; With reference to the recent revival , ; of pise de terre as a building material, a 1 letter in a recent copy of tho "Spectator" has interest. Tho writer, a retired Anglo-Indian, reports he has discussed its practicability with tea estate managers and others home on furlough, and 1 that the idea has been taken up with a good deal of enthusiasm in India. "The manager of a jute mill has erected a wall of pise de terrc," he writes, "and, in 6pite of the use. of sajidy soil, the result has been pronounced satisfactory. A native building contractor, on seeing the wall, become very keen on the subject, and is erecting a house of this material j for himself. At three tea estates experiments are also to be made." The Hicks Bay Harbour Board (ears a Threes Association tctajrnnn from Gisborpe) resolved that an eminent engineer be appointed to prepare a comprehensive harbour scheme for fficks |Bay to-accommodate: Uiolargeart boucthat will ever trade with New ZeaJand, al»o a smaller scheme to provide for the requ'xements of the di-rtrict for a few years to come. ; Two accident cases were admitted to the Hospital yesterday. A seaman from off tho Kirrow, Robert Campbell, was knocked down in Customs Street by a motor-car, and was taken to the institution by the police. He had sufficiently recovered to join his ship before it sailed , this morning. The other case was that of Ida Tucker, aged eight, of Dominion Street, Takapuna, who was knocked down by a car at Takapuna and sustained j slight injuries to her head. j Sprinkling about ten drops or Xazol - on the chest of the pyjama jacket at night, or on the singlet in the morning,. is a good way to get the benefit of ! Nazol inhalation—juet try it.—(Ad.) ' Ladles' beautiful white woven nightdresses. —WeTe 18/6, reduced to 14/11.— Economic Sale (opp. Town Hall). —(Ad.) It is better to use NazoT too freely than too carefully for inhalation, lt» effect is more pronounced and reduces , the danger of infection from inlluonza germs.—(Ad.) Ladieji' "Wooltex" Singlota, reduced price—short eloevee 5/11, long 6/6. ■ Economic-Sale (opp, Towrr"He3l).—f AdO
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 4
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