CARKIDD AT POLL. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) WUIiAMGAREI, this day. A poll of ratepayers of Whanga-rei Harbour .District, taken yesterday, resulted in approval of a. loan of £120.000 for harbour improvement.?. The voting was 732 for, and 37!) against. Details of the improvement scheme include: —'(a) Dredging- a ci-annel front lower 'harbour to Onerahi, 225 feet in width, 23 feet navigable derpth -at lon* water: (b) dredgirrj a channel from Gnerahi to Kioreria, width IPO feet, nr.vigabfc d-epth of 20 '-eet at low watf-r; 10 acres, surveying basin of the same depth, berthage to 30 feet; rub'-ile ■wall at Kioreroa., '20 chains long; concrete wi-arf 50 feet long, and hpproaches; (f) tlrrdging channels /r-.>ui Kioreroa to ■Whangurei town wharf, width 100 feet, bottom 6 feet deep a.t low water; bas ; n ■of 8 acres, dredged to 6 feet deep, berthago 12 feet -at luw water: (d) construction of wharf at Partia Ray; ( c ) dredg'ng; shallows of ilangapcohi River; (f) complete purcTiocje of suction dredge, pontoons, pipe Hues, and geaxj citmiatcd to cost £100.000.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 4
Word Count
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 4
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