S UOtifled f ° hJt La ii nt iMT Th ? se . co " tinu e unprocuraible «n»Jt « of Indlan - via London, 1 expected in the near future cd r on ee ~ A T, a " lucr eaee has or ™™ on one packing: others do not ye reflect the advance on tobacco tn MiF d K wa r e — Buslnesa continues activ .nit! ln ra th» thoUgl, shn Ttages eontlnu g SfToaf CSS. -S3X aS verse rate of exchange makes.landings high POTATOES LOW IN PKICE. « h h e r lc>Ca, . marl£et is well supplied wit Southern potatoes, and there does not seen '" H? mu . ch chance of any change in th position from now on. It is now too lat V 5^ Ct u any beav ? shi P»Jent to be mad firfti. eVen " lt l" e^b "g<> Is lifted i, t.. s\. c recent heav - v frosts harm; cheek-ed the early potatoes in the Aucklnm district It is considered likely that supplie of old Southerns will be required for tht market until the end of October. The ncr local crop should by that time keep tbi market going. Already some new potatoe are being shown In greengrocers , windows ■bnt the price aeked Is not likely to causi free sales, particularly when old Sonthen are selling at such low figures. The frost: were not an unmlied evil, as, so far, then bas not been any sign of blight this seasoi in Auckland district. SEED POTATOES. A good demand is reported for sect potatoes, and it would seem if a fail area is being planted in Auckland district. OXIONS. A very firm market exists for onions, due to the shortage of stocks locally. Importations from Australia now require to be taken into store and repicked. whici Increases the ultimate cost to the consumer. The market in Sydney advanced £fc per ton recently for onions, and that rise has been reflected on the local market. A small shipment of onions came for the local market by the Maheno, and these, after being replcked, afc quoted at 36/ to 38/ pei cwt ex store. ..Supplies or Californian onions are not eibeeted to reach Auckland for acoLher month, and this lot has already been sold abead. 'Prices for onions are «urc to remain el a liljrii level until the end of the year, when the local crop will be ready for market. MAIZE MARKET FIRM. Arrirals of maize haTe been li?ht since fci«t report, consequently the local market continues very ttrm at late rates. Stocks held locally are light this week. It Is not expf>cte<J tliere will be any further lots of maize from Kiji, as supplies down there are reported to be about exhansted. Orowers on the East (*oa*t fully realise the position, and nre firm in their demand for good prices. Quite a considerable quantity of maize has been shipped to-the South Island, both from the (.'oast and Auckland, in addition to which it is understood that fairly large parcPls of maize from Melbourne have been iuiporteir to Wellington and shipped South, aji indication of the great scarcity of fowl wheat. OATS. While the market for oats in the Soutu is reported to nave firmed, this has not yet had much effect on price* here, as fairly heavy stocks are held at lower figures. Another reason why the price has not advanced in sympathy with !~outheru rates Is that locally the consumption is very small for this time of the year. SEEET OATS. The demand locally for seed oats is now about over, and it Is feared that a muci. le*s area hps gone under this grain in Auckland district this season. This in to be rezretted. as chaff bas proved a payable crop for the last year or two. CHA'PF FIKMER. TL.- market for chaff is reported firmer In tone this week. The revent large shipmen! by the "Waihora uhas now all been di-trl'Mited, and no further arrivals are expected from the Sotth -until the Ist of L'c-irrber. Blenheim merchants report aimvultv In setting space for gliipmente of [•buff for this poM. It is understood, now-over, that the Flora will bring further juantltle» of chaff. That prices are likely to hold arm may be gathered from the fact that thp price has firmed In Canterbury, and Blenheim merchants will not ion--quote lines for forward delivery. HAT. The recent heavy fronts, and continued sold, showery weather- has checked the jrowth of pasture, and in consequence hay ins been more in demand, and late prices ire well maintained. WHOLESALE CURRENT PRICES. Farm and palry Produce.—Factory buter IAI per' lb. less rebate for prompt iivjneiit i fjunners* liutter. l/~> pf*r lb ', dniry lheeee, 1/ per lb: fnetnry cheese, 1/2 per b; hanis, 1/7 per 1" net: bacon, 1/6 per b net; duck eggs 1/9, hen V per doz. rholesale. Flour, £18, less discount of 2A per cent ier ton, in 2001b sacks; .sharps, fai; Tjran, i> 5/; oatmeal, 25's, £:>3 per ton. Grain. —Odts, 0/4 per bushel, ex -store: Ugerian seed oats, !)/!> to 10/, ex store; iiaizp. 0,6 to 9/9, wholesale lines on whurf. Chaff, £15 per ton, ex store. Potatoes, £7 to £7 10/ per ton. e .t store. Onions.—Victorian, 36/ to 38/ per cwt. MANURES. The position with fepard to manures i? geler. Sfeveral parcels of superphosphates nve arrived from Australia, and arrangelents have been made for further shipients. A small parcel of basic siag came l hand by the Athenic, but unfortunately Is w> late "for using this season. Sydney onedußt is now comln; to hand more reelr, but the price is still high. -Further applies are expected by a -steamer from nlcutta. COTTOX PRICES IN AMERICA. , ■Messrs. iilalller and Quereau report:— here bas been a great Improvement in the .nving conditions'of cotton in the South, • that It is bow estimated the trop will tceed 12,000,000 bales, or an increase or ore than 1,000,000 bale? above the report month ago. This. Is the result of eiceponall.r fine weather, and the growing plant sing 'in the best of condition. The outoli for a larper crop has not nfTected •ires verj much, although .some ■Iγ- Hues ire' taken place in future deliveries. t>rt,on Roods are very dull, lint the niannicturere do not yet seem inclined to make <T material redaction In prices.

ON 'CHANGE. ' r.usines= ie still dull on 'Change, ac there appears to be a dearth of buyers 5-net new. I nankins shares are uot In mneh request, ivith the exoeption that Union of Australia . are wanted at 14/. National Insnranre ;, hnve ni-nied a little, being now wanted nt £3 14/.—Xew Zealands sold at £1 9/6 and K.,utb British are wanted at £9 14/6. Loan and Meroantiles sold at £104, and eonld be -till plaoed at £102. Hiknrangi Coal are -.< shade firmer, being wanted at 14/. P. and <>. Deferred Stock sold at £480 during the week, at which rate more are wanted. In mining shares a little attention has been paid to Hauraki Mines, owing to olb of s picked stone having been got from Legge'e ; reef duriue the week. Paid shares sold ; yesterday dt ti 6. and contributing issue J are wanted at 2fi. Hanraki Reefe firmed sligiuly in sympathy. TalUmans were a. •J little better, being sold at 7/. v " c WESTTIEIJ) FAT STOCK. f Tup Xew Zealand Loan and Mercantile t Agency, Ltd.. report:— y j At Westfleld-fat strxjj market on Wednes- ;. day licet was penned in average numbers t land sold under keen competition, advancing ai In prices on late quotations. Choice oxen c i sold En •?. :!/ per 10!)lb. prime oxen £2 16/ r to ia 2/ per l&OlTi, rough and Inferior oxen I£2 7/ to £2 14 • per lOOlh; cow and heifer , beef sold ni from £2 7/ to £2 16/ per 1001b. 1 No extra hc%vyweight rattle were penned. , ! Steers sold at from, for best, £10 15/ to „ ! £-'4 17/tt, others £14 10/ to £10 12/G: small j i and unfinished,'£S to £14 7/0: cows and 2 heifers sold at from £S to £17 2/6. Some iof the averages were:—S steers from Mr. \ .Ino. MeGowan. Wainku. £23 2/6: 12 steers' from Mr. K. Fiulayaon. Maniirewa, £20 5/; 7 steers from Jlr. J. B. Jordan, Kaukapa- " kapa. £l!i 13/: 2 steers from Mr. E. GPandell, Mornini.side. £10 18/B: 56 steers ■ ; from Mr. Wm. Paterson, Motiti Island, - 1 I £lrt 5 'ti: :s steers from Messrs. Walters ' Bros., Vapaknra, £17 16/4; 9 oows from Mr. ■' N. K. Taylor. Tnupiri. £15 5/9: 3 cows from - i Mr. V.. r,. Sandell, Morningside, £16; 2 ' steers from Mr. Ily, Brown. Panmure, £1» il2 t>. Caives were penned to average num- • j bers. and sold at advanced prices on last i'week's quotations: Rnunersi, £8 15/ to £12 f ;in/: vealers. heavy £f> 5/ to £7 15/, medium • i £. r > to £6 4/, lishit £3 5/ to £4 !»/, emaller ' . £2 1/ t»> £3 4': small and fresh-dropped, also ? I improved, selling at from S/ to d. Sheep I were penned in large numbers, and sold fit - ilate quotations. No ertra heavy prime . i sheep were penned. Wethers, heavy prime il£2 «/ to £2 S r>. medium prime £2 8/ to -j £2 3.(1. linht prime £1 19/6 -to £2 2/0, email land unfinished £1 16/ to £1 19/3: ewes, j I heavy prime. £2 »to £2 7/, medium prime . £1 188 to £1 li>/!>, light prime £1 14/ to i £1 16 ti. inferior and small £1 3/ upwards. - ; Honsets were penned in arerase numbers, I .selling at late quotations: Heavy prime • ,£1 17/3 to £> l '6. medium fl 14/9 to £1 17/. IHisht £1 12/3 to £1 14/6. small and unfinished >;£1 S-β to £1 12/, Pigs, penned In large i ' numbers, showed no improvement in price. ■ j last week's quotations hardly being su«- ---| stained: Choppers. £7 15/ to £8 11/: • j haconcrs, heavy £7 4/ to £7 14/, medium •! £0 15/ to £T a; porkers, heflvy £3 18/ to £6 12/. medium f4 10 / to £3 17/. lignt £3 18/ to I£4 IS/, smaller £2 .18/ to £3 16/; slips, £2 4/ i to, £2 17/: weaners, £1 10/ to £2,3/. : Messrs. Alfred Bnckland and Sods report: Yesterday at our weekly Weetßeld fat 1 i stock market our beef pens contained 233 i I head, comprising 158 steers, 75 cow*. 4 heifers and 2 bulls. There was a keen de- . ' mand throughout, with ralnes firmer for . , all classes. Ox, extra choice, £3 3/, choice and prime £2 18/ to £3 1/, ordinary and plain £2 10/ to £2 14/: rou?h beef £1 : 16/ to £2 2,'; cow and heifer, £2 5/ to-£2 I 16' per 1001b: steers ranged in price from i ! £23 15/ to £80 15/. for heavy prime. . The i latter price for a very choice 31-year-old > I steer from the Waikato. Lighter prime . I steers £19 10/ to £25, light prime £16 to .! £19. unfinished £12 to £13: heavy prime 1 cows and heifers £10- to £2." 5/: for a barren heifer from Mr. E. Potts, Pekanui, Pirongia. Lighter prime. £12 10/ to *15: other cogre, I£6 10/ to £12. The highest averages Tor ! steers were: 8 from Mr. W. Scholium, lEnreka. £24 0/4; S from the Waikato, £24 ; ;2/10: 10 from Mr. Geo. Liddell'n St. ! Heller's Bay property. £23; 7 from Ml , . F. I Potts, Pekanui. Pirongla, £22 13/11: 9 from 3lt. W. W. Dickie, Walton, £21 2/; S from Mr. Jae. Tartar, Cambridge. £13 19/; 15 from the North. £18 10/10; 20 from Messrs. Death Bros., WaJtakarnm, £18 9'; 11 from Mr. Jnr.. I Matheson. Papakura. £18 8/2; 0 from Mr. I W. L. Orr, Papatoetoe, £15 10/3: 12 ex rail. i£l3 15/. Sheep came forward in extra I large numbers, and included a big proportion of unfinished. The" demand was less keen, and except In cases of prime mutton, values were slightly easier. Extra heavy prime wethers, £2 7/6 to £2 Oβ from the coast averaged £2 9/. A small lot of extra special wethers from Mr. .Tames Taylor, Bardowie, Cambridge, made £2 16/. Heavy prime wethers £2 4/ to £2 6/0, medium to heavy prime £1 19/ to £2 :V6, lighter prime £1 15' to £1 IS/, unfinished £1 13/ to £1 14/0; heavy prime ewes, £1 16/6 to £1 18/6. A few odd ewee sold up to £2 7/; medium fat ewes £1 13/ to £1 15/. other ewes £1 7/ to £1 12/6; hogcefcs. £1 11/ to £118/6 (225G penned). Spring lambs, the first of the season from 'Mr. John Dreadon, Manurewa, and Mr. Fred Mr. Drea'don's four made from £2 1 ' to £2 «/, averaging £2 4/1, and Mr. Stephens' six averaged £2 0/4. These figures are 7/ was also a record (10 sold)." Fat and young calves came forward la large numbers. competition being keen and values, improved ou last week's advanced rates. Runners from £9 to £14 17/, for a choice eteer from ' Mr. George W. Cox. Mangere. Heavy vealere, £6 to £7 l*y, medium £4 9/ to £5 17/. light £3 to £3 19/, small £1 5/ to £2 IS/, fresh, dropped 8/ to £1 1/ (216). Pigs were yarded in large numbers. There was a steady demand, and values for fnt pigs were eqnal to last report. Good store pigs sold under keen competition at late quotations, but weaners were lower. Choppers. £0 10/ to £9 x>l; heavy bacouern, £8 2/ to £i> 15/; medium baconers, £7 7/6 to £S: Csht baconers, £6 15/ to £7 6/; heavy porkers £3 10/ to £0 10/: medium porkere. £4 15' to £5 7/G: light porkers, £3 to £4 G '• good stores. £3 5/ to £4; good weaners. £1 10/ to £2 2/; small weaners, 19/ to £1 9/ (sold 367). Dalgety and Co., Ltd,, report:—We held our fat stock sale at Westfield yesterday as follows: — Beef. —A moderate yarding. Prices were very firm, being better than the previous week. Extra ox. £3 3/, prune £3 to £2 15/. second quality £2 10/ to £2 o/: cow. extra £2 13/, prime £2 12/6 to £2 10/, others £2 5/ to £2 Sheep. —A bis yardinz; mostly unfinished slieep. .Prices hardly so good. Extra wether. £2 8/, prime £2 5/ to £2, others 3S/ to 33/; prime ewes, 37/ Cto 32/, others 30/ to 24/. " I Calves. —Good yarding, with a keen demand. Runners, £!• 10/ to £7 10/; vealers, _ £5 10/ to £3 10/: others, SO/ to 10/. Pigs.—pah- yarding. Prices about the same as last week. Baconers. £9 13/ to £7 10 <: choppers. £7 10/ to £6: porkers, £3 10/ to £4 10/; stores, £3 5/ to 23/. On Friday we held a successful clearing sale on' account of Mr. R. Mayhead. of Whangarata. There was a large attendance. The stock submitted consisted for the most iraft of pedigree Shorthorns, which met with a ready sale. The following were the principal sales: —Cows: Dilworth Bonnie. 51~n5., to J. Glasgow, Tuakau; Inglewood Fancy, 3Sgns.. to O. G. Erewster, Pukekawa- Inglewood Spark. Signs., to O. G. Brewster Pukekawa: Dilworth Favourite, ■>7-n5 .toA. P. Home, Buckland. P.B. bull, rising 3yrs...7osrns., S. Hamilton. Pukekohe East. Heifer calf, dam Dilworth Favourite "Signs.. A. P. Home; neifer calf, dam Dilworth Bonnie, 40gns., 0. G. Brewster. ADil>lN<J'ro>r. CHRrSTCHUiRCJH. .Wednesday. There were small yarilings at the Addington -weekly stock market, with the exception of store cattle, whith showed an inCr ßiddins was keen for store s.heep. Sound and failing-mouth ewes, in lamb, made to •:o/3- sound and failins-mouth eiwe.3. all counted 18/1: inferior six* and eigbl-tooth ewes. In lamb. , 25/7: mixed sex hoggets, J4 1 to 2J/G' good half-ttred wether hogjrets. 33/3: ewe hoggets, 32/6; two-tooth wethers, 32.f11: four and six-tooth wePhers ° The sale for fut sheep commenced briskly, but eased towards the finish. The sale throughout showed an increase of from-a/o to 2 6 per head. .Extra prime wethers made 34' to 7J-/B, prime 43/6 to 53/6, medium .Tfl to 43/. lipnt and unfinished :)l/4 to 38/6; extra prime ewes to 60/. prime 40-' to 43/. medium 31/ to 38/, tight and inferior 27/ to 30/: hoggets, 2S/ to 38/. A total of 218 head o-r fat cattle was penned, compared with 300 last week. Extra prime steers made £H to £36, prMne £27 to £;S2 13/, medium £19 to £24J 10/, lififrt md unfinished £13 to £17 10/; extra prime aeifers £24 10/. prime £17 to £19 15/. ordinary £13 to £16 10/. light and unfinished 310 to £12 10/: prime "cows £17 10/ to £22. jrdinary £Wo/ to £17, light and inferior ElO to £13 3/. In vealers. runners made £10 3/. good reaiers to £5 ."»/. medium calves to £4 10/, nferior caives i£2 7/G. The demand for dairy catde was not ceen. Good third caLvers made to £18 10': ■prlngirie heifers to fl4 10/, inferior £6 to .T 10/.

In the store cattle eection, good dry cowe made £3 to £5 10/; yearling to 18----moßth steen, <3 5/6 to f4 IS/6; two-y*ar eteers. £7 10/: IS-moo*h Heifers, £5; three and four-year-old steers, £9 13/6; bolls from £5 5/ to £H0 .10/. Choppers made £8 to £14; baeoners £7 to £8 10/, heavy £0 to £9 10/, average price per lb. 1/2 to 1/3: extra heavy baeoners to £10 10/; voTkers £4 ao/ to £3" 5/, heavy £•"» 15/ u> £6 10/, average price per Ib. 1/6 In store pigs, weaners made £1 16/ to 25/ : small stores £2 18/ to £2 16/, medium f3 to £4 J»/, large to £5 10/. ">™»"tt HIDES, TALLOW, ETC. Abraham and "Williams. Limited, report on their Tuesday sale as follows:— Hides.—Cow. 12d to 12M. medium lid to lljd. rous 1 !! 7}d -to Sd. damaged 4d to 4*d. cut 6d to 6M: ox. extra heavy Mid ■to IM. heavy 13id to 14d. medium 13id to i:«. li»ht lid to n*d. cut Bid io 9d. damaged to 7d: yearling lTftd tn lid. c-ut 5d to ">Jd. damaced 3-Jd to 4d: calf, good Mid to liijd. medium 12d to 124 d. heavy 84d ;« 10d. dama.ced '3d to 3Jd. cut €4d to "d; horse, large 15/ to 16/. small 7/6 to S/6 mertinm to 12A1 Tallmv. <-nsks. 50/: casts, test 42/6 to 45/. medium 37/6 to 40/, rou*h 30/ to 32/8 perewt: tins, tiest 35/. ordinary 30/. drvjriry nnd Ibiirnt 25/ per cwt. Bones.—Good dry. £8 10/ to £9 per ton.

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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 228, 23 September 1920, Page 9

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COMMERCIAL. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 228, 23 September 1920, Page 9

COMMERCIAL. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 228, 23 September 1920, Page 9


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