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I (By WHALEBOXK.) Racing mm roared with laughter in I the High Court in Kiißianri recently over the question asked by Mr. .Justice Darling: ""Is a turf accountant a person w-ho accounts for what happens on the turf? ,. Kin-mark has been solidly supported for the Metropolitan. It i-= -ome considerable lime since Finmark has raced, and no doubt ihe public would like, to see the New Zealand-bred horse sport silk before the hip race comes off. America's most .-uecrsful jockey of thii- season, -I. Carmody. ii.tends Tiding in Ivnjfland. lie is not yet IT, his weight is only 7-2. and according to his admirer.) he is another T»:l Sloan. If the latter part is eorret, there i? plenty of room for him in England, where, according- tol what we read, tin , present -tsndard of jockeyship is far from high. Some people imagine that owner? and trainers imirft know with certainty iwhpn their iiurses are sroinjr to \\ in, an<i tiiev I are pestered by liieir friends in con- ! sequence, pays nn F.ii.irlish writer. "'Can 1 your mare give Valescilre 41ib?" Lord d'Abenuin was asked by one of the=e paddock inquisitors as ilie horses 'went ; out for the Hnuisham Plate at Newmarket. "That's just what I'm waiting to see." hi , replied. "I have no idea how pood or how bad Yalese-.ire may be." And that is the crux of the problem. If owner* knew as much about other people's horses as they do about their own there would be no bookmakers. That gford English performer. Square M-easure. which w. n the X -\\:\ Ifunt Cup at Ascot a few weeks ago "was put up at auction at the .Inly snles. but an J offer of iiTfiflgns was pons'dcrej to ba i below his value, and he was parsed in. jOn the same ceeasi;n >o:i-ue!l \ras j passed at Tl'Hlgnn, and <;;and Flett at iTOOgns. (i n ,i lfl ()t ], er hand Knight of the Air, who r<al : sed 4.~):<lgns last year. was :et 1:0 for ■'iiOgn-, nwirg t.i being a, Uliffion't horse to train. Among the good j figure-; realised at tin , July ?al?s wcr. , .■JlOTlgns for yeariin.2 colt by Sunstar fr.'rn I'etite Marmite. and the i=ame amount I for yearling filly by Charles O"Mal.?r fri ni" Prescription.* !! .val Ilijrliness. two years. by Tie Tetrar.-h— 1..V3' Marriage. 3(Wl.»n*. for Firework, !'lee year.-, by Prino? Pi'— , Star; -JOOOgns for Floreal. three years, by 1 Poor Boy- Flr.r'.*ante: and 3OCK)gns for ITi m Powrie. five year-, by Forfarshrre — 1 Drama ticn. I , It may not be generally known that i while the King c-f is a liberal sup- ! porter of the f.irf in hi.- own country, Ihe 'j- :;!~o among tiie m st successful. !In fa-.-t. he -eenu; tv have had rather a I good time as a patron > f to tuTt'. This > up to the Ho-riiinin; ,if .lulv King I Alfonso, a< the "Duke of T.iledo." had run 12 horse.; in -i_ races, and won .'JO of them, being placed in I! , orher.-. The stakes won by his stock, from April 4 to I-July •"> amount to about ttWfin. Exc?pt Jin the iirani] Prix de Madrid, in which I the thrcc-yoar-olil crack Roman vse I second to the invincible Xourelan, the !-nuke of Toledo",lia-< w n every bg race in which iiU colour* were represented. j Tiie question of clandestine betting— 1 that is betting other than by the Pari- : Mutuel—was engaging mui'h attention in i France when our lii-t'.iles left. Ilitlieno the law there gave the authorities power to close the oftiecs of delinquents provisionally, ami refuse their to j any racecourse, while bookmaker.-, when 1 convicted, were .-imply removed from the course. But the 'Jiamber of Deputies haa decided to make t'e i.nv mere stringent. and now bookmakers are practically I warned off , . It «;b held that clandestine I iH'tting iy France had grown to such an extent that it competed wit-i the machine, and deprive I owner ami ■ brppilnr. as .ve'.i a.s liie Sr.ue. of llicir siiare of the tax. ! -\reml>ers ~f tl-.e who nre joporatiiif; on u-.- h\e handicaps of the .-priii- !iad mi ;o;i-i-:i t • complain of the stsite i>f t ln- m:irki-! reecT.'.ly, says .1 Sydney wr'uer, I'mnparativply speaking hiibihe-; «:n re; n>;,,,; [ v | loth hy way of ttraigiitoitt ;uid double-event ep>viihuiui<. iii'.il ihriv r:)ccs engaired iittcnliri!. It was M uite expected that Ready Ay., lt.-n.lj would be'the subject of some l.i'rkiuK f»v tin- Kpaoni Uandiciji. iin.l he was. The admirers of Ready Aye IJi-iid;, wen- very pt rMstent, and sujipurtnl him t.i win a large stake. Aiuithi-r otic in request for the l[nndi-.'iip «;is (Sr.s'nstoad. with the r■•■ sr.U Uiat his figure sbrrtenod a couple cf point.-. Rut a stronger move th H n cither of these was made on behalf of KmMi-mntii- for the Metrupiilitan. Previously Kinbli-matii , was libi-rallv befriended for the Melbourne Cup l>u "» thin occasion he was hitrodm. 1 into ihc quotations on the Metrnpidit;a: ana hacked in f,,cb solid earnest tV.r. rightly or w r ,,ngly. tl pinion gained prim ml tlmt the coininissi. ner u-iis !.v nn means -gurssinu" at 5 ,.,|,|,. MUl , nt ;,,„, A-loth.-r .Metropolitan emndidati- \- ■ piired niter, lnit only in n very nn'-l kind of way, was Kiiditre. Tin ' dem'i'ustration on l-;.,, : -if ( ,f K, n i,lematic -, I investors en the hunt sifter ,1, n'-.les com. meneinjt with the, Handicap, and In' «a; coupled with praetieallv ever,entrant supposed fi have a .-„, a | 0 ,-U in •or the latter race. ( ombinations .-, m-m-m-n.g with CreenM.atl. Heady A>e Ready, rhrysulnus, and «ydnoj and finishing; with Kinblomutic, uere supported far very Uu-l-.- Makes and a lew speculators « O im.l up their -.■!.• ■■ Hons with Kichmom! Mai,, Th./onW business ~f note dime in eonneetinn »ith the MVlboiirne ( up was placed to (he credit of Strathredole. which despite a recent failure. was 5,,,,,,,,rte,l to win all the money in the market at the opening, and a shorter quotation. This demonstration appeared to have a verT genuine ring. ■*'
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 18
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996TURF NOTES. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 18
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TURF NOTES. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 18
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