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i ASSOCIATION. j Jl NIUR rHA.M! , !O>". e Il!r?. KOI'ItTII CUADE. I . .Ti-flUi. riuyed. Won. Drawn. I'M.
V.M.C.A. Swifts. In tI IP BKi A rjradf put I : up a splendid performance in (scoring :rr ! K»als with not one goal scored against j .hem. 1.h1.x re.-urd stands ;is the liest for a.l R ra<l.'» this sras.m. ami goalkt-eper l'at»n is to l.c innpratutaUMj for liis work. That football has never been so pnpu- j lar on lynesid* as during the pftgt season ; is strikingly illustrated l»y the figures! in the annual report.and 'balance sheet iof the Newcastle Inited Club. i From a linam-ial point of view the : ' past MJonlm, been a record. The' gate j jieecipts at St. James' I'ark amounted to the total of £SS.4(in 3/. Shares of' gales brought in £5.5»0 2/10. whilst this ' jtogether with the income of £2-27 13/0 j 1 from soasnn tickets, brought the total in ' ito £(>l.,Viii m.4. which is a record i ' f>n the other side. £0,501 has been paid ; ! in other clubs as share of gates, and the \ r.ntertainment 1 a.\ amounts to il 12 ] FIT ! making a total dedueLion of £ai'.U9!»! which leaves a npt income from gatj J receipts of £3!1.82J 12/8. Other items on ! I tiic* erpdit 5,j,,. including transu-r fee-- i (bring tiie total receipts'* up to £40,417 I " — J I'lny.Ts , wage- absorbed £0187. whilst \£ I"S7 was paid i,, henetite. ISonuses and ! trnn«fer, cost £77.V,, wi ,V, fl tr;lvp;ii r ; camr to Ulill. and hotels v, «•""«" in «» »monnt to,: ; '.'„ C " l ' nn ;-! r N P«>nsf< account, the j ■ and "round*. ' ' " ' BOXING. I' j T..inm,v l!«r,,H did no 'lvtter than i I ollouers ~; the >],urt would expect in "x .mat.-li Heekei4.>; lluijlR d\; I boxing clianiiii.-n. He -,v:ns , v |,nve , pit in:-ide liceketfs guanl in the early . |Mages of ,)„• ~,T,te,t. but hi, blow's], lucked power, and in i!,,- seventh round • ii.c', champion had to give in • It is mer nine yonr s sine,. Hums and, •'a<K .lohnson met in Sydney, when th.> I hlaek i,ad an easy win over „ m , lo ], i liphter man. Hums lVils perhaps .mc ■ ;'■■ the worst boxer, who has ever held j": .the worlds heavy ehampionshi,,. He!, μ-ained the title by defeat mi; Jack I "Hrien. the Philadelphia lawy,-,-. who | had found hoxina a more payable pur . suit than rhasing fees. 11, b u ji t l|llitP i ] i! number of dwelling-: with the proceed-, . of hexing, and bee;.me wealthy. (CHrien i i was only : , midilleweight. and chose hi--I i opponents v.ith judjriuent. He was in j 1 England for some time, and cleaned up i all the he-t middles there. He then l became world's champion by defeating : Bob Fitzsimmons, who at the time whs ' only a shadow of his former self, the I -New /.ra,;i:iiler h;\\ nig re-entered the i arena Hi'ier tome years' absence to do- j fend the title which reverted to him j t because of .lelTne- , retirement. Burns 1 and (TBrien met and the contests wa? declared a dr.r.v. g,,i n <r the!. full distance and the point. hJ.j nR equal.!, Again they clashed when O'Brien said ! t there had been an understanding be- : tween them which was not observed by i Burns, who went *11 out from the etart j
Ito win, and got the verdict against the champion, tvh'i was in poor roudition. The. understanding referred to was that i they would make it all easy contest, and in eonsci|uein c O'Brien did not train as Ik- otherwise would have done However, Burns gained the title mid then j made for Knghmd. and afterwards All-- ! tniliii, with Johnson in hoi pursuit. T1... L.irry -how made by Hums in hi- match with the black is a matter of history Jack Dempsev is [»-giniiiiiK t.. frr-t l»I cause of his idleness and want? t>, get i back into the ring and light. ! -1 wouldn't like anything letter than to have a light coming up within thirty davH." declares Uempsi-y. "1 want to !,e 11 busy champion, and when it comes. time, to enter the ring the other lexers land promoters are goinjr to lind that J lam easy tv do business with. j •Do you know. IM lie willing to b.-t right now that some of the fellows who I want 11 chance at the title will ho 1 tougher for the promoters to deal with I than I urn. j ■■Personally, if I had a ehaiiee to make j ll)Q,0iH)dol* in one year and could make it ; 111 one light or ten. JM rather t.ox the : ten times, for 1 like tin; sport just tuat j much,"
i Tnl-(-ii.ip]p "i « . Y.M C.A. It.-inirprp 1" 7 Norih.-Shorp in ■"• i IVv. 4l'rpi<li.r!prtan JO 4 ' Y.M.r A. Spurs 1 V.M.I .A. IVH* ..1" — l :: T i IS l.'i i:s in :: : FIFTH A GRADE, i Y.M.r.A. Hungers 1(1 8 i:o!:niini 10 T North S-'.hiTf lo ii , NorrhiNite in :: I Y.M.i'.A. Hlnils 2 Y.M.C.A. Rovers.. In 1 i i i i IT 13 12 rii'TII Ft GRADE. j riov. I'rpsbytcrinn in 7 Y.M.c.A. Spurs .. in i> Tai.prnai-le in .". ; Y.M I'.A. Klvals .. in :: V MCA. Cells .. Jl. :: Bn>:h«rhoo.l ...'.. 10 1 i i i 14 1-J SIXTH A GRADE. Y.M.r. A. Swifts.. Ki 0 Rrlmoct in h Nurth Shore In .", Y.M.C.A. lYlvniii.'! Hi 1 i i i i 1U 1, 11 SIXTH J! UBAT>E. 'North .«h.»r- ... n ii Y.M.I' A. Olts ..11 4 St. Heller's i; .-, I-.rntherhooiI n :; Y.M.r A Hovers 11 I Mt. Eden ,i " lU'lniont (i 4 t 1 1 1 lit Yl 11 11 1
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 18
Word Count
928FOOTBALL. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 18
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FOOTBALL. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 212, 4 September 1920, Page 18
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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