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ECCLESIASTICAL ri II ORCH X S Ol- p , Hnl ST. (HoltUns TJfe and Advent Truths.) WKST STREET AND WALTERS ROAD. Morning nt 11 for Fellowship. WEST STREET. Afternoon at 2.4."-Sunday School. Evening at 0.-15—Preaching Service. MR. OKO. ALDRIDGE. Subject: •' THE GOSPEL OK LAND ANT) LIFE." It Is feared that, in «pite of much preachinf.', then- Is prevalent but n dim Idea of the true Kigulflcnnca (if tlio Gospel Message. Thiil message concerns certain tnnffililo provisions intended t.i meet man's real needs In all asppcU, and these provisions niny he cinnpiclieiisivoly described under the terms Lund ami Life. snidfir, • Al Wesi Mrpi't, Wcilncsiliiy Kvenlnfc, T.4>"». At Wallers Huiiil, T.hurfiday Evening, 7.43. ii v n c ii k so it nintis r. (ASSOCIATED.) I'OXSO.vnv ROAD — 7 p.m., Ralph Iklllily.' IKIMIVIOX IMIAD--7 p.m! Mr. T. J. Hull. "The Conilns of the Unl, and the liesnrreclkm of 1 he Head: Are they Kad.i of Kellglon or Vlial Klementu of tlm'Chrlstlau FnithV IMi II.MONI)—7 p.m., .Mr. V. W. (Jreenv.onrl. A \ (IN I>ALK -7 p.m.. Mr. K. Holt. POINT ("HKVALIKIt— 7 p.m.. -Mr. 11. Kdwanls. O.YKmWVJA—U a.m., Mr. Greenwood. DK'VONI'OKT- It a.m., Wor."hip. " ■p'OI-.NDATIONS OK REUUHOT, PIMPLE AND RATIONAL," NEW I'lirucil is\vi:iiKxi!oni;iAN). Newton Uoaii. S arxDAy. 11 a.m. P II n I fi T A 11 X I. I' 11 I A N sT Kwrnasm,' [Ia!I. neiulum Street. 11 a.m.- l-YKnwrfhli, Meeting. 7 p.m.—Subject. ••Haptlsm: Il« Meaning. niHl in It Essential In Salvation?" U-PIRTTt'AIi SCIE'XTieTS , CIIUROH. OJtANGE HALL, KAHANGAM.ViPE ROAD. ! SUNDAY, 7 P.M. SUNDAY, 7 P.M. I i Mil. 11. WOODROFF. •Occult Phenomena Explained." I. The Astral Body. 1 , . A Thought Form. H. The Direct Voice. ! 4. Reference to Atomic Energy. I ,'i Pertinent Questions Answered. CHAMIrERS, 3.15 P..M., ■The After Death Experiences of I Voltaire.I <Juestlons, Dlrcubsloii. All Welcome. , ifili I ? . N DS , MKK'l'l.NlilTc >7"sk." Sif. "Eden i l ltd., cor. Sylvan Avenue.—Adult School U. 15 a.m. Meeting for Worship 11 a.m. PTTBI.ICATIONS. "The Trade Promoter of Australia and New Zealand, and Eastern Markets Gazette." SHOULD HE SI'HSCUIBKD TO AND HEAD BY EVERY PROFESSING UP n> DATE BUSINESS MAN. I: contains Statistic-;. Special Articles, and 11 Inanitions, on nl! lhics of Our Trade ami Industrie*. ii n.l Ik tii, .inly a ral Trade Paper Ismilng fn.m this pan of the World. COMMERCIALLY UNSURPASSED AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM. F" \ R X N N E T T S ' AUCKLAND REPRESENTATIVE. Security BuiMlngs, 41 and 42. Tel. 4.M.-. P.O. Box 1471. 3.J4 |l f" fSSTuN A R V SALIi HOOMS. SPECIAL NOTICE. Will Friends please lmtc that the Missionary Sale, Rooms have been extended to ] rhe Shop nrfjoinins the Bible House. ' Symonds Street. No stulrs. Better dis- ' play. Open 10 to t), Fridays till 0. Walk 'In and look round. All proflta to Mission Work. 9 TOLLET 3PECIAI.ISTS. ]VT ASON ' S TTAIIt QI'EOIALISTS. Speclnl Treatment for Acute Falling of Hair after Influenza. Cutting off or Shaving of Tresses unnecessary under our method. 388 and 258. QUEEN 'STREET. B ENGLISiH Operator, not onTy Itemoves SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. But kills the roots, thus effecting a permanent cure. Ladles need not hesitate, even though they think they have tried every known method. No extravagant promisee or humbug, but conscientious treatment In the only scientltic way at moderate fees, Iα strict privacy. Write for particulars or interview. BOX ir.77. AUCKLAND. B DON'T DYE YOUit HAIR. USE " KAPO." j Guaranteed to Restore Grey or Faded ' Hair to its original colour and beauty. ; Ka[K) is not a Dye, but acts by means of strengthening the roots of the hair. It I cures Dandruff, prevents the hair falling ■ out, and promotes Uie growth of the hair. Price, 2/6 per bottle; posted to any address, 3/2. Prepared and sold only by M. ECCLES. M.P.S., Consulting and Dispensing Chemist, 21S, PONSONBY ROAD, AUCKLAND. SEX YOU GKT KAPO. C "\TI3S McE.bWAIiN, for Face and Scalp ■«*• Massage, Chiropody, Hnirdreselng, j Hairworking. Estab. 25 years.—37o, Queen I Street. SMT4 MISSES WRIGI.EY' —Special Treatment Grey or Falling Hair, Scalp, race Massage, Lines, Wrinkle* Removed.-14, Watson's Buildings. HKS RESTAURANTS, TEA ROOMS. PRIOR'S STILL LEADING BEST 16 MEALS IN THE CITY, STRAND ARCADE. D T-JINE rpiO-DAY AT STANFORD'S. OPPOSITE G.P.0., LOWER QUEEN STREET. Clean, Well-ventilated Palatial Rooma, On Three Floow. Tasty \ r arletlcs of tho Deep Sea. Best Attention and Civility Await You. CALL TO-DAY AND HAVE A TREAT. C TfAT GOOD SOUP EVERY DAY. STACEY'S patrons recommend Soup' They get quality and goodness thore. Fresh, strengthening and in variety it's a popular item of their varied mean), especiai:y enjoyable any August day or evening. QTACEY'S QUEEN STREET, ART NOTICES. rp ii is a D k p o t, -*- 73, SIIOIITI-AND STREET. IMIS'3 L. B. MACKINTOSH.) Old anil llodern China. Brass, Bronze Pictures by famous artists. Steel Engravings Old Prints and Drawings, Antique Furniture, Old Lace; also Haiul-sewu Lingerie, Kimonos, etc.. Visitors Are Welcome. 689
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 10
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802Page 10 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 10
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Page 10 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 10
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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