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ATTCTIOKS. I gr-KCIATi A ACTION CSALrE. Q.EORGE VyALKER. AT TfCE gALB J>OOMS, Q.UIEBN QTRE'ET. ON MOXTIAT -VJEXT. AT -(-( AM. ONDAY J> EXT. AT - , -- 1 - AJtf. gale, Being THE /COMPLETE OOXTENTS OF rrtBRTSE Q OOD TTOMES. Removed from the Hesi*enees at Mrs PauL I»erter Avenue, Mt Eden; Mr. Malabond Park Road, Graifton; Mrs. Chaipman' Cheltenham Beach. gTJPERIOR -ptPRNISHINGS And ■JJPRrCBT QJRAND piAXO. All to be Cleared JTyNTIR'ELY TXnTfHOUT TJIESHRfVE. Details -Inclnde: TTHRIOHT G-RAND 'ENGLISH "PIANO Hy 'Gen. Tnlbot. London, valued at lib pninen*. full iTon frame, overstrnns. rrlrht>rd. eqnnl to u»>w; (Handsome Pollwhed Kauri Sideboard wi-Ui large iR.T. Mirrors, larw Knnrl Dining Table, Polished Rimu Sideboard, -Rlmn Dining Tal)le, (> TUinu ]>'n!ni: Very Hanisoroe Oak Over-r-\nntel wlt.h Cnpld Plhotos and Ovnl Mirror (vnliied nr £S 10 1, Several Enr:y Chairs, I'.ilTn Stands. .Tni-dlnieres, Tapestry Draw. Insrnom Suite, Rimu Kerb. IFire Brasses. Oil I'Mlntin.-. Pictures, TTlertroplate. China, nrnajiients. Lace Curtains, POLISH-ED KATRI HAM, STAND. RLmu iHnll Seat, 2 Holl 'Chairs. 'MnsnLnVent Qrrality Chenille Hnll Slip Mn-tK, AirtTTSTT.C 3-PCE HE-DTJOOM SUITE n-ith real aioHled Kauri Panels. Rimu Comb. Chest, Donblp Rimu rtertste-ad. Hnndsome Rimu Wardrobe with Larce 'B.P. Mirror. Combination Pairs. Ped-er-tnl Cr'nbom'd, Toiletware. 3 Pairs ITtlankets. CLEAN KAPOK REDDING, PllyLOWR. iD.Tt.M. Bedstead. Dounle and Single Woodpn and Iron Bedsteads. Wire Woven. Stretchers. Swing Mirrors. DiTohe<*s Pairs. Plinils. Cot, Ttedmom -Chairs. Occ. Tahl?-s._SIXGE-R D.IIT. SEWING MA-CHINE, and ißeflroom Sundries. GENT'S FREEWHEEL BICYCLE, Lady's Bicycle, Tireless Cooker, Ens-!-;-*h Typewriter, Seagram Pram, 'Rirnu 'MlsKTTOHBN D.RESBER, A-B. and Can. Chairs, Kit 'Chaire, I-arge Quantity ■Conkinc Utensils, Enamelware, Crockery, Cutlery. Glassware, Garden Tools, Erase Preserving Pan, Tubs and Buckets, Wringer, ■Gas Iron. Gas ißLngs, -Potts' Irone, Lawn Mowers, and 250 Lots General Douseiold Requiei'tes. XO RESERVES. TEJS-MS CASH. fi EORGE AU-CTIOiNirER, 38, QUEEN ST. 3 Q.EORGE T^ALKEB "Jas received instruc-tlonß from MR. AXD XRS. J. IL. iR. IBLOOiEFrEL-D, who have \d tiieir fine residence, Tiro Moana, \iKJE QTR'EET, ppABNELL Street on left off St Stpphen'e Ay.), TO SELL, WITHOTJT EESBRVE, DV J>UBMC A UCTIO.X, AT TIHE RESUDBNCE, /TIHEI-R ■CTIGH-G'RADH TfiXGLISH QAK -pUBXITURE. JJORIZONTAL /-I RAND j>l ANO. T OT.ELY A XEMCINSTIER /CARPETS. /~<HINA AXD /-ILASSWAIRB. Mr. and Mrs. Bloomfleld have tafcen a Fia-t, and 'having no further use for the Magnificent : Fnrniehinge of their large Residence, they ibave favoured us with instructions to Sell them on rrPEDNIESDAT, QEPTEIMIB-EJI -J pj TNOL/UDEiD IN THE SAX.B -WILL BE AN TpXtiUISITE /^ATOVED JJ^SK, WTTH r*\BIVE!D rrSATB. TO -VTATCH. These two Pieces were specially carved in Japan toy a master of the art, and are very valuable. pHOTNA AN© /~1 LASSWARE, Including; iMINTON CHINA DINNIER SERVICE and 'MINTON TEA SERVICE, and a ftill range of •pyrQRA'VTED rtUT /^.'LASS, Including (Port, Sherry, owl Champagne Glasses, Goblets, Glass Jugs, Decanters, etc., of extrnislte quality, and now quite unprocurable. -pNGLISH (YAK gXDEBOAIRD. "I7INGLISH ryVE.RMA.XT.EL. pAX TJLNINO QUITE (Specially -mHnuifactnred to ord-er by Shoolbred's, of London). /-tDTLEB T>]OLI>ER-TOP J);KSiK In Solid Oak (valued at £45). TVUD TEACH piANO, Horizontal Semi-Grand (valued at £250). Full iDetaiis will be Published Later. REMEMBER DATE OF SIAHJE— TTTTBDXESDAY, TH gEPTEMFEK. EORGE AUCTIONEER. '" * r^AUHEI. ON MAIN ROAD, ADJOINING SCHOOL, TENNIS COURTS, Etc. SIX MILES FROM MORRINSVILLE. OALE BY jyjORTGAGEES. Under Conduct of the Registrar of the , Supreme Court of New Zealand, at Auckland at the request ot the Mortgagees, and with leave of the Supreme Court, on FRIDAY, the 24th day of September, 1020, at 2 p.m. "J^EWCOMB Has been instructed to Sell by Public Anction at his Auction Roome. His Majesty c Arcade, Queen Street, Auckland, on the above date, ALL THAT PIECE OF LAND containing One Hundred and Ninety-four Acres and Three Perches (more or less), being Part of Lot No. 3 on Deposited Plan which eaid piece of land Is portion of the block situated in the Komakarau Survey District called Hansawera. and the whole of the ?a"d in Certificate of Title Volume 265 Folio 288 of the Regiiter Book at Auckland. The Mortgagee's application and estimate Of the value of the land can be seen at the office Of tne Registrar at all reasonable times prior to the Bale anj in the Auction Rooms at the time of the sale without Pfl Fu a rth t er°partlc e nlan may be obtained from Messrs. Mowbray. Hume, nnd OrtrarneLilly. Solicitors. 23, ..^""^LJL*™ , *' Auckland. BoUdtore to the Mortgagees. The conditions of * c ' ia, f Tl J?** l Jl e Inspected at the oißces of the Auctioneere. 0 Queen Street, Auckland. 1
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 9
Word Count
732Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 9
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Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 9
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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