WOLFE'S SCHNAPPS Aβ GOOD FOR WOMEN AS FOR MEN β-s* YOUR RELIEF FROM Insomnia, Anaemia, Indigestion, Brain-fag, Debility or Nerve Breakdown CLEMENTS TONIC Get it to-day and get well All Chemists and Stores sell it everywhere in the Dominion Price 3/- per bottle i Clement* Tonic Ltd., Rozelle, N.S.W. ELECTRICITY FOR ANYONE ANYWHERE. By installing DELCO-LIGHT you j/rtP have your own plant—dependable jjMiir-fc- -.'tf i\ V electric service. Five minutes attention per week is all the plant JfeJefc needs, so simple a child can oiling, cooling , . Runs on kerosene, DELCO-LIGHT plants are Remuera, Mount Eden, Mount Albert, Onehunga, Mangere, Ponsonby, etc., and all country districts, so there is a satisfied user near you. DELCO-LIGHT will provide electric service for you 24 hours a day year in and year out. Arthur D. Riley & Co. Ltd. High and Durham Streets, AUCKLAND. Day by day boot repairs coat more—leather is up, wages are up, everything is up. Bootsave, however, affords a way out. Just paint it on the soles of your boots, and on those of your family, and you will make them last three times as long. Defies Wear and Water It comes to worried fathers and harrassed mothers as a real blessing. It greatly lessens the need for repairs and instead of paying out as formcily the head of the household smiles and uses Bootsave. Bootsave costs 1/4 per tin. Saves 70/- in Footwear. Makes Boots Damp-proof. Only three applications are necessary, leaving an interval between each for the liquid to dry. The first application soaks right into the leather pores, the second one intensifies the good work of the first, the third one completes the job. As a result the sole is left flexible yet is as hard as adamant, and is rendered wear and water resitting to a wonderful degree. This we guarantee or money refunded. Obtainable from Bootmakers, Ironmongers, >^^sililiPllSß9^ Dont take Imitations! Guarantee Bond vSf' The manufacturers of Bootsave guaran- ] 3Jsg 3 tee that dissatisfied purchasers may I /*" obtain a refund on making application (. / If your retailer J ///%* doce not stock Boot- i //iff Wellington, and a Ti^' n1 - JjU Jt tin will be tent you, \l WT #* ill 1 fTTiI ToothßradiDoes K [
Page 13 Advertisements Column 3
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 13
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