THERE'S NOTHING LIKE BISURATEO MAGNESIA TO RELIEVE INDIQEBTIOM. Trove it yourself to your own satisfaction. Just eat & hearty meal of the good things which customarily disagree wiih you. Then tako a little Blsuvated Magnesia, and note the entire absence or the usual pain and discomfort. That is because acidity aimpljt cannot live in the same suiinneh with Blsurnted Magti-jsl:i. ami it is acidity which jiives rise tn indigestion, flatulence, wind, heartburn, dyspepsia, ami leads even to deeper-seated and more serious troubles. Liisurated Magnesia therefore, by neutralising the acid, removes the cause, and the ill-effects promptly disappear. So it is totally unnecessary for you to suffer any longer from any of the many distressing and grievous ills which are directly due to acid ferments. <Jo to-day to your chemiet, and get a bottle of Klsurated Magnesia. Take half v teaspormfnl in a little warm water Immediately after eating or whenever pain is felt, and very soon you will be telling your dyspeptic friends that they too will be ahle to eat what they like with impunity if they follow your example, and take It leu rated Masroesin. Bisurated Macni'siu is one of the best remedies for indigestion and is also obtain-
When considering purchasing your new reason's costume. vUit Ashley's A.B.C. .Stores, Newton, they have an excellent rantr,- of .-,mart L-oatumea, 75■• t>, 84/, £5 5/. £li (>/ ,o US S/.—(Ad.) Wide rang*? newest deigns and colourings <>e;if*rass square* at Tonson Oar■lick's, !> x l> 21/. <i x ?! 2(i . liij x 12 "O. 12 x 12 7'2/6.~1Ad.) Now Zealand women seem to be thoroughly enjoying tin- work of "Lifting the World" into thrift and harmony \>y means of "-(Jnldcn Ku;p" Soap and* "\oRulihinj;'' Laundry Tlc'.p. - 1 \d.) A •■sp<H ,, of l\ .-f(-.-c!nu luUCbca tlic spot, you can Ml it pentrate 'broagliout clio system, warming and stimulating as It goes—bnt never hijuriug. "Ani.--shoutinß Law" thing nf the past, whispering nn Innsor norr.asnry. T.tUo ynnr hrsr frlinij iinil shout him a ••pejc" of l>. A: J. Mγ-Callum-s Whisky. You'll bo;li feel hetter and brijrhtpr after a nip of tin* dellflous, mellow. old Scotch Whisky. Bolf.ed only by Hie proprietors, D. & J. M'.-Callum, Rditilmruh, Scotlami. niatribu. tors, Cootee v"c In.. Am-k!aiu!. .Ari.i A snre and jiloasant specific for removing i. Wade's Worm Fijre. Ail chr.mista.—(Aa.j Excellent value at Torieon liartick's. 5 x 2* 5/9, 6 x 3 &' 44 k H 13/.—(Ad.; '
Page 12 Advertisements Column 8
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 12
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