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I EDUCATIONAZi. _ '' n\.u~E lA D I eIP c~6~hT7KG~K, • J- REMUEHA, AUCKLAND, rrini-ipal: MRS. 3. A. MOORE-JONES, 1/oiidon and Cheltenham. Vice-Principal: Miss A. F. Moore-Jones, N.Z. University. '. Staff of Experienced Graduates. CcrtiQcuted Teaciieru niul Professors. Education to suit present-clay requirements on Christian but uuseetarian prin clplee. Numbers very limited, Individual consideration; very small classes. SECOND TEItM OPENS ON JUNE 8. TJECOME A QUALIFIED ACCOUNTANT. In tho world of commerce there arc two ■ distinct classes of workers—the QuallUed l an,i the I'nqiinlincil. Anyone can join in , Willi the latter, but the <iue.stiou is. "What •is there to prevent YOU lulnslinjj wlUi • (he former?" To-day the cry is for (he Specialist, the Qualified Man Great opportunities, liberal salaries, and increased material joys await the "men who know." The Accountancy Profession holds sreat prospects for all who tnkc It up with ambition and onthuulasm. In New Zealand alone there are scores of excellent positions waiting to bo tilled by tliuruusliJy cfflcieiu accountants. , (live llintixht to your future, become . eligible for the bi« job wlLh the big pay. Diligent study will quickly lift you from - the mans ami put you on the upward track. [ START STUDYING AT OXC'E. Commence this winter, aD<i you will rapidly reultse, the jrreut bcnellts received. TTEMINGWAY AND T>OBERTSON"S , CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, LTD. " THE ACCOUNTANCY. SPECIALISTS," Uniou Buildings, CUSTOMS ST. £~ a 1.0. Box 51U. AUCKLAND. pEJIIXUTO.V A.N D DOSHO /COMMERCIAL /COLLEGE, itKMINGTON CHAMBERS, -•«. QUEEN STREET. QHOHTUAXD, myPBWhiTINO. AND /■IOMMERCI.U. TJOOKKEEPIXG ARE TAUGHT TO STUDENTS OF BOTH SEXES. Instruction Is individual, and the Kreatest care Is taken to develop the rapacity of each Student for Commercial Work. Parents who wish their children to enter upon business life after the Christmas Holidays, should enrol them now. DAY CLASSES: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; ' Mondays to Fridays. RVENING CLASSES: 7 to 0 pm.: ' Mondays and Thursdays. TERM BEGINS AT DATE OF ENTRY. I Prospectus on Application. I'rincipal MRS. MARTIN. Managing Director.. 11. It. lIOHDAY. i TxrnEN you pulled that old i . j »* CLOCK TO PIECES I>o you remember the times when, as a ! boy, your greatest Joy was to pull nn olil I clock to piece., t<> see 'how it was made , ? Even in those illxtaut day* you were, an I engineer In embryo. You hart tho construe, live hrain. Perhaps fortune was not kind ! to you an«l denied you the profession naturally yours. It's not too late, however,! become an engineer now.' LET BOWER'S SHOW YOU : HOW. I With your natural Instinct and our simple ' course, of study you will noon make good j at ihLs profession. I S!.x mouths' training by our fullr quail- I lied teachers will tit you for some' of Uie ' Government Examinations. CALL AND ILAVK A CHAT WITH I MB. BOWEH, I Oil WHITE KOIt PROSPECTUS. TJOWER'S -pNGINEERING OCIIOOL, j COLWILL CHAMBERS, SWANSON STREET, AUCKLAND. P.O. Box 00. (And ac Wellington). rd ; "profitable employment for i 1 shorthand, typewriting, HOOKKEEPING OFFICE ROUTINE. Our SIX MONTHS , COURSE In Shorthand, Typewriting, and Bookkeeping will make any average student capable of taking up a position at completion. START NOW, and be ready for a ', I POSITION AT CIIUISTMAS. , , OUR STUDENTS ASK are THEIR COMPETENT. EMPLOYERS. T>AST E N ' S /-COMMERCIAL mRAINING pOLLEGB. • Principal: MISS C. BASTEX. F.N.Z.A.A. C TTTIISHBOX'E OR T>aCKTJONE? Do somcrhins more Lhan wish for a bigger I salary. GET IT rhroug-h an I.C.S. Training. Get the "I Can Succeed Spirit, ,, for - the I.C.S. cau raise your salary — whether i ' you're a £2 a week man or a £5 a week • man. a younc man, or an old man; or '. i , whether you live In the City or Country. i Get busy, and inquire how. ' D° rpO-DAY. Mark the Coupon and Post To-day. '. Put X opposite I'rof essAon in , teres tod in. INTERNATIONAL 1 QCHOOLS, T TD. ' (GOLDFINCH BUILDINGS (opp. Library), )\ WELLBSLEY STREET EAST. Open Every Evening 7 to 8..T0. Advertisement Mechanical Writing Engineering Architecture Mine Managers ■Bookkeeping 'Motor Mechanics ftrldse Engineering Newspaper Building and Illustrating Contracting Salesmanship ' Cahlnetmaklns Sheet Metal Working • Cartooning Shorthand-Typists . Chemistry Showcard Writing i Civil Engineering Sign Painting ' Concrete Engineering Steam Engineering Prnugji tman's Shopkeepers . Electrical Surveying Engineering Dressmaking : Marine Engineering Millinery And Numerous Other Courses. Name Address S ! pOSITIOXS Tj"^ l ' 't EErK y l - ■Miss Thompson, Shorthand "Writer and Typlste, Un'.on S.S. Company; Miss Blackman, Shorthand Writer and Typiste, Puke-ml.-o Collieries, Ltd.; Miss Thompson, Shorthand Writer and Typlste, W. 11, White, Esq., Land Agent; Miss Keogh, Shorthand Writer and Typiste, Union S.S. Company; Miss White. Shorthand Writer and Typlste, Eagle, Star and British Dominions Insurance Company; Miss McAdam, Shorthand ' Writer and Typlste, Queensland Insurance ' Company; Miss Lloyd, Shorthand Writer and Typlste, Messrs. Reed, Bailey and Towle. Solicitors; Miss Copsey, Shorthand Writer and Typlste, Messrs. J. Chambers ■ and Son, Electrical Engineers; Miss llersev, . Shorthand Writer and Typlste, Canadian ' j Government .Merchant .Marine, Ltd • 2T Years Founded. Write, call, or telephone for Prospectus Cay and Evening Classes begin with , Student. . j AUCKLAND g-HOKTIIAND AND j qiYPEWRITING OCIIOOL, , Colwlll Chambers, Swanson Street MISS MAiBEL S. CLAIUtE, Principal' •Phone 1147. W8 THE XOHTH BRITISH RUBBER CO. Limited, of Edinburgh. Iβ famed over ' the whole world for the quality of its UNIQUE HOT WATER BAGS. Obtainable 1 \ everywhere. See the brand en the neck.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 10
Word Count
865Page 10 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 10
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Page 10 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 10
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.