WHY SUFFER PMN? The great ralup nf medicinal warmth in th» trratment of pain and blood conßßstlon, as well as in the various Inflammatory ceadJtlena of the nerves. hn« boen aflrned by sflcntlfle resarch, and estabUahed by medical practice. Thie application of concentrated iieat la effected by using a npjeially medicated cotton wool, known &c Wawn's Wonder Wool, the fibres ef wtaicn arc Impregnated with valuable —trticinal pain-relievlug eseences. The Vleaeant tingling, warming sensation and by relieving blood conßnstion and stimulating cirenlstion. banishes all pain and innatnmiUoii. Sofe Throat. Croup. Hcad- ««—«, as well us Toothnchp. Nenralcia Bhcmnatlßin, Sciatica, Lumbago Gont etc nwilt away—like heat TOoits ici»— under it's ■tlmnlatlnß, warmlng Influences Wawn's ■Wonder Wool la approved by the medlen] prefessien, te in constant nsn by nurses in tfc« lp«<Hng hospitnlfi .md elsnwlierp Bed it has been pralspd by tens of thonBanes. Easy to handle, easy to keen cm «J«". "«re In Ite work. Wawn's Wonder Wool eeets bnt 2/6 at chemists or etorpa erjwa* free from the N.Z. Asents. Salmond IK Pwraeeon, Ltd., Wellington.—(Ad.)
Sprinkling ftbout ten drope or Nazol on the chest of the pyjama jacket at night, or en the sing-let in the morning, ie ft good w»y to Ret the benefit 01 21-nl inhalation—jast try it.—(Ad.) To remove tar, ink, gardening stains from the hands and keep them white use O.K. Cleanser. Tine 1/.—(Ad.) An atmosphere of Nazol ie a great pr*t4fctu»n agaicet influenza. Inhale it "erjr frequently day and night.—(Ad.) Parents! " Test Wade'e Worm JW wonderful worm worriers,— (Ad.^
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 14
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Page 14 Advertisements Column 1
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 14
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