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%Io!»sr=. Hor.l.ui nnO Mur.-hlson wore tftae *Upendlirry ..ftl.-lnilng at ilnrton. Xn rurl.lwv effort Iβ 1.. I, ■ made tr> train l.ndy Klyslnii, and she Is in lie mat ml with 'j'liurnhnui. The Pakuningn point-to-point steeplechasps nrn to lip run off nt Rumn Rama ou Saturday next, the 11th Inst. The cross-country horseman A. McDonald haU three rides out ..hstiieles at Mart on for two (\rstH and a second. The woll known insrr*s I'pinpGSs l^nil fiurt l.ndy Rosier are to lie innte<l this season with Our Thorpe. No Audi In ml ownocl horsos have been nominated for the Wanganul J0..-key Club's spring rnci-tlng. Shnonldtw. whl.-h Ims boon sonwthinj; of n failure on tiie llnl. has been nominated for the hunlle ewuts at the Wangnniil spring nwetlirs;. T/ndy Enpriy, whtoh Ims hopti having, an : ensy rtnie n.f 1t since the A K.C. Klreut Northern irmMtnK. 1h to rwumo work asiiin shortly under .1. rhlshohu's direction. Klplinj was fnneie,! n bit by his owner for Hip dinttwny Handicap at Marton, but failed to run up to expectation*, flnl«*lns absoltrtely Inst. Sonio Kaßhion was twlre at MBrton. Tjut each time finished out of a pltti'p, his defeat< lining costly to Ills cougectlons. ThP New Lynn Hack Handicap, to he run at. the Avondalc meeting, lins attracted an same fixture' ."17. It will lie Interesting to nee how the enmmittpe of thn club deals with thp matter. Mfltlork. which won Ihe KangitlkPi Steeplechase at Marton on Wednesday, won known as the Victory 'steeplechase. In the interval he -has not won a nice. Bright I/lptit. which Is now three years old. has not. made the progress anticipated, and he Is to be given a short spell to get the bene-ni of the spring jrass, after whlcii he will resume work again. Fnllwln. n slx-year-ol,i mnre hr Flafrfall--Miss Winnie, trained at Hamilton by P. Brady, was a quiet tip for the Trial Plate nt Marton, hut after showing some puce In the early stapes died nway In the straight. The TTllersile tralncM Te Oro was backed down to a very short price in the 'Marton Handicap on Wednesday, lint a,fter flatterIng hl-s supporters by lending for nbont n mile gradually fadeii away, eventually finishing just out of a place. Tie Auckland horserapn. 'H. 'Ooldflnch. .T. Oon<inest. .T. O-'Shea. n. O'Shea. S. Henderson, E. \Ynrner. iH. (Jrn.T, .7. 'llii;er>, H. R<Vbij2s*-)n. aDd tho a'piirenticoe (Hover and Nightingale, were riding at the 'Marton meetlnvi. TT. f!rny and Glover each having a ■w-lnnlnp ride. Th« New Zealand EVlipw Stakes, to he ran at the Wansrannl meetlnjr. h-as attracted an entry of twelve, including the two cracks Arrowsmlth and Ani.rttias. Knrn has been nomlnnted, and also the throe-yenr-oMs Insurrection, iskari, Ilunihiig, Raceful, and Demand. It Is a coincidence that CJaekwar, which w«» second place In the Hnngltlkel Steeplecliasp at Marlon mi Wpdnesday, through Wlrokino being disqualifled for interference, got a race on the R.ime course two years ago through several of the other starters going inside one of the flags. There is some, talk of the Australian crack trotter Happy Yoynue being brought to the Dominion for the Mptropolitan Trotting Cluh's spring meeting. In which case hie meeting with rtetn I'eter. Homelelgh T>ick. ami Whispering Willie ehould provide the best trotting contests yet seen in the Dominion. Classification, which won the 'Marton Handicap on "Wednesday, has not won a race since lie was successful in the Waipulrarau Handicap on April 21, 1910. On that occasion he was a good favourite, but on Wednesday there was not a starter In the race that did not carry more than doubje the amount invested on the son of Gravitation. Dno, which won the Tutaenni Hack Welter at the Marton meeting, Is a full brother to Demagogue, and also claims close, relationship to Amythas. He is a real good sort, and us he carried Olb. overweight on Wednesday, his performance Is better than it appears at first eight. Duo ran three times as a two-year-old without getting into the money, but is sure to be heard of. again before long. The nominations for the Avondale Spring Meeting are a record In every respect, class being exceptionally well represented. Twenty-seven figure In the Avondale Cup, and these include some of the best handicap horses In the North Island. The one difficulty is that the fields look like being too good, and this aspect of the situation is going to give the club some concern. There was a parade of two-year-olds at Hastings last week under the auspices ol the Hawke's Bay Jockey Club. Those that showed up prominently were:—"Mr. W. O. Stead's colt by Absurd—Sea Elf. M¥. B. Joll's colt by Martian —Cflmson "Rose, Mr. Troutbeck's colt Tiy Wolawa—Float, and ■Mr. A. B. Williams' colt by Absurd — Bronze. The committee of the Auckland Trotting Club have fully recognised the many yenrs of faithful service of Mr. F. W. Edwards, handlcapper, and Mr. J. Mitchell, caretaker, and at their meeting on Tuesday both these gentlemen were given substantial increasee In salary, Mr. Mitchell also receiving a bonus. Tills mark of appreciation was well deserved. Milltaire. the winner of thp Trial Hack TMn-te at MnrtoTi. is a four-year-old gelding liy Martian —Vicereine, and Is owned ny Mr. K. D. Duncan. He did. not race .is a two-year-old, and only twice as a three-year-ow and then in thp autumn, po that he has been given every chance. Mllltnlre is well grown, and altogether a good sort, whien. should be heard of again before long. The defeat of Bltholia in the Electric Hack Handicap at Marton was a big disappointment to his connections, for the son of Demosthenes had been galloping so well at Elleralle that he was backed with confidence. He was never In the picture, am hie showing was so had that Mr. Bmnnuel decided not to send him on to the Mnnawatn meeting, and he yeas brought hack to Auckland , . Mr Geo. Currie was vpry disappointed with the running of Llstowel In the Trlu. Heck Plate at Marton, for which he was n red hot favourile. The eon of Absurd was within *strtk-lnir ilistanco at the home turn, hi t failed to go on with It. and his poor Showing wn ° attributed to the state of the going Llstowel Is to compete In the Wangamii Guineas, and if his display in that event la considered satisfactory he will then be brought North for the Avondale ■Guineas A box has been engaged for him at Ellerslie in anticipation. makes the former day iw-r practically universal, and this eventually is pure toi 'bavfl an effect on racing dnteß. At present it i=. nsnal for Auckland elirtw to boKl tbeix _ two days' meetings on Saturday and Wednesdaythe latter day being selected owing t«.the fact that it was the half-holiday of « i large number of supporters of the sport. The butchers prohnhly supplied the majority• of these, lint as their shops are now remaining open, there Iβ not mm* to .he gained by Pacing on a Wednesday In preference to, nny other day. Thp Ion? inrervnl between Saturday and Wednesday has always liceu a drawback, and It will »™ "c Interesting to see If any change Is innde. Park, and as he had not teen working well the Victorian division were very confident ttat the? would beat him with However, the Charlemaffne colt was first off the mark and was practically never headed. Hβ won ever m> easily, and it took Gloamiirg's lister all her time to beat the ""ready Karl Simon The latter has grown Into * magnificent' colt, and goes on *» Melbourne SH€"orv««£| South Australia for the Adelaide Derby In October.
Orleans, Vacuum, and Kanaere were all showing signs of soreness after their efforts at tun Marton meeting. During the coming season there will be "" !7} cc " r tt , value tnan ;is ° soys ' on th « Wellington Racing Club's programme. Mr. Cojrle'a handicaps for the first day's, racing of the Avoudalu Jockey Club's spring meeting are due on Wednesday next, the Sth Wlrokino was very lame when he returned to scale after contesting the Rangltlfcei Steeplechase on Wednesday at Marton, and may have to be elven a lengthy spell. Depredation and Marqueteur, which have been accorded a nomination for the Avondale Cup, also appear in the entries for the principal events at the. Wangunul spring meeting. Some Boy 11. is a noticeable absentee from the Avondale Cup, but the Australian-bred horse figures in the lists for some of the Latest reports state that W. Fielding, ■who got a nasty fall off Forellght In the Hnvk Steeplechuse at Marton on Wednesday, was progressing favourably. Karo is stated to be a bit hackward In condition, and doubts arc expressed as to her being asked to contest the N.Z. Eclipse Stakes at Wanganul. Affectation Is reported to have gone sore, and the son o[ Kilhroncy does not appear among the nominations for the Avondale Cup, while he bus also been allowed to drop out of the N.Z. Cup. Gasbag. Landslide, and Delight are the dale Cup. Horses of this age have won the event on five occasions, the lust to be successful being Cnstalla. which won In MHS. It will come as some surprise tr Rouen, which won the Klm-lrlc Hack Ilnndlrap at Marton on Wednesday, does not prove a ■ good stnke-earner this season. Rouen Iβ a three-year-old gelding by Rezonlau— Lady Luddo. Jaffna ninde her first appearance as a I three-year-old lit Marton. being started in the Kle.-trlc Handicap. She showed pace for two nr three furlongs, but failed to go on with It. and -was well back at the finish. Athens 11., which tins been off the scene ! since Inst 'March, made a re-appenranoe under silk on Weduesnlay last, when he contested the Marton Unmllncp. His showing was not a vpry attractive one. for he was never In the fighting line, finishing absolutely last. The Marton Handicap, run on Wednesday, dirt not produce a very high-class field outside Marquetenr. nnd the ra<*e proved a boil-over, the llzhtly weighted Classification winning comfortably at the finish, paying a long price. Mill o' Gowrie was in front for about half the journey, when she retired, and Te Oro took charire. and as they came : to the straieht the favourite looked all over j n winner. He stopped quickly in the sticky roinc. nnd Classification shot out. followed ! liy Depredation, the outsider staying the ! loncer. scoring In good style. Maxqueteur finished very fast and was running on, his I performance under (1.9 being a good one. ' SCHOOLING AT ELLERSLIB. At Kllerslle this morning Scottish Knight and Daloopln were companions over six hurdles. John Bunny and a hunter In R. ' Hall's charge doing a similar task. I Hypothesis and a MVwioform mare Jumped »I a couple of ponyi hurdles. i Mnlra nnd Gladwln were ftenoolcd over .the big fences on the flat, their dleplay , being satisfactory. TWO-YEAR-OLDS AT ELLBRSLIE. [ The starting barrier was put .up at the ' mile post on the course proper at Ellerelle ' this morning, when a number of the two- " yeAr-olds were piven barrier practice, Mr. ' O'Connor officiating at the lever. The youngsters out were: Golden Glass. Sussex, Hoodoo, Oranga, Golden Dream, Katherlno, Bonnie Doreen, Coffers, Loyal Irish. Marble i Crag, and 1 the colt by Bezonian—Skirl. SIRES OT TOTE SEA SOX. Mr. E. Young, owner of that great per- ! former Our Thorpe, brought him !North last. week, and Che eon of O.Y.M. Is to stand the season at Mr. Shepherd's stables, E'peom. Our Thorpe Is a beautifully bred young borsc, and while racing, proved a champion over all distances, winning two '"free tor . all" races. In which he Tieat the crack mare Country Belle. Beside* possessing great i staying power, he showed tremendous epeed, ,on one occasion was timed to pace the last : mile of,a two-mile race in 2.5 2-5, which is ' claimed ac an Australasian record. Further owner, who will meet mares from a distance at the Remnera station. NORTH ISLAND BREEDBRB , ; ASSOCIATION, i A meeting of the executive of the North 11 Island Breeders, Owners, and Trainers' i Association was held last evening. Dr. A. i McGregor Grant (chairman) presided. The letter from the Auckland Racing Club, in answer to severaj requests from , the Association, was received, and a reso- ; lutlon was carried that a letter of apprecla- ' tlon be sent to the club for the lmnrove- ' raents made In connection with oonditlons ;In raclpg. It was resolved that a letter , be sent to Mr. Hunter. M.P., In charge of the suggested Increased totalizator permits, assuring him of the Association's henrty support, also their active support. It was also resolved that a letter be cent to the president of the Racing Conference urging him to bring forward measures compelling all racing clubs holding two day* races or I more per year to provide training tracks, ! the same to be kept In order, and other I necessary facilities given for the training lof horses. It was pom-ted out that far too i many horses 'were now trained at Ellerslle, and the feeling was expressed that other clubs should provide facilities so at to relieve the congestion. OTAHUHU TROTTING CLTTB. The flrst committee meeting of the Otahuhu Trotting Club was held yesterday. Mr. H. R. Mackenzie -was re-elected chalrman for the ensuing year. Mr. Cullan wag appointed course detective for the club, and the -matter of assistance was left in his hands for keeping undesirables off the course. All the officers, president, and vl<*etyresldents were rc-appolnted. All the offl- ' i cial3 were re-appointed. Messrs. A. W. ' LoiMjby, F. Marks, W. Mclndoe, W. Lopdell, ami W Wells were elected as stewards of I the club. It was resolved that the membership of the club be limited to 200 members. The salaries of the handienpper and secretary were substantially Increased. The programme for the ensuing year was adopted. Xo race is of less value than 150sovs, and . the leading events In the Spring are: ] .Tellicoe Handicap, £600 sove; Liverpool 1 Handicap. HOOsovs ; In the Autumn, Otahuhu Cup 750SOVS, and the Dominion Handicap . OOOsovH. The stakes for the season amount ito £8200. being an increase of £1800, or nearly 30 per cent, more than given the I previous year. In view of the club having the honour of holding the first meeting on Alexandra Park the committee were confident, in so substantially increasing the stakes, they were justified, and have every hopes, -with the ample room now provided for the public, that a record meeting will take , place. TURF TALK FROM THE SOUTH. CHRISTCHURCH, Friday. First acceptances for the New Zealand Cup reduced the field to thirty-eight. The scratchings of Sasanof and Amythas had previously been announced, and the others that have gone out are Dusky Eve, Affectation Starland, Hetaua, Cashmere, Right and Left Arch Salute, Motuihi, Rose Wreath, Delight, Parorangl, Blackhead, Samovar, and Indermere. ! The Amberley Racing Club has received a 1 very disappointing list of nominations for its annual meeting, to be held on September IS It would seem that the date Is regarded as too early by tbc majority of the trainers I ie Amythas is galloping well on the tracks lat lUccarton. Yesterday morning he got to I the end of seven furlongs in 1 mm 31 2-sth I seen., being accompanied by Mustard Pot „. \ hp i a st six It was a useful go, withSit any attempt at time making A little >" d'fstanef'He S£ 'accompanied by Daytime for about three r»e l^^t e m? 1 o^ e t^ t To c u i rne b y Ut inTm t £ 1 c 27 -i-otb s'ecs. It was a fine performance, as ""The" South ln Canterbury c Jockey Club has decided to give £3,000 In stakes at Uβ spring meeting, an increase of £500 on last : season's amount. _ i The death occurred at the Beefton Hossporting circles as a horseman and rider IaD S to ride Royal ella has been turned out on bis owner s station at Heriot, in Central Otago, and Is to be given several months' spell.
NEW ZEALAND CUP. The following acceptances hove been received for the New Zealand Cup:— Viißabond B.IS. Snub B.S. KUrurth 8.8. Oratrese 8.7. Royal Star 8.1. Imarlbhou 7.10, Radial 7.9, Nanleinnu 7.0, Bonnie Maid 7.0, Glen Canny 7.0. Tenterflelii 7.8. Johnny Walker 7.3, Athena 11. 7.; i, Hose link 0.13, Wurllko «.13, Bonnie Heather 0.13. Nlijhtralder 6.13, Rlslngham 0.11, Jock 0.11, Counter Attack ti.ll, liasbag 0.10. iloutoa Ivnnova IJ.O, Rebuff C.B, Kllgour 6.5. Prlntenrps G. 7. Bondage C.7, Walton 0.7, Adopted 0.7, Esperance 0.7. Silent King 0.7. Marc Anthony 6.7, Bengeroop 6.7, Jack Symons 0.7, Adniyra 6.7, CTiaeroniii f1.7, Catallnl 0.7, Misslund c.7. Aekarl 6.7. AVONDALE JOCKK-Y CLUB. THE SPRING MEETING. The following Is a list of the horses left AVONDALE STAKES, of £600. Four furlongs. Pengwen, by Penury—Lady Given Ch f, by Thurnhara—Olellua Cα f, by Thtirnhani Flagship Ch c, by Solferiuo —Aniarllla Uγ f, by Demosthenes —Rose- Shield Lady Violet, by P.oulform—Vieereue Sunny River, by Sunny Lake—Orange Pippin Bγ c, by Absurd—Cowl B c, by KUtiroacy—lUerlot Martial Dawn, by Martian—Torquato Golden Glass, by Marble Arcli—Miss Ethel Luculla, by Lucullus—Merry Nlf Tommy Rot. by Absurd—Lysistrata Marble Crag, by Marble Arch—Monorosnc Koodoo, by Elyslan- -Kowerewerc B c, by Honifonn—Margarcthe B f, by Masterpiece—Addru Rnowdo'm, by Marble Arch Gweulad Llanberls. by Marble Arch—Recoup B f, by Martian—Persian Lilac Me.rmln, l>y Absurd —Sea Hlf Br c, by General Latour — Starch Grotesque, by Absurd -Bronze Loyal Irish, 'by Absurd—Molrn-mn-chrce AVONPALE GUINEAS of £.-.00. One mile. Landslide, by Kcnllworth—F.lcgnncc Jolle Princess, by Prince Merrtwee —.Tolte Fillc I! c, by Liirullus —Recoup Bute Sound, by I'otim—Rotheay Ponnul, by I'otoa—Seablrd Llstowcl, by Absurd— Ljststrnta Wnckmnll, "by Hraninlun- I listorotte Miss Muriel."by LueullUH- Lady Robs Pure Laziness, by Beiizonlan —Purity Br f, by Martian —Grand Opera Ch f. by Absurd—Lady Owen B c, by Marble Arch —Crescendo Pukemarama, by Lord Multlfid — Belle Clove/ S Mary, by Lord Mtiltind—Freedom marc . Rainy Day. by Carl Rosa—Miss Amans R r, by Marble Arcb —Jena Gidgl, by Klysian— Boronla B f by Robert the Bruce —Irish Wake Stork, by Hallowmas- White Crane Bγ c. by Lucullus—Cyrona Ch c, by Antlphone —Decoration Jaffna, 'by Absurd —Condamlne Dlxlcpnone, by Antiphone— Miss Dlx Br c, by Marble Arch—lntegrity R c, by Martian —Strathspey r>c, by Kllbroney—Lady -Tean 11. Be, by Demosthenes —Gold Bonnd Wake, by Kllbroney—Snmnlfonn Dclvine'by Robert the Brnci —Mldah Delight, by Demosthenes —Sunllßht R f, by Spalpeen —Self Rr f by Lord Multtflrt—St. Crispin mare Arch' Margot, by Marble Arch—Owenlad Chrysostem, by Demosthenes—Golden Rail Gasbag, by Demosthenes— Lndy Olia (PnDllshed 'by ArrongemeuO
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 13
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3,090RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 13
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RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 13
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