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AUCTIONS. T iEONARD /""tOAELET, XTD AT TEDELR .ROOMS, 6, CUOTOM.S STKiEBT WEST. rjtHDRSDAT, gEPTEMBER q AT 11 A.'M. CONTINUATION BALE. Favoured with instructions from Emannei Klasln, Eeq., of the Hobson iLoan Co tto2 _ Hobeon Street; wIU Sell by PnjZ Auction. TJKBHDEEQIED pLBDGES. TTNiRIHDtEiEBIEjD pbEDGES. -1 e.S. DIAMOND .RING (valued at f2o\ (DIAMOND PENIXANT (valued at f75). O iBIAMONID RINGS (valued at £90). 118-CAIRAT INDEPENDENT FLY-BACK - CENTRE SBCOXD CHRONOGItAPH (rained at £75). a 2IE.DIBON iPIHOA-OGBAPHS ANT) Eβ. CORDS. O BICYCILBS. 2 OLD VIOLINS AND OTHER MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, GUX. PRISM IFIETj) GLASSES AND OTHiEBS; JEWEL. UE.RY. ELECTROPLATE. TOOLS SUITS, COSTUMES, 'BLAJfKETs' RUGS, .SHEETS, AIR BED, Etc., Etc! ALSO. PLEDGES, AS UNDER:— 1917—Dec. 16th. GOOe, Bible. 1918—\ov 15th, 1770, 2 Brooches; Sept. 2, 3117 rj Chain and Links. 1919—May 11th, 3398 SH Watch; July 7th, 3574, 2 Candlesticks; 13th 3998, Bag; Oct. 21st, 3653, G Neckchain-' Feb. 20th. 3792, G Brooch; June 28th, 3834' SH Watch and G Chain: Aug. 4th, 3918 G Chain; Aug. Ist, 4168, SOF Watcli and fi Chain; April 23rd, 4793, DG OF Watch; M»t Ist, 4537, SH Watch; 2nd, 4872, B Hiii and Pin; June 19th, 5201, S Watch and fi I Chain: Nov. Ist, G640. LOF Watch; Sent 6th, 5813, Gramophone; Bth. 5522, W Klnr 17th, 5900, Clock; 23rd, 5944, 2 Picture!' 28th, 5962, G Ring; Oct. Ist, 5997, G Blnz : 3rd, 6005, Neckchain; 3rd, 6006, GF "Watch and Q Chain; 3rd, 6007. Glass; 7th, 6038 i Phonograph: Bth, 6051, Combination Plane--Bth, 6054, Wristlet Watch; Bth 6055, G Ring; 9th, 6065, MH Watch; 10th, 61)75, G King; 13th, 6084, Field Glasses; 13th. 6085, Bicycle; o.4th, 6099, W Mnr; 17th, 6117, G Ring; 18th, C 126, W. Ring; 20th, 6129, J-doz. Teaspoons; 20th, 8133, G Ring; 21st, 6145, W Ring; 22nd, eis6. G Ring; 22nd. 6161, M Watch and E Chair; 22nd, 6162, W Ring; 25th, 6170, W Ring; 25th, 6173, W Ring; SSth, 6187, Kit Bag and Strop; 2Sth, 618 S. <i Bangle; 20th, 6201, W Ring; 31st, 6209, W Ring; 31st, 6213, Bicycle; Nov. Ist, 6218, W Ring; let, 6219, W Ring; 3rd. 6223, M Watch and Chain; 3rd, 6222, B Bag; 4th, 6228. W Blnj; sft, 6233, W King: sth. 6235, S Chain: 6th, 6248, G Bangle and Watch; 6*h. 6255, W Ring; 7th. 6260, Ring; 7th, 6282, G Ring; Bth, 6263, G Ring; 11th, 6277, Wristlet Watch; 11th 6281, W Ring; 11th, 6283, W Ring; 12th, 6292, G Ring; 12th, 6293, G Ring; 13th, 6296, LG Watch; 14th, 6303, W Ring; 15th, 6305, Keeper Ring;. 17th, 6311, W Ring; 17th, 6315, W Ring; 19th, 6830, 2 Brooches; 19th, 6342, W Ring; 20th, 6345, G Brooch; 22nd, 6359, G F Watcli and M Watch and Chain ; 22nd, 6362, Brooch; 25th, 6380, W Ring; 26th, 6385, G Ring; 26th, 6389, G Ring; 27th, 6396.. Neckchain and Ring; December 3rd, 6433, G Bungle; 4th, 6444, W Ring; Bth, 6451, M Watch; Bth, 6456, 3 Lenses; Bth, 6460, W Ring; 9th, 6472. G Bangle and W Ring; 10th, 6481, G P.jig; 12th, 6486, D Ring; 12th, 6490, W Ring; 15th, 6496, Q Ring; 15th, 6506, G Bangle and W Ring; 18th, 6524. G Bangle; 18th, 652G, R Coat; 18th, 6527, G Ring; 20th, 6541, H Bag; 22nd. 6547, G Bangle; 23rd. 6557, G Chain and Pendant; 27th, 6575, R G H Watch and Brooch; 29th, 6584, Wristlet Watch : 31st, 6615, Wristlet Watch. 1920 —January 2, 6616, M. Watch and S Chain; 2nd, 6617, W Ring; 3rd. 6630, G Chain : 3rd, 6633, S Watch; sth, 6645, G Wristlet Watch, G Bangle, 2 Rings, Neckchain and Brooch; 6th, 6638, G Ring; 7th, 6666, E.P. H-Bag; Bth, 6676, D Pin and 2 Brooches; 10th, 6688, Greenstone Chain; 12th, 66DS, Pγ Field Glasses; 14th, 6726, L 8 Watch; 19th, 6749, Phonograph and Records; 19th, 6754, W King: 20th, 6767. S H Watch and S Chain; 21st. 6771, G Wristlet Watch: 21st. 6773. H Watch; 21st. 6774, G Ring; 22nd, 6675, G Ring: 24th. .6785, Kettle: 27th. 6797. G F. Watch »nd R Chain: 28th. 6803. G F Watch; 28th, 6805, II Witch and Greenstone Chain; 28th, eSI3, G Bangle and Cameo ■Rin*; 2Sth. 6815. Suitcase: 30th. 6827. Buckle Ring; 31st, 6841. B Bag and Contents. Februnr;.—2nd, 6847, M Watch and G Chain; 2nd, 68.">6. G Bangle; Brd. 6858. S Watch; Brd 6559. B Bins; 4th, 6873, W Ring; sth, 6877, Pendant: sth. 6857. <i. Blag; 6th, 6889. Camera; 9th, 6897, Brooch and Pendent; 10th, <3908, W Ring; 11th. cci«. G Ring; 12th, 6919, 2 G Rings; 12th. 6SK2; W Ring: 13th. 6929. SOF Watch: Mth. 6085, Greenstone Brooch and B Ring; 17th. 6942. W Ring: 17th. 6S«. W Ring. B ißin-g and Brooch: 17th. 6945. G Ring: 18th. 6946. Grinder: 19th. 6065. Wristlet Watch: 23rd, 6983. G Eln«: 24th. 699-1, SOF Watch; 25th. 7000. M Watc-h and G Chain; 27th. 7014. Elgin Watcb; 2Tth. 7017. GreeDstone Chain; 27t0. 7018, G Chain. Pendant and Puree. 1918: Jan. 7th, 5068. Dnngarees: April 24th, 5675. Quilt. 19t9: Jan. sth, 5742. Blanket. 1318: June 20. 6709. Fur and Ffathers. IM9: Jan. Ist. 7141, Materinl, eto. 1»1S: Dec. 7rh. 7159. L. Coat. etc. T910: Feb. 25th. 7242. Fur and Muff; Nov. 2Sth. 7336. 'R Oont: March 31st, 7481, Blanket: April 4th. 7517. Blanket, etc.; 21st. 763 Q. Blanket and Sheets; 6th. 7655. 2 Blankets; Feb. 3rd, 7703, Silk Jacket; 11th, 7748. L Coat; Dec. let, 1474. R Coat. 1920—Tan. 6th. 1506. Coat and Vest. 1919-Dec. -29th, TBBe, m Coat; 2Dth, l«02, Pγ Boots. 1920— Jan. &ri, 1625. esirt; 3rd, 1630, Pγ Boots; 11th. 6940, L Coat; 3rd, 1633. Pγ Boots; 3rd, 1640, Air Bed; Btb, 1660, Costume; 12th, 1679. Skirt; 19th, 1715. Overcoat; Feb. 3rd, 1793, Overcoat; 10th, 1818. Pγ >S&oes; 12th, IS4O, Suit; 17th, 1854, Overcoat: 17th. IWO. Trousers: 18th. 1872, Pr Boots; 24-th. ISSo, Suit; 24th, 1896. UR Coat: 21st, ISS6. Rug; 24th, 1897, Skirt: 26th, 1909, Blanket: 36Hi, 1917, 2 Bugs: 2Sth, 1923, Table~lorhs: Marcli Ist, 1833, Coat; 2nd, 1936. Blanket; 3rd, 1943, Pγ Sheets: 2nd, 1040. Shoes: 4th, 1953, Costume and Dress: ach. 1931, R Coat; Bth, 1979, 2 Pγ •Shoes; 16th, 2023, Costume: 17th, 2033, 'R Coat; 17th. 20TKJ, LO Coat; 17th, 2037, LO Coat: 24th, 2073, L 0 Coat: 25th. 2053. I»r Boote: 30th, 2097, Pγ Fyjamae, etc.; April Ist, 2106. Coat ami i Vests; 3rd, 211"2. 2 Pr Shoes; 6th, 2128, Suit Case; 80h, 2139, Pr Shoes; 9th, 2146, IT Blankets; 12Hi, 2156. Suit: 23rd. 2309, Pr Boots; 27th, 2210, O Coat; 27tb, 2213. Soit; 27th, 2214, 2 Coats; 29th, 2225, Suit; Mar Ist, -323T, Rnit; 4th, 2251. Child's Clnties; 4th. 2252, Opera Cloak: sth, 2259, Costume; luth, 2275. Pγ Boote; 11th, 2279, Pr Boots; 17th, 2315, Kit Bag and Boots; 19th, 2321, Coat; 20th, 2328. LO Coat; 24th. 2846. "T Boots; 24-th, °347, X Coat; 25th, 2352. C .= and Boats; 27th, 2358, Dress Suit; 27tii, 2360, Suit. Also, -I -I Q PAKCEIyS OF CIJESAX, T?SBFTTL ±1.0 CLOTHING AND HOTSEHOLD EFFECTS. " ■TKTTLL QELL JT." 'PHONE 2238. 6 ■ptRiI'DAT, .CJiEPTSMBEK -|/) 1920. 12 INOO.N. AT X.Z. INS. 'BLDGS.. QOBEX STRSBT. HBNDiEHSON.— About 15 Minutes from Station. FLXW ACRES 8 IROODS 21 PBRCIHBS. belug Lot 6 on Deposited Plan 6760, of -Southern pa« of Allot 8, PaT:sli of WaJiparelra. The •property is a*U ploogliable, an<l •watered by spring. Suitable for Irctt groTving. TBRIMS: Cash, balance 3 years at 6 per cent. The Property is .Flagged. "P -DENNETT, AUCTIOOCEffiiR. 5 "PRIDAY, aEPTEMBEE Q4 132* 12 NOON, AT N.Z. INSURANCE BUILDINGS, QUEEN STREET. OITY pROPERTY, N°- 75, ELSOX S TREET - 8 -ROOMED WOODEN DWELLING, 2storey at back; on Freehold Section measuring approximately 24ft x OOft. The Property is Flagged. TERMS.—HaJf cash, balance arranged. C F BENNETT. AtJCnONEER. *
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 8
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1,282Page 8 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 8
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Page 8 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 8
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