DELIGHTFUL DELICACIES EABY TO T>EOPLE'S TTEALTH TNBTITOTE. PREPARE. X / JLL JWhat with thi- coal shortage, and WHY SUFFER FROM— uncertain gas supply, ttie lot of the hnus.'- Rheumatism and Sciatica? wife is not a Huppy one by any means. Liver and Kidney 3^ 3e L, bl , S!i-» is often at :i loss no know how. to Indigestion and Stomacn irouDie/ prv>vill« fowl f«- r " hungry Uoust-noM. T« Nervous Disorders? n>i>k food fuel is iM-i-ussarv jui-d iilentr of Or Au >' '"urablo Disease? it too and when fuel caiwot be übtalnwl WHEN XATUKK HAS PROVIDED fo.r "iove or money." there is oaty NATURAL HKttBAL REMEDIES. one alternative—buy food that reqnlres litiie ciK)kin«. Hero's v good tip. Cn-i in These Remedies are blended and -made a slock f>l ■•■. <; uiisuii«j" .leUlfts. The rj.Ji without preservatives of any kind by and nutritious quality of Tucker's ■' Snu ine and can be obtained only at ehtoe" Jelltee ha« placed ttiem right In the j JRSi Ei tOLLERTON'S trout rank of fooil _ liroilui-tx. (iroiMra «c!l (Stressor to Hγ. Hacleod-Craig), KToSS . ! ~ y S.W r HBRBAUST AND MASSEUSE, I>cs9t. You can malic many dollfrlitl'ill. 113, Karangahape Road, Newton. tomi»ttog dteUua witli Tucker's •Suu.-Ulue" Massage Treatment. Magnetic HeaUng. Jellies. Surely a d<Tiiit*d jidvant-'i i;f- in _ . ~ t , s. three amen «f Rl.resH and worry in E.msw- Lonsuitation DaUy. a l "£»'- W^ O^ 1U v N ur oo^we^r'io^r 5 «lder Wtatijh^wor,"»u»ui..e" J.-iii.-s k - Ppp t T «oles love?! from S iue be" •I-α,? rnckor's "Su-nablne i» a A Rubber. (>et only Wood-MUues. (145) sound aWTrofstable Investment in undoubted security. The Public of Wanganui and District are invited to purchase Debentures now on sale by the Wanganui Borough Council. DEBENTURES £100 EACH, bearing INTEREST at FIVE AND A-HALF PER CENT, payable half-yearly on presentation of coupon for interest attached to each Debenture, at the Bank of New Zealand at any of its branches in the Dominion. THE SECURITY IS UNDOUBTED, being a Special Rate pledged over the whole of the ratable property of the Borough of Wanganui. The Debentures are repayable on the Ist June, 1945, and are payable to bearer, and can be sold by the holder on the market at any time. Applications have already been received from Dunedin, Christchurch, Wellington, Rotorua, Palmerston North, Nelson, Picton, and other parts of the Dominion. Copies of the Prospectus may be obtained on application to the Bank of New Zealand or to the undersigned. G. MURCH, Town Clerk. September 2, 1920. For Infants jj — an all-important advantage. Jγ Babies and growing children obtain from Beng-er's Food |fl the great adva .tages of being reared on pure fresh milk. 9 These include healthful natural growth unchecked by the | under-nourishment which arises from unsuitable food. IT fs always prepnred with fresh milk, or milk and water M according to the age of the child. X It is specially prepared to adjust the milk to the delicate digestion jfl of children and invalids. All the great good in milk — Nature's M all-important food - becomes available with Benger's. X "W«n(j«i-'« <"<"' i"" 1 nw Iα U r it."- A little work of authority on th« feeding of M 1 BENGER'S FOOD LTD., ■ 117, Pitt Street, SYDNEY. U f 801. Proprietor! u>l llwuUcturan: BEHSEK I FOOD. LTD.. MANOH£fIT£», EnglaM. II ■=_ To-day, to many thousands, only the =; memory remains of their one-time sufferS ings caused through Indigestion. These M/ff?^jf/jiffl®si\ % % WHEN YOU TAKE [5 former sufferers voluntarily ascribe this r^BSrcHfM»Bvs|ii $: to the lasting benefits obtained through wl'/mW^Wwt g? the use of Mother Seigel's Syrup, .t is MW MMW JM the ideal stomachic and liver tonic. Put riill\\\\ftv-J!lmk jporiiEii JliWm An Astounding Offer New Dining: Chairs Latest designs, and splendidly upholstered in genuine "Alpine" Leather. Loose seats, worth 25/-, to be sacrificed at 1 8/6 each. Order at once, as this wonderful line can never be repeated at the price. Wickins Ik Sutcliffe, Auctioneers & House Furnishers, ****** 42 Karangahape Rd., Auckland -«■( Ironmongers Auckland, OWING TG 'WAR TBO ITBLES, PRICE NOW £4.
Page 13 Advertisements Column 2
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 13
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