Low Spirited, Nervou* and Tired? I have cured I.nnOreds ot «=nfferprs here, riirjit in votir midst who ha r i nlmost pi**en up hopes' of ever belns really well. What I have done for them I enn do for vnu Remember. I've had n Ufe-Uini; experience at prescrllilnp, and durii!); the last pplrtemlc I w<lß considered liv the Government pood enotiffh In tnke charge of wrpr.il districts, worklnp from the etart Lo the cml of the epidemic. I treat all your minor ailments w&on yon are uot sick enough for a doctor. A. M. I.OASBY. Tlie Only Prescrlbius Cliomlst, 24. H.M. An-ade. Auckland. (Ad.)
A WISE STEP. Effect .t Kg economy In »> n , . , stl lip*l--tn,r boats and PhoOT—'ISO ' rROXIOXO " Soles. Not a rulilKT comimKltiou. " ClioMOXO " is epeclnlly prenarwl leather th.it will w«ir well without wearing onl-ottf- , wax°s*lii*eTed Int 1 every ' libr ( . 'or th<> lM'thor pn«iirra Its durability and waterproof qnalWes.
■■ TROiMOXO " Is obtainable in ready-cut Bo'.rf. hefla an-d studs. from 1/ to 4,. ui'COTilins 'to 1 * ITTiide. ilrtlillfacIn New «nd snpi>lle<l wholesale by Harold Liphtbjuid, Lul.. Si rami Arcade. Ancklaml. and of. WcJliujrion. ObtaJnaMc at all hoot <Unl<'rs and stores. l>ook for " OBOMOXO " brand on erery pair.—(Ad.)
Without nhortharid 110 education is complete. Paragon shorthand can bo learnt in snven lessons. Why delay?— Box 494, Dunedin.—(Ad.) "Stopain"—stops pain like magic. This ie an actual fact, or we would not say so. We now guarantee to stop all pain and the aftereffects of any extraction in a le& moments. If you are suffering from thin cause, come at once to Ballin .and Ruseell, Surgeon Dentists, Symonde Street.—(Ad. J
SPRING SUITINGS FROM 8 GUINEAS A superb assortment now BEING OPENED. YOU ARE INVITED TO CALL. THE BRITISH WOOLLEN CO., Ladies & Gent's Tailors, 175 KARANGAHAPE RD., NEWTON, OppoMte Bank of N. Z. _nd Poit-Offu* SPRING IS HERE AND THIS IS WHAT YOU MUST GEJ. ANSCO VEST POCKET SPEEDEX No. 3. This is the smallest and lightest camera made to take in. pictures, and is fitted with the highest-grade Anastiguiat Lenses, with shutter permitting exposures up to i/3ooof a second C_ We carry a full stock of all ANSCO Cameras, from 17/6 up. BCND FOR OUR CATALOGUE. N.Z. LTD. 14* Queen St., Auckland. Box 664 Phone 2448
Page 14 Advertisements Column 2
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 14
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