F.unn-:iis' i'o-or. on fire. (By Telegraph. —I'resK Association.) OAMAKU, this day. V destructivi" tire occurred tliU inorning in the largo buildin<» of the North Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association. The tire was discovered shortly after three o'llock. The brigade responded promptly to the alarm, but the lire had obtained a strong hold on the inflammable Roods with which the building i.-i stocked. With ;t splendid pressure of water some hour? were occupied in subduing the flames. The scene of the outbreak was in the recent additions to the main building and included a large showroom and some, other departments of the general business. To that part which comprised little more than a third of the main structure the lire was confined, fireproof doors between the two parts greatly aiding the efforts of the brigade. The amount of the cannot be ascertained as yet. but the insurance over the building and stock is stated at about t4OOOO. '
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 12
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 12
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