1 ffe^ri'^'fclsi ?S, UGH ,, S ' colds; ,11/ g \ T ß H^t c^L s bl 4_ CHAPPELL & GOURTENAY ABB PLUMBERS, 6, WAKEFIELD STREET. 'PHONE 1782. Fr6nv the great salt works at Liverpool, British ships are continually taking Imperial Salt to all the : Dominions. In every country ' wise housewives know that there 11 is no purer salt for the kitchen or ; the table than this fine sparkling ; I For every household use it is the ' I best salt made, because it is pro- ' j ' [ I duced under conditions of science ! I and hygiene that have no equal. I j I The goodness of Imperial Salt helps i ! I to preserve your health—ask for it. ; i I Supplied m 71b. bags. 30 J BEST? itt BE&T COOHN& !i Afraid of Food. Sufferers from Indigestion often beeom* faddists as regards their food, and flnA tbtmsdTes In time reduced to a 1 Very meaere and unsatisfying diet. Hudson's Eumenthol Jujubes correct Acidity of the stomach, and their Antiseptic properties prerent abnormal fermentation of the rooa, thus allowing the natural digestive ferments to act, and if taken regularly after meals, they so improve the digestion that a strict diet becomes unnecessary. Hudson's Eumenthol Jujubes are rooit useful to those who suffer from Heartburn, Flatulence, and Dyspepsia. Sold everywhere. Tins, 1/8. Recommended by the Medical World, vh»» "The Lancet," "The Practitioner," Me. Edward JfaydooK ENCINEER AND REGISTERED |- PATEHT ACEKT _^>^% n«VE>iTORS XOTE.-3lrlotl T ptnouiUttontloaciTni ■» M l\l P»t«°Ub"it» • Smd tor Booklet, Sell Help W to F»t«nt Law. Price IA. s CONSULT!Nβ OFFICES : WAKEFIELD STREET. AUCKLAND Workmtnmlth Invntienctuimoktwintitß oppo/ntmnt' 'Phone 4436. (T)afent6 I Writ, torfay /or Fr«e . ■ " Invmntorm'Caide." that Contalt ■ BALDWIN & RAY WARD 1 ■ "Patent Agent, end Connllinf Engine,. 1 >J|Hcud Office . Wellington. I M Auckland Cpfice : 1 y 8 Smeeton's Buildings. Queen Street. I ' I Representative :w. Pinches. ME. E' Telephone J514 BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT TO Hit EXCELLENCY THE EARL OF LIVERPOOL, X.C.M.0., N1.V.0. Owing to our volume or business, we can still worK at our popular low enarg-es —< BUITB DRY CLEANED, 8/-; DVEO, 9/6. Office: TABERNACLE BUILOINttri, KARANQAHAPE ROAD. VANS COLLECT. omee: Pnone IT4I. works: pnone 4385. DRY
Page 22 Advertisements Column 3
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 22
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