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I WANTED KNOWN. A DD™to jour income by utilising your ■"- spare time.. Write u> New Century ITesß, Ltd., 431, Kout St.. .Ky.Uiey. -"Jtti DaESSMAKINiG.— Cimuum-s a specialty: ladies' own materia-, made Up: pril-es n-aso lable.—Elite. 3, Great North B It' you've any used Furniture to (Seil, IXJ-VKLEY'S the roan! Pays weli: C " XT U RUIiBING" I-aundry Help is win' ! ■"•' ning on its merits; 1 ' packets even ' time—Lliitchlnson »rns.. Ltd. U F~ OK Eye Comfort and Clear v'ielon. consult 0. K. Nielsen, Sight Specialist, «-. I'itt Si., opp. Central Fire Station. i Charges moderate. B i " "VH> KUHBINi!" Laundry Help 17 our I favourite washing powder; 1/ packet 1 dues 7 weekly wuHhiugs.— Smeetons, Ltd 15 27*0 X New Furniture at 'Factory Prtccs. ._? try <'OAKLEY! C I " fTYANIWHA " Soap has Revolutionised ; X r.fae Art of Washing. B I '"VTO KUBBINU" Laundry Help is women's weekly washings.—Home and Colonial Stores. _H rT'S Personality that counts In an Auctioneer. Hence Coatcley's suroews: C F<S FL A KUbKON," "i'«N. lltrlglum StT. o t home, J io 0. Public Circle every ■■Wednesday Night at_S vjn. lai l,f-.HKAIT.ST Mililnery. Wuy~Pay -Moiv? I *■-' IL , t; to 2T'rt. -Miss Kielty. Le Hcuu 1 IMonUp, 470. Queen St. «ipp. Y.W.C.A.i. 28S BEkTceH'S Soap" is as good as cvei\ ft lakes away all labour by soaking the j doihe* 20 minutes. All Grocers. Try It. B HAVE your Lawii Mower Sharpened at Smith's. 14, Wakefleld St. Collected, I (lelirereil free. Thone. U I ri\ANIWIIA — The Purest and Best Soap J -*• manufactured. B IT\ V.C.C. stands for Domestic Vacuum ! J- , - Cleaning Co. It also stands for satls- ' fal,|in ". I'hone 900. B '•• "V'O iuishing" Laundry lleip ir really •*■' wonderful. Washes clothes clean without injury : 1 packets.—X. \V. I Gnllaugber. B KORGE wTiTk EH Furuirure. mid cull save buyers 30 per ] cent when furnishing. I) IV you want a Good Trice and a Square Deal, wr OOAKJL.KY! <■' B'RINO along your old Gold, Silver, False Teeth, etc. Ilighesi prices given.— ilr« Cojien. 124. Vlrtor'.s St. W. D r\* a x t k r> k * o -tf x. II CKIICKSHANK. MILLER AND CO : are Seiling at lowest Prices Household Hardware, Cutlery. Silverware and Builders' I lrou '"""S er . v - Regular shipincats. l> : T A PETITK PATENT ■ K - d Look for the Keg. Trade Mark on the ; licit (if each apron. The only apron with , merit enough to be proteete*! uv letters ; [mteut. 3 ZOO, Koyai Oak. UMliauj-J. in full swing; 11 lions traimil at __l dally. (ii ■ A TTKXI) i^JAKirEY'^ruTsdu^-^aiid - Fri -"■*- day Mart Sales. ThereV unoney to fov T) X L C O L I On T. (an Ik , seen at AKTUUn D. RILEY AND CO., High and Durham Streets, Auckland C 67 yOUR TJOUSE TpUKNISHED ON TPASY rpBBIIS. Far £5 W»rth, £15 0 Deposit, 5/ weekly £10 „ £2 10 0 Deposit. 5/ * '£16 „ £3 15 0 Deposit. 5/ £20 „ i 3 0 0 Deposit, 6/6 : £25 „ £6 5 0 Deposit. 8/ £30 „ £7 10 0 Deposit, 0/6 £40 ~ £10 0 0 Deposit. 12/ £30 ~ £12 10 0 Deposit. 13/ " Special Arrangements Made (or Larger Amounts. A p KOS3MAN AA'D r~%0., J TD., 11l 115, KABANGAfHAPE ROAD. AUCKLAND. D TF TOU HATE A DELCO LIGHT PLANT -I INSTALLED. You are Secure Against Gas Shortage or Failure of Electricity Supply. 667 W 1 " "L A g- ix * ria- "? Becanse "La Gloria " Is DIFFERIvNT from all other fframophonci— souml Ik>i and tone chamber are different, renderiup exactly—no more, no less—what tile human voice or an instrument expresses in a manner exactly adapted to the human ear "La Gloria" will gl7e u> your OLI> RK€ORr>S NEW BIiAUTI'BS. If the supreme in vocal and instrumental reproduction interests you, COME A-VD IiEAOI IT. "TA /-1.IXIRIA" J>ABLOORS, 157, KAIUXfiAHAPE BOAD. B r A - n ; G E 8 - NEW ASTJ SBCON'DHAND RAXGES IN STOCK. Repairs In All Branches. STOXEX AND WHITE, Wakefleld Street. C TVEES. "DEES. TVEES. I Beekeepers are hereby notified that the N.Z. Co-operative Honey dToducers' Associa- ' tlon, Ltd.. Stanley Street, Auckland. Is , prepared to supply Colonies of Italian Bees i for the coming season at lowest rates, also Nuclei Colonies if required. Write for circular in reference to these. We also stock Extractors, Frames, Hives, , and Beekeepers' Supplies of all kinds at i lowest rates. Write For Price List. N.Z. CO-OPERATIVE HONEY PKODUCETHS - ASSOCIATION, LIMITED, P.O. Box 12P3, Auckland. MS4 ti I G H T. The Plant with the satisfied in Ueniuera, Mt. Eden, Onehunga, Mt. Albert, I'onaouby, Mangere, Papa toe toe, etc. (,6 ~ TTEAPS SyP ATONEI is being saved liy na every year lor tbe people of Auckland —city bud province—thanks to our Wonderful " CROTJHALL WAY" of Renovating Clothing, ajid transforming old apparel into practically new goods. Winter is passing. Look out for your old Fuits Costumes and let us niake Uieis ■smart and presentable for spring and eonrmer. Country orders solicited. IrjTOE QBOTHALL WAY QOMPANY, , ' Renovating Specialists and Practical Tailors, 137, SYMONDS STREET. Phone 2544 A. Works Phone, 2C7SA, Mt. Eden. C NAME BROOCHES, 2/6 and 4/6 each. Children's Bangles a Specialty. Pine Birthday Presente. Venetian Necklets, on Wire, from 9/6 each. Initial Brooches on Pearl Shell, 2/6 and 8/6 each. Catseye Pearl, Bead, Shell and I Novelty Jewellery. Post Free. Mote Address: W. H. GIBSON, The Gold Wire King, 140, Earangahape Road, Auckland. Wβ
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 2
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877Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 2
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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