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igjl Four of the New Spring Costumes, ffi!lKi9of ®* tiie mak ' n ß of Costumes there is no end. li^^j Certain, y the many and varie d styles of the new -. — W cord, Gabardine, and Flannel, some being braided, WgjmJßSx' W severely plain, depending entirely for their success M ■ iffgfjjgfl Nothing but a personal visit can convey an /ma&l ' If m!sZm!o' frfW \ Two New Ready=to=wears of Tuscan Straw. Jflffiff § \\ / \ / \ Vli U prMUted y bj°' , lhow'who b wo«Fd with fancy laca straw finishing V,Jf /l 1111 B / \ VS\ t aoc l l,ire a ""f" , sn <l serviceable sharply upturned at the bark. / || n /I \\\ 1 hat ' Prlce, 59/,(i, Price, 63- * / r=i nil »n\ 1 IWγ ' Bffl \ If/// SHANNON. —Another dressy CosV)TA\\ Th,s is a very \l \\ I yBM A If/// tiime of soft Fawn Coating Serge. UiA.NA.—ilus is a very dres3.\ \\\ ( Hg iSgl \ fJW The back is eraartly finished with Costume, and v obtainable in LJ \\ ||1 U LT piping cord, which extends al«o either Xavy or Jaw,. Gabardine . / round the- skirt of the coat. The step collar. Ihe tront, sleeves, I W van J γ-ia /i« in and back of the coat are finished [ "4/12/9. with stitching?. Price, £15/10/-. / \ ki \ I I 1000.—A dressy Coetnme ie of Nig1002.—Among the well - tailored. Sm " er rown So* Coating Serge, plain-style costumes, is one of W The veet, collar, and trimmings Fox Garbicord. The coat is cut bptivv a ,■„,.„ «™,..» ff t • ni■ ri ' rf'Jt' ' on cnfla are cut '" P^tty-coloured with semi-fitting back, and of Ju P / "' HBIGHTOI.—Cut m Grey Gwb.- cloth, and finished with narrow three-quarter length. Price, p,™ P.h Jh, " f ?°" tume . ol .v '""/ br " ds and s"" 11 buttons. Price, £15/15/- rawn Uabardine, with trimmings back, whilst the # side is finished £15/10/ - of black military braid and fringe. with folds of self-coloured"~-ma- " j The coat has "semi-fitting back, terial. Thjs costume is effective, c and belted to fides, the skirt with lone roll fronts, and its Write for Samples of SS iWb 1 %£? e ± d IttLS fln jffi Dress DeD«rtment the New Materials. tamable in Xav - V ■ Price - £l4 / 18 /- ni ' 6 >- ■ Dress Department. Those garments are all lined with Japanese Silk, and are of a Owing to the robnilding scheme, By the aid of these samples, the suitable weight for Spring and Summer wear. the Dreee, Silk, and Blouie Sections customer who is unable to pay a are now located on the Second personal visit can view any desired Hfl *| rt PLa..,,- ¥ X J Flo»r, and offer special f«cilitii*lof fabric in her own home. Mail your VI I|ll P Aj l.linVrA I Tfl viewing the many-new delightful request to-day. We pay the post- ITIIIUV %X VllUj LC ? iwlil* fabrfa «h! colouring, for sjring. AUCKLAND.
Sales by Auction, GEORGE WALKER (The Dominion's Premier Salesman) undertakes the Sale of:— Household Furniture General Merchandise Salvage Stock Real Estate on the most reasonable terms I iSfc^S 33 Good Pricey are always assured ■vQIj? when Walker sell.i. He knows the value of the goods. Promptitude in settlement I ( when the sale is over. Competent staff ensures minimum delay. |ft£Sg» Efficiency is Walksr's keynote. TWO AUCTIONEBRS EMPLOYED. Outdoor Sales conducted anyfftwQßf 3 where in the district. Special ■" "' outdoor staff permanently employed. Walker puts Money in Your Pocket. GEORGE WALKER AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, phofie 2857 • 3 8 Queen Street. ROSTOCK'S Dry SUEDE CLEANERS 1 n The Best Preparations Known for Successfully Cleaning BLACK or ts***fo COLOURED SUEDE SHOEWEAR. i&j|LX AH Colours. SOLD EVERYWHERE. jfiSfcA ITHE SIGN or f New Zealand Representatives: , IPEKfHCnONI SHORT A COMPANY, 18, Swanson Street, AUCfKLAKD.
a- — -s Keep COWANS COGOA Constantly in the Kitchen There's a delicious chocolate vanilla flavour about Cowan's Cocoa—as well as a wonderful body-building virtue that appeals to and holds all Cocoa drinkers. ' Cowan's is a High-class Cocoa at a surprisingly low price. In Tins, }lb 1/-. ilb 2/-. lib 3/10. Why pay more, when more will buy no better. Ask s for Free Recipe Book from your Grocer. r!nW9ti'c flhnnnlifpQ The Canadian Confections UUWdll t> irllUlUldieS, de Luxe-sold everywhere Remember Cowan's FREE GIFT SCHEME I • I is open until Sept. 3oth. Start collecting I , I I at once. Particulars at your Grocer or I | 1 Confection era. ' Outcher Sells It For Less. Th&jfre. Here! English Carpets Our Grestteat Shipment. Wilton Squares Seamlets Azmineter Velvet Pile Tapestry All oolotire All eizeo Vestibule Rugs Hall fir , Stair Runner Brown Mohair Slip*. H. BUTCHER, The London Furnishing Warehouse, 101, 193, 195 Kar&agahape Rd. Not* particularly that oar premises are right opposite the NewtOß Post Office.
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 22
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753Page 22 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 22
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Page 22 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 22
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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