THEFT AT FEATHERSTOK. . CLERK Ef PAI OFFICE GOES FOB SENTENCE. A serious charge was preferred against a young man named Charles Valentine Atkins in tine "Wellington Court on Wedneedav, before Messrs. X. Salefc and D. Hanlon, J.P.'e. The chaTge was that the accused had stolen the sum of £74 12/ from the New Zeajland Government whilst he was employed at tne Featherston military camp as a ""receivers' cterk." Chief-Detective Ward condtHted the prosecution, and the accused was unrepresented. For the prosecution it was stated that the defendant had joined the Defence office at Feat'herston in June, 1918, and filled various positions until lie subsequently rose to the ranfc of sergeant, and was employed as a, receivers' clerk at the pay office. The amount stolen vra-s alleged to be in respect of an allowance granted to aU soldiers at Featherston, and it was decided to call the old rate in and pay tie new rate into the public account. The accused ihad the handling of f 1700, and, in email quantities, was alleged to have deducted the amount of £74 13/ fr°n« the total Captain Felton, of the sth Wellington Pay Corps, gave specific instances of soldiers who should have received the. allowance, but m> trace of the transaction appeared on the ledger-card. On making inquiries, the authorities attempted to elucidate the matter, but discovered that the relative ledger-cards and certain receipts were missing. After further evidence accused pleaded guilty, and was committed to the Supreme Oourt for sentence. Bail in two sureties of £oO each was allowed.
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 4
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 4
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