■» (Before Mr. J. W. Poynton, P.M.) DRUNKENNESS. Three first offenders were convicted and 1 ' discharged and five forfeited bail. Charles \ jlcUeehan was fined 10/ for a second Offence, and George MoCarter, >vho had 1 boon caught drunk three times recently, 1 was fined 40/ or seven days. THE PRICE OF A IKE DOWN. ; Michael Gallagher (40) admitted hay- I in;; been found by night without lawful | excuse on private, premises, he having been found at half-past nine last night lying on the ground floor of an unoccupied building in Wyndham Street. He j said he had only gone in for a rest when under the influence of liquor, and as the j facts that he was under the influence and had 30/ on him at the time corroborated his statement, he was convicted and ordered to pay 6/ costs. OUT OP THE PAST. Leonard Augustus Moseley (29), who is at present in prison for theft, admitted that in June he stole on overcoat from a ! stable in Papniura, but said ho did it j while unde r the influence of drink. His ' statement that he "did not live on the game" was not borne out by his list of previous convictions, and be hnd fourteen dnys added to his present sentence. "LAMPED" BY THE CARETAKER Arue Michael Arneson (32) was charged with the theft of two hurricane lamps, valued at IS/, from a building hoarding in Kingston Struct on August 31. The caretaker of the new building ! stated that he put the lighted lamps at , tho hoarding, and three hours later he , saw a boarder going into a boardinghouse j near by with two hurricane lamps. He . thought nothing of the incident till he found later that some of the lamps were gone from the building, and he then made inquiries, and found that accused had sold the lamps to tho boarder. When ' a policeman was sent to Arneeon, a seaman temporarily working at the Nihotupu dam, it was found that the man hnd just come to town, and had been drinking about the place. He declared j that he had boupht the lamps from a man whom be didn't know, and had sold them again. The magistrate remarked . that the story told by accused was too old, and i thinworn, and fined the man 40/ and costs. I AN UNRELIABLE COLLECTOR. 1 A one-armed man, Laurence Oharles McGuire (;!9). admitted that at Prebbleton, in July, ho embezzled £14 paid to him by Robert Burn on behalf of , L. Crimp. He had been paid a cheque for £14. whiclii he had cashed, and with the money lie same on to Auckland, where he ] was picked up by Detoctive-sorgeant ; Ward. When arrested he admitted the offence, and said he had spent all the money. I McGuire had some previous convictions, which moved t ho magistrate, in imposing a sentence of three months' hard labour, to warn the man that he ran a risk of being declared an habitual criminal. MOUNT ALBERT'S " LONG PADDOCK." I "Instead of driving the cows strnight ;to the paddock, the boy drove them by a I devious course, which took them 2i miles and occupied three hours getting ' j there," stated Mr. Rogerson in introduci ing a charge against Jane McSweoney of j having depastured cattle on the streets lat Mount Albert. The ranger supported this statement, adding that the distance J from the byre to the paddock by the 1 direct road was only half-a-mile, and that there were a number of complaints of this veiled road-grazing. Defendant i was Uned 40/ and 33/ costs. In reply to 1 a similar charge Charles Ballantync 1 1 replied that the cows could not" be j muzzled to prevent them from praiing on ' , the road, but the ranger stated that defendant's cows were not driven smartly to the paddock, though the breach of the by-law was less blatant than in the former case. Defendant was fined 20/ and 33/ costs. j
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 4
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