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WANTED KNOWN. I rtOXSri.T iladaine Seeaut, returned from "-' abroad; electric hair —Boom 1, Arcade, opp Newton l'.O. (upstairs). 17.". DKLAYS AUK DAN U*E BOV4 —i)rder your suit now. Take delivery when you like. We will be only too pleased to send you patterns.-McBKIDE. The Tailor. 11 Ki. _'. t rorhi Sln-.-t. HPS EATTLIrNM. NEW SKA SUN'S HOME FritXlSHl.'vtlS. Finest iielocthm, and I our Prices iwi- Moderate. IUCIIAUD ARTHUR. LTD.. i l> I'piht Ijmvii Town nail). | Tli-K l/ondnu Cinthins ■Cle.ininu- Co.—Wo! Kouinilil I/.-ft "IT Afrn.irel Bought.—S. , Great Noruli Xc!. "I'lunn- i., riiics). I.l<t ■ 01-:\S' I Ni; Mariiinp* Ki-pairi'd. liuttonholw ! ►J mail.' on prembw. (>|n'U Friday, a p.m. I tltiforil. s. liiiiliind St. ''hone L'7S7A. 106 ; T WiW. ami "W.-nder" IlenirU*. !U1 .mrli. | ■*-* 711 <loz Needles ltd Loo, ;>' >noo --7d City I'liamliers. __D | r>E()PIJC are always coosiiltlnß COAKLKY i arMiut Snlos. Mc sive.< cond advice ! Sniliw. C ~\'OI" CAN'T BEAT IT.-THE KIHSOX - 1 IMAMUNIi DISC PIIiiNOIiRAPH is the Worlils llrst. The next best is the EDIKON CVI.INDEX. Inepertion invited Repairs a upwiality.- EDISiIN DEALERS.' In. Ciry Chambers. D D~ R." "SlfLiS v "Auti paiu I'ilTti, 2/1, for~all paiDN. Nalther. the (Jreat Hcaltn , Uestorer. 'J it -Mr. Dewar. Strnmi Arcade. U | cHuI I'AL'L. for Razor" SharpoiilnsTevTry I *■- razor Buaruntwd. —Ilnlrdressor, Queen : and Quay Sts.. opp. Ferry Buildings. 59 | ijN FiT\ Mil iiue ry n niiHC -TioaiitiTu 1 ' selectiou SpriUK Models just openeM. I Inspection inviii-n. -l.'il. Symninls St. -Jf«« | LADLES;! The Largest Variety of riTTjiTscs J is to he found at The Boudoir. Karangn- I hape Krt. (near Tirolii. fiOO j {>OBEItTSON, Auctioneer, Sella Oak | IV Furniture nt Whole_sjilp Prices. D FIKTTTS Celc-brated Stainless Dessert ! !<uive.<. So/ dozen: Table, 9.V; post ' i free.- I!. K. Smith and Co.. City Cham- | bep<. Anrkla:id. D 4 T A PETITE PATENT APKONS. -L , Look for Reg. Trndr Mark, La Petite. RCY YOriJ WIFE (INK. nud she will be ' dcliglitpd. 3 ; |nMAKT Millinery now >lio\v"ins at .NUss ! (Joidsworihy's Newniarkel. Splendid assortment Latest Spring Shapes. Newcsi j Styliti and Colourings. Millinery Acres ; sorirs. Karly selection advised. 257 ; /MiNSI'I.T Madame fJnriuTailri. oY ItuTia. j Telepnth Inspiration Sp,.nker: Charae--1 tcr IleadlllK rrom IlnndwrltlnK. Blini! .energy i.-. iisi-li-ss. ,SS. Vi.-toria St. \Y. LSI ; !TF Soiling, let COAKLKY to value your : J. μ-vnls. lie wont charge you! <• /pBOfSANUS of ilen are Rcdncing the! 'Cleaned at C'o\'s Iliit Fai'tury, liarangu- ! hape Rd. " jj • iFkR. HALL'S FAMOCS CAI'SOLS. Price,! I -L- , 12,'ti package, post free. To ensure ' !gftting genuine, order direct Iroai Sole Asents. Hridtfe Drug Stores. Chemists, 3. Karangaaape Hd. (at cirafton Bridge;, ' Auckland. D AT THE MAI'LK. Cash or J- terms. THE SIAI'LE YfRNISUiAU : CU., j and SA. Karau>;ahnpe IW. C GOOD LCCK.—You caii't go wrong X UEORGE TVALKBIi is Selling ioor ; Furniture. D rpUTT'S Clean ana Keblook all desorip- -*• tlons Hats.—Only Address, Top of Symonds St. P"VIHTH'S Celebrau-J Stalnlees Desaert J- Knives, b.")/ dozen; Table, 05/; po«t tree.—lt. K. Smith and Co., City Chambers. Auckland. D 4 GKORU-.E WALKER has the Best Selec- ' tion of New Furniture. Inspection lnvited. ShowrtKims, 3S, queen St. D OX'S Hat Factory, Karaugahape Rd.. Is placing their whole staff Cleaning and I lieinodeUing Ladies' and Lieut's Hats. D TTLTANITOt) Known-Ford Radiators Lent '* » while yours repaired, Lctvls, Expert. Chancery St.. City. S4 IF in Ouk, see ilobertsnn, Auctioneer, first. D i HA\"B It Furnished by COAKLET. .He* j a lot <.heaper. C BTSAL'TIIPUL 1-hn broidery Work done at Che American Button "-Company, -corner of WVllealey and Elliott Sts. 130 T A PETITE PATENT APRONS. ■*-* They are Different from All Other Aprons. So smart in appearance when on. ASK TO SEE ONE AT YOI'R DRAPER'S. 3 jy E L C O LIGHT. The Complete ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT. Runs on Benzine, Kerosene, DistiUute, or off Town's Gas. 667 AN Hour in WALKER'S AUCTION ROOMS is more enjoyable than the Pictures , U FL'UNISH AT TIIK MAI'LK. Cakh or Terms.—THE MAPLE FURXISUINU CO.. .-. and SA. Karaugahape Hoad. C ■piEST Selection of N~E\V is -L» at GEORGE WALKLEIIS. 3S, Queen St. C FTJRNLSH AT THE IUPLE. 7ash or Terms.-THE MAPLE FUR.NISin.VC? CO.. r> and sa. Karnngahape Rd. C IMPORTANT. TO STEX. - TliJn7-~n7Sde Ready-to-Wear and Unclaimed Suits, in guaranteed fast Indigo dye«. — Schneiden-an Bros.. Lid.. 215. 217, 219. Queen St. B I?! ORNISH AT THE MAPLE. IMsh or terms—THE MAPLE FURNISHING CO.. S and -"iA. Karangahape Xi) o DRY Feet means Health, so get your Leather, lioot Repairs from the Hub.— Tugby. KiT. Karnngnhape ltd. C PETITE PATENT APRONS Are the Last Word In Aprons. Ladles, you will be delighted with them. They ore neat. smart. and effective. ASK TO SEE ONE. 3 "TJELCO LIGHT. The Complete ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT. That starts, stops, oils and cools itself. CG7 BEST Auctioneer for a S.ile at the Home Is COAKIJEY! Knows 'ETerybody! C EOIKIK WALKER Takes Repatriation! Kurni.ihinK Orders, and allows Soldiers a Spi-clal Discount. . C. [ FURNISH AT THE MAPLE. Cash or Terms.—THE MAPLE FURNISHING CO.. t> and fiA. Karangahape Road. C j miHE MODERN BUTTON FACTORY, of J- 2 Welloeley Strent West, wish to inform their old and new customers that they have a LARGE STOCK OF MOULDS FOR BUTTONS of all styles and shapes. , and are prepared to execute at very sJiort ' notice, and extra special reductions for the trade and large quantities. They also do HEMSTITCHING AND ACCORDEONI'LEATIXG. _ C ■CORNISH AT~TUE MAPLE. Cash or -f Terms.—THE MAPLE FURNISHIN-G CO., 5 and HA. Karangahape Road. .C "\TO RUBBING" Laundry Help, oest scientific preparation for washing clothes without Injury ; price 1/. —Wheeler's Stores. B URNISH AT THE MAPLE. Ca3h or Terms.—THE MAPLE FURNISHING CO., 5 and BA, Karangahape Road. C ■J-JELCO LIGHT. ELECTinCITT, For anyone, anjTvhere, e67 REPATRIATION Orders for Furniture go much further at GEORGE WALKBH'S , C rriHE -pMPIRE HELPS YOU TO DEFEAT . RISING CLOTHING COSTS. The EMPIRE will renovate yonr whole , 1 wardrobe, treating every garment expertly, scientifically, successfully. ' The EMPIRE Re-model Costmnee, ! Gowns. Fur Coats, and Furs to fashion's . latest whim for a few shillings. ! The EMPIRE Cleans, Kepoirs, Presses Costumes and Suits quickly at a small charge. I The EMPIRE secret cleaning process causes great wonderment Return ' postage paid on country orders. ' J7TIIPIRE /COMPANY, I ! 3SB, QUEEN ST., Opp. Town Hall. ' I Ring 8876 and our van wIU call. RC
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 2
Word Count
1,031Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 2
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