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SITUATIONS VACANT. FITTERS and Boilermakers wanted.— Steel Construction Co., Sale St., Freeman'a Bay. P_* ARDUi.NER, good, practical; constant employment.—'U., l)»3, STAR. 71 GARDIEINJER wantedlmmediately, for few days.— STAR. *j8 GARDENER -ivanted for Parnell Tennis Courts, three days week; good wages. G. H. Baker and Co., Ltd., Commerce b-t. ol AiRDENKiR WANTED FOR KING'S COLIjEGE. Able to milk and with a knov.f..2.e of cows. Good Wages to Suitable Man. Apply THE COLLEGE. 610 AIRDRESSERS~Wanted, good Man to rent Saloon; low rent, good prospects. Hairdresser*' Union. 28, Victoria St. 38 HANul' Man wanted; milk one cow and do garden work. —Apply "Star' Agency, OnehunKa. 25? JEWELLERS. —Ring-maker wanted for Wellington; wages £5 15/ per week with an Increase in a month if satisfactory. Uogmore. Security Buildings. 199 L~~ ivod, for 'Nlhotu'pu lin'poundlng Dam. Top wages suitable men. Men fln<i own blanket*. Train leaves Auckland for Waikume-te 0.20 a.m. Coach meets above Mondays, Thursdays. Saturdays.—Apply on Works, or Phone, Niiiotupn Bureau. 088 smart, intelligent, about 15 or 18, to learu vu!caui<iin-g.—Brown Tyre and Rubber Co., 12. Market Square. D 4 AN wanted~to~do <li«ginß. cither by day or contract.—Apply S. Oldfleld, Violet St.. Mt. Albert. 52 MAN, wanted for maintenance work.—Apply 'immediately to Manager, Thames Gas Works. 119 MAN -wanted, for bveakingdown bench; also Man for tailrogout; output 4,000 per clay; -wages, 10/.—Apply Box 57. > Talha-pe. ** for bu-tter delivery van, no Sunday i work; also Man wanted for factory, | used to refrigerator.—Takapuna Dairy, M>el- I ritse, 'Devonport. 582 ATE T2ndT wanted: foreign, ketc-1 lUra.—Apply on Board. 51 EN (2) wanted for pipework; unskilled work. —Archibald Bros.. Avondale. 106 Ori.DERS (2), first-class, wanted; constant work to good men.—Chas. Judd. : I,td.. Thames. 265 ! -t Andrew M. Patterson, 12, 'Commerce St. 184 At-NTK-R-S and I*ap«phansers wanted.— Apply Birch an-d ■Bradshaw, 117. Bden | ITerrncp. K0 AI'ERIIAXGEII, Rood tradesman; con- ' stand work to snitnble man. —A. Lornle and Sods. 130. Symnnds St. 123 PORK Butchery.—Shop Assistant wanted. Apply F. Harrison. Baeou Curer, Three Lamps. Ponsonby. 98 PROMINENT re<iulrfts jflerk (Male or Feroak-). wtth -k-nowledpe of [ Searching, ißegistrations.—'Box 277, Auctkland. 442 j mo Plasterers.—Wnn-ted. 2 Plasterers, JL cither -by day or contract. —Apply J. Rowe, Alexandra Par);. 361 VEST Hands (2), Drst-olass. wan-tea", highest wages: no Saturday wort.— ; Hnph WTlght. Ltd.. Queen St. 42 jVTTIIEELWRIGHTS. also for smithy. IVY G Pe . Potter. Faithfnll, Coach and Motor Builders. Lome and Rutland St«. 177 OT/TH wanted for Butter Depot.—N.zT Co-op. Dairy Co.. Albert St. 70 ■\rOUTH wanted for store. —Apply after 2 -*- p.m.. Monday, Wakeman Bros., Ltd.. 24. Customs St. E. 200 V~ OTTH for Trousers Cutting and Trfmm\m: cbnnce to learn cutting.—'RJaffe. Tailor, 10. Qneen Pt. 353 T Ji O N MO B L D. E R S. WANTED— TWO GOOD IRON iMOULDEBS. Apply E. J. KELLY AND CO., LTD., .". Federal Street. Auckland. fiol JUNIOR FOR OFFICE WANTED. Good Prospects for Sharp Lad. One just leaving school preferred. Apply N.Z. LOAN AND MERCANTILE AGENCY COMPANY. LTD., Albert and Customs Streets. 578 JUNIOR ASSISTANT FOR GROCERY DEPARTMENT. Good 'Prospects. MEL V CRN'S, 665 Karanguha'pe BoaU. JUNIOR CLERK WANTED. Good Prospects. Apply personally— THOS. COOK AND SON. Tourist Agents and Foreign Bankers. New Zealand Insurance Building. 506 JUNIOR CLERK, SMART. WANTED. Quick and Accurate at Figures. Apply in own handwriting, giving full particulars, age, experience, etc., to INVOICE. 52S Box 1300, G.P.0., Auckland. JUNIOR, SIM ART. WANTED FOR OFFICE. One with Little Experience Preferred. Write JUNIOR, Box 23, Auckland. 149 LAD OF" 15. SMART, WANTED AS APPRENTICE. GOOD WAGES. References required as to character. Apply SARGOOD, SON AND EWEN, LTD., Auckland. 109 M:aNAGBR FOli THE WIIIANGAREI LAND CO., LTD. Good Judge of Cattle. References Required. ■Apply "T* WiHAN<3ABE-I LAND CO., LTD., S. Union 'BWgs.. Custom* St. E. 584 TV T 0 T O li AND ELECTRICAL. BOY. INTELLIGENT. FOR SHOWROOM AND OFFICE ASSISTANT. Mnst 'have good appearance. Straight from Secondary or Technical School preferred. To be trained as Salesman. LAWSON'S PROPRIETARY. 1"5 41-43. Shortlajpd Street. ■yr OTOR MECHANIC, •" FIRST CLASS, WANTED. Able to handle all makes of cars. Top Wages. Apply SMITH AND "WOODMAN, Water Street, Whangaret 523 TkTOTOR MECHANIC WANTED. THOROUGHLY COMPETENT FIRSTCLASS MOTOR MECHANIC. Efficient in all branches. Snpervlse repairs department. BONUS GIVEN. Reply, enclosing copies of testimonials, experience, salary required, 836 MOTOB. 120. STAB.
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 1
Word Count
705Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 1
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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