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SITUATIONS VACANT. AXiEADIN-G Life Assurance Canvasser require the Services of a Firs't-ulasa CAXTA'SSER AND COLLECTOR for a prosperous country district.—Write .MAXAUKH.Hox 65, Auckland. 201 \ a'FIUiNTICES, improvers, and Journey- -"- men Motor Mechanics wanted; special opening.—Alacliine Tools, 03, STAR. WM OUT Ll'rliß-CLOSi.NG. —We ha7e Upper-Closing to give out; top prices paid ; can supply machines. G. A. COLES AND CO., LTD., 54T Ksmonth St., liden.Terrace. OY wanted lor factory. —W. Casey, i'.eaumont St. 303 T_>OY wanted for the ofllee.—Kaiapoi - 13 Woollen Co., Wellesley St. 151 t>OY, for light messages; good, wages.— -*-* Chemicals, Limited, U7, Fort St. 1« BOY, about 14, wanted; good wages.— J. ('. Pelham and Sons, Victoria St. W. 550 BOY, about 15; good wanes. Rood prospects; refs.—.U. Robinson, 81, Victoria .St. !Ki OVS wanted iui m edla Lely.—l oun Bull Manufacturing Co., 03, Union St.. Auckland. 548 "ROY, active, wanted.—G. T. Chapman, ■*-* Stalloner and Paper Merehajit, 16, Swanson St. 111 ■£* Cresher "au'd Sons, Ltd., Electrical" Engineers, Lome St. 1)7 T>OY wanted, waices 20/.—Apply Ci. T. ■*-* Chapman. Paper Merchant and Stationer. Hi. Swansoi) St. 3SO J-* highest wages.—The Empire Dyers, SOS, Queen St.. opposite Town Hall. _ 524 "DO V", I XTELI.I G EXT. WANTED, JJ FOR WAREHOUSE. S. FULL.IAMES, 25. ELLIOTT ST. 37 BOY" wanted for office: splendid prospects for intelligent youth ; state age and send credentials. —Speddtng, Ltd., Wrights Buildings, Fort St- Auckland. COG BOY, S.MAIIT, FOB iIiESSAGiES AND W-AiBEHOUISIi. Ai'Ply FORIKMAIN, , MEiSSn.S. LIIT-N, LTD.. 614 56, Font Street, Auckland. BOY WAXTBD TOR OfTFICK, SplendiJ prospect-s .for intelligent youth. State age and send Credentials. SI'EDDIXC, LTD., Wriirtrt's tiiMg*.. Vort -St.. Aiinklgnd. 500 BbJCHijU wanteil lor country; good allround man; wages £4 10/. —Address at STAH. 513 riiNVASSHR vSalesmau, one wltfi previous \J experience pref.; good ronuuission.— M. 0. STAR. 147 C>ANVASSKi{, energetic, wanted, with Land turency ex-perionce: good 'terms for Mii'tnMc man.—Apply .1.0. Box 4.TT. S-Tj j C~ ANIVASSFH. ißpliable. wanted to introdwe X( I Line-; and Grocery: wages, £4 2/6 nnrt co.nmiEKwn: iiuratlon of situation depends on resulis; refs. Indispensable. atIETAIL'BR, 13S, STAR. 293 A'UPEXTERS for (makers Job, "Doniinlon ! Rd. -C. Frrness. Dominion ltd. 556 GAiBiPE'XTEJRiS wanted.—F. J. Fawrett, W, King's View Kd., -Mt. Eden. Phone 4220 (3 rlncsi. 330 J 'AiU'l-.TVi hits wanted; top wages and i fares—Apply on job, Te Kotl, 6, Orakei \ Ud.. rtPinnera. a -" j /"IAHPK.NTERS, tradesmen only: jobs | V-' l'apakura and IMkekohe.—Sanders, i Pnltekolic or Iβ. St. Benedict's St.. City. 35 OACII L'alnter or Improver wanted : passage paid.—James and Whlmp. Whangarci. 643 C - OAT Finishers wanted urgently.—A. Cochrane 2S. Swanson St. 167 (■«OAT. Trousers and Vest Hands wanted; -> tirst-class.- ITT. Lofiles' and fjenfs Tnilor. XT. Kamnganmw 15<1. 60!) .N"<;INR Driver. first ticket.—Apply Engineer, Kauri Timber Co., Fanshawe St. 371 A CCOUNTANT. mjirETEST, "- REQt'IREI) For Merchant's Ofßce. to taie charge. State pxnerience and enclose copies of recent testimonials to PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, .W Rox 1310. G.P.0.. Auckland. A N f> S XI X N. WANTED, GOOD KXPKrUKNCKn r.AXnSMEX FOR j r-'th (Nelson and llarlhnrnugh) REGII MKNT BAND, Nelson. State nature of work, etc., required. Only competent players need apply.—ll. 11. WIMSETT. Secretary. 37 ■T» 0 Y. SMART, WANTED FOR DEPARTMENT. Apply, In writing, 155 P. HATMAN AND CO. T>OY, ENEIRCETIC, JCST IJI2FT -" SCHOOL. WANTBD HARDAKE STORE. Apply BUILD-ERS , SUPPLIES, LTD., 06, Fort Street. 602 /"IARPENTKRS, AT TE AROHA GLAXO FACTORY. 3/ per hour and fonnd. Long honrs. Apply A. E. CAVE. On Job, by letter, * or wire. 575 /-IILOTHENXJ AND MERCERY. ■SMART YOTTTH. WITH ABOUT 2 YEARS' EXTRBTI'ENCiE, WANTED Must have references. Apply- MANAGER. A. E. ehrlmski. 616 'Corner Queen and Wellesley Sts. |~1 O S T I N O C L E R X, FOR OUR SADDLERY FACTORY. One with previous Saddlery Experience Preferred. Good Prospects. FARMERS , UNION TRADING CO., Ilobson Street. 552 -pyRUG REPRESENTATIVE. We require the services of an EXPERIENCED SALESMAN to represent us in the Marlborough and West Coast Districts. Applicants must have had experience in the Drug Trade. Apply, by letter, enclosing copies of testimonials, stating age and experience, to THE MANAGER, KEMTTHORNE, FROSSER AND CO.'S X.Z. DRUG CO.. LTD.. WELLINGTON. 130 QAWG OF WORKMEN WANTED. TO TAKE ON CO-OPEUATIVIE- ROADMAKING CONTRACT, Close to the City. Apply 'KJAMJ." 155. 6TAR. 627 XT ARDWARE ASSISTANT, EXPERIENCED. WANTED. Apply HAR-DIB BROS.. see Queen Street.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 1
Word Count
700Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 1
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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