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ATJCTIONS. I /-CONTINUATION Ol) , RUCTION A T " K ELVIJ!, " no TTOBSOX STREET. mO-MORROW (BATUHDAY), A.M. YyiLMAM TTKNDHt WILL SKL.L TJALANCK OP T\ININGIt()OM, j Including (-ROCKEISY. TAIM-KS, OLASSWARE, . Al QL'AUITY SPOONS AND FORKS, .TAUniNIERES, DINNER WAGON. ■OKUKOOMS (7), "DKDROOMS (7), , PeiiiK Till-: rTLL CONTENTS Of 7 BEDROOMS 200 L ° *** L!N EN ! Alsn. J T ° T TJTENSILS, j TOTS. TANS. CHAIRS, Etc. j TiyILLIAM TTKNDRY, I AfCTIONEKtt AND VALUF.It. j I'lione :ige7. 'J | LEGAL KOTICES. ■vj-Annn, t γ-xford. and qmitii, nAKRISTKKS AND SOI.KMTOUS, AM P. HiII.DINGS. QVEEX STREET, Will lipnceforwnrcl continue the rractlce at thai ncMrcss lately carried on under the name of Napier, Fltcuctt, and Ilccs. Mr. Nnpl.T lias dissolved the partnership with hts lute Partners, and has tiikoii into Partnership TVTR. JOHN TTECTOtt T CXFOHD, B.UUtISTKR AND SOMC'ITOR (Lntc of thp of Cox, Luxford nnd McCnrter, linmilton). X.B.—MONET TO LEND ON T.ANn AT A LOW RATE OF INTEREST. D DENTISTRY. MY OWN SrK-riA,!, METHOD (W- , I •VAIVIJESS 'KXTIIACTIO'N. 'WJili-h' are Blatlßctlvo. iriCHE AIUK .St).MK OTIIEUS: 1. NO VMS. -•. iNO iX»EiIO> to come h.iok the wconil time ! or oftoner, us miller oiucr merhods. I 3. BX'I-BRT EXT.RA'OTIO.\. .No hroken • tenth or slumps left lv fhe ciims. I 4. !PBRIPE!CT.IA" SAPS for all ages. I onn ' uso It on ;i pnMcnt of SO years. ! 5. XF YOU IIAVK A WEA,K ItiKART, or , suffering from oulier wouiiJlalnta, it will not nlTecr you. fi. 'NO I'ALVFI:L PRICKING. 7. NO S\V.OUjE.N GOI.IS. 8. ABiFOBSaEiU XBSIIII also pnluleaßly extracted. 0. 'KXIIRACTIOiNS (FREE when teeth nre ! ordered. Also A Sll lifißJ I A. The iMuKt JMnrvclloua THscovcry- In Dontl»try of the aite. You can 'b.ivo your tpoth drilled, ltlUod, ipropared for crowning, bridge work, pivots, etc.. without the slliihu»st T>aln whatever. i Yon nre consc-ioue, yet unconHcloiui to pain, I nnd 1 hnro proved tilils rao»t womlerful madhlne to be an absolute sucevss In crorj operation. Therefore patients who are nervous need . no lonijcw fear the dentist. Painless iDenMstry at my rooms la Not a lilytli, but a Pact. JJiBNtTIST Q ]I£UNIBQB j^MAXL-RL, TiiRST arijoou. ekj>ea.n'S buiudinus (Noit Open (Every ißveninj;, also Saturday ■Afteruoon. Teflcpiono 10OJ. ißlovator. D PIANOS TOR jiAl^^ LLISON.—TIic Great English ~Plano— Call ami ace new models.—-Sole Agents, H. and V. Plauo Agency, Ltd. H. L'oldlcntt, Manager. U CtARI, ETKIi, £»0: AllUou. f!ni : IHnake, I £t~>; equal to new.—Auckland Plana Aseney, 'Ml, Queen Sr. ISO /SuXpFbLL. excellent tone amlTondlt lon" y -J c-heck action; only £U8 cash.—67, WllIlaninon Ay.. Grey Lynn. TA ■p'XCBPTI'OJtAL.LY lEteccllent riano, Iα ■*-* perfect condition, «t prc-wnT price, by HorlUng and SpanifPnborg suit .profeasional or artiste. :Rare chance for genuine buyer. Ormrod, nearly opp. 1.0., Onehuuga. OGS PIANO, K«od tone, perfect order, for Sale. I'lano. WJ, STAIt. «!J iCJQUIKKrJ, as new;-lowest priced KngllsH *° piano in city; only £110. —Auckland Piano Agency, 201, Queen St. t> ■piANO, fim-elass, iron frnmo. -or !Sa!e: - 1 - Also Phonosraph, \olceAcldresH STAK. s|^3 T>IANO, by Hoelllng and Svangejiberg, tine J- tone, £43; others at cut prices.—Globe. 154, Queen St. D PIANO, Ijy Jolm and Sons, London, chpap; condition as new.— Globe. 134, Queen St. D riMiOUSAXUa of satlsfled customers -*- testify to the excellent piano service. B. aud F. Piano Agency, Ltd. S. Coldlcutt, Manager. l) and Collard, world-renewneu Pianos; great value, easy terms. —Solo Agents. E. and F. Piano Agency, Ltd., S. Ooidlciitt, Manager. I) IANOS oii Easy Terms.—Exchanges made: large stock ■ for selection.—E. and F. Plauo Agency, Ltd. S. Coldicntt, Manager. D LLISON Manoß — ShipuiciTt arrived. Thousands sold In Auckland. —K. and F. Piano Agency, Ltd. S. Coldlcuti, Manager. U ,iTY Organs—The Worlds Best" Reed Organs. Send for catalogues.—E. and F. Piano Agency, Ltd. S. Coldlcutt, Mapager. D AVESTAFF Pianos sold in New Zeaiand for 50 years.—Sole Agents, K. and F. Plano Agency, Ltd. S. Coldlcutt, Manager. D STEY Plauos—World-famed tor quality. Easy terms. —Sole Agents. E. and F. Piano Agency, Ltd. S. Coldlcutt, Manager. D PROPERTIES FOR SALE. -J c7)K ACRES SUBURBAN LAND, lots 5 J-*'** to SO Acre«; £35 per acre; possession nt sale. Terms: 10 per cent, cash, 10 per ceut. twelve months, bulanc-e 5 years, Interest 5 per cent. One to 1J miles from railway station, seliool, stores, P.O. Good road. No -buildings. Must sell wind up estate..—J. SIILi'SON, Swaneou. 79 .cjomiTiirxG 'special.—ut. edton*s tVJ BEST STREET. £ 1<530 —Superb Gent's Residence. 7 .large rooms; perfect order: latest conveniences: large elevated section: car a minutes. £cjsXi cash, balance G per cent. ' JOHNS AND FRA>- XS, The Method Men. ; 662 3T, H.M. Arcade. ' TVifT- EDEN — BEAUTIFUL SEMI-BUN- : ! JIL GALOW, 6 rooms and reception hall, * replete with every possible mod. couv. and . appointment; built of heart kauri. This r splendid home is faultless and would f satisfy the most exacting. Ideal situr ation: 1 mm. Mt. Eden ear. Glorious i> panoramic views. .Pricre £210 a—II. M. a (White, IL', Waltemata Cbauibere, Custom J Street. Sβ
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 6
Word Count
800Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 6
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Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 6
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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