AUCTIONS. _ -p ,R D 1 T. "p RVI T. pV.VI T. J ■p.UOIT. Xj\RUIT. pRUIT. T£ rpTRXER ANTJ gONS, "P mURNEK AND C3ONS, L TD -> 7 WILL SELL. Q A.M.— J^ONDAY— O A.M. OYDNEY, T OCAL, AND TPLAN'D ■ -pRUIT. SPECIAL LINE : TVEPACKED TSLAVD QRAXGES. Also, MANDARINS APPLES—' I'IXBS DELICIOUS I'ASS lONS STIUtttKUS OKA.WK3 IrturiWIKItTVS ' .LE'MOXK COMMERCE PEAKS MUXttOKS TOMATO'KS BANANAS Also, SEVERAL SMALLER LINKS COOKING AND DESSERT APPUES. 10.30~ AM pRODUCB AND ■γ^egetables. ■jTj rrrcRNER and g-o\s. L TD CITY M A It X X T S. 6 TO JtESTDENTS OF OT-VIIDHU AND •SI'KItOUNDIN-U DISTRICTS. T EONAIID pOAKLEY, T TD. CJATURDAT "VIEXT. A AT -j P.M. Favoured with instructions from Mr. .Tor- ~ gptißon, who Is shortly leaving for Wellington, AT THE H'BfiIDEN'OE. piASMCRB TJjOAD, QTAHWIU. (Second House on Right from Avenue Road, oßf Great S-outti Moad.) : TTIS TTOUSEIHOL'D TjUitXl-SIIIXGS, piAXO AND ■p'FFECTS, As follows: — UPBKJUT GRAND IPIANO (by Bishop - nnd 'Sons), In Solid iß Case, perfect order, nnd practically new, worth £180: Dining Table and Cover. O.!It. Seltee, Siinal> ami Cushion, OJR. Bookcase and Cup- ( board, Overmantel, Couch, 4 Dining Chaire (Lift-out seats In 'Rerlne), O<-c. Tables, Solid i Brase Fender, S-rtay Ansonla 1-Mre Grate. Seagraes Mats, Hose Bawl. Oruaments and Va. c es, Superior Linoleums. BRASSJJIOU'NTKI) DIH7BLE B.E-D STEAD, 2 'Single Iron Bedsteads. Wire Wovcs, I . Kapok and Flax '.Mattresses las new), * Child's Cot, O.K. Comb. Chest, Bedside Mat, Ohest Drawers. KITOItKN DRESSER, Table, A.iß. Chairs. 2 Canadian Ohairs, 2 Kitchen . Chairs, Child's High Chair, iMobiilr Slip Mats, 3 Holland Blinds, -Moat Safe, Brooms, Cednr Mop, Gas Kins, Washing-up Basin, Buckets, Potts' I roue, Cutlery, Crockery, Pots. Kettle, 2 Galv. Iron Baths, Clothes Lines, 'Props, Axe, 'Rake, 'Candlesticks, l-'olr . Mat, Pictures, and Hooks: als». /S'BXTL'EMAN"'S BICYCLE ("Crusader"), 'in good order. rNOAKLEY VyiLL fil' EI -' 1 ' J- TTSHO.NE 2235. 2 P. Vf. Douglas. 'Phone 898 A. T\OUOf.AS AND r^O. IN OUR ROOMS. rpOOLS. mOOLS. rpOOLS. jyTOXDAY — -rAT -1-1 O'CLOCK. Instructed by the Executor? In the Deceased Estate of JAMES BLOOD, Wood Turner, yrcy Street. ITBEADLE WOOD TURNER'S LATHE and All Accessories, in perfect order. 1 TREADLE CIRCULAR SAW BENCH, With Saw, BLACKSMITH'S VISE, CARPENTER'S BENCH, 2 IRON WOOD CHAMPS sft and 2ft. GRINDSTONE. COPPER. Hand Barrow, TOYS, LOT TURNERY, KNIFE BOXES, Child's Swings, Inlaid Walking.Sticks, etc, etc. TTPHOLSTERERS' AND CABINETV MAKERS' FITTIXGS, TIMBER. Also, OftA CARPENTER'S TOOLS, In good aM\J order. THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF TOOLS WE HAVE OFFERED FOR SALE. AND r\O.. ALL THE TIME. AUCTIONEERS AND LAND SALESMEN, VICTORIA gTRE-ET EAST. ' 4 TJIOIIARD A RTHUIR, TTD. WILL SEL-L, UNDER INSTRUCTIONS iFROM MR. R. McBRUOE. rpUEISDAY, ODPTrEMBEIt. 17 2 p M - A LBIBRT. -yp. ■VTT. ' ALBERT. jy£T. TJUILDING giITES. TJUILDING igilTIE-S. CLUSE TO RAIL .AND TRAIM. ' SPDBN'DID BDEi\ r ATSIO!N. (BXTEXSIME OUTLOOK. ft IeiECTIOXe QiNLY. ft jcjIECTIONS QKLY. ft OIBCTIOX'S Q. NLT - TBE (BASiIEST OF TERMS. £10 Caih, £10 in 3 months, balance C per cent in 3 years. • Nos. 5, S, and 0 with frontage to Gladstone Road. ' No. A. Corner, Sit. opp. Dr. Beattle's. Nob. 12, 13, 14, 15, Iβ, frontage to Woodward Road. Also, Af\ ACRiE-S AT WAITAKBRB-β., J>t. 70, a.ud N.; pt. 80. Wiitihln mile of etaiHon. £M cash, iMi'lance easy. Adjoining Mr. Brown's property. Full pactlculars, 3. TJIOHARD A RTHBIR, J TD. In Conjunction With »■ CRAY AMD COCK.RGFT, SMEETOiN'S BUILDINGS. I. THOS. iB. ARTHUH, Land and Furniture Auctioneer. 25 \X7>AOTED, eggs will be ecareer than erer n »»■ next winter. Preserve them while price Jμ low, by using NORTON'S I'BE- _ MIKB EGG PRESERVATIVE. TUej keep flesh a year. All Btores. HA lU TTAN HOUTEN'S COCOA is favoarrf by _ , » lt« flavour—because there is no other brand possessing the same delicate, cfcocolaty taste. Atk yoni eroeer' to reserve a reguigx vapplr, i,