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PROPEBTIES FOB SALE. I'ILLiIXG Section, I'enrose. near surjun. l< vel: {K>: i ISO; town water; Ci per ft. ' "'•'"•'•■'"r. Kilersll.' ]• .<). QUO TJ""OHi'maHAMA— House, on bench. £1100. ■ £17". deposit. Terras.—(i. Sanders IK. Shortland St. Phone 43 . BUNGALOW SITE. Remuera ; r.Oft front- ■ 1 , -*-* age, £5 35/ per foot. A snip.—Victor I Stewart. SS. Queen St. 161 GREEXLAXE (7nilns7 from station)?— Villa, of 6 rooms and outbuildings: , [eeetion P9 x 200: Immediate possession.— For further particulars apply Box 5, Newmarket. 35 ' ATT. ALiBERT-V Kwms. 54 acres; Kijorr ■ JJ - frontage: great ralne, £3300. — Yiotor Stewart. 53. Queen St. 144 CiIHiELTEXiirA M— Residence. 34 room's. ' suitahle Apartments or Boaidingliouse £«IO rash: balance arransed. —0. F. Bennett, Queen St. 2 . A VOXDALE — £14f>0 — Close Station— -■■•*-Modern Bungalow 0 rooms: porcelain i hath and basin, callfont, washhouse. every I £600 fash.—Mrs. Morey. Itoberton ltd., , Avondale. IG3 IS THERE ONE SPOT IX THE WORLD YOU CAN CALL YOUR OWX ? MOUNT EDEN. "VEAT S'EMI-BUXGALOW of 5 rooms ■*-" scullery and bathroom; gas and water: sewer drainage; washhouse, C. and t. Fine section. TRICK, £1000. GREENLANE. "VrODERX BUNGALOW OP 5 ROOMS , - L " J - and eonvs.; heavy beam and plaster ceilings; h. and c. water: pore. b. and b.. p.w.c: washhouse, c. and t. All under one roof; sewer drainage. 'Section r>o x ISO. laid out iv lawns, gardens, etc. A REAL T/P-TO-DATE LITTLE HOME AXll I HAXDY TO TRAIN. PRICE, £1230. GREY LYNN. GOOD SOCXD BT'XGALOW of 6 rooms i and every modern cony.: pore, b and I l>.. h. and c. water, gas in every I sewer draluage. Fine section, in a pood elevated position, laid oat in i lawn, gardens, fruit trees, and concrete paths. THOSE SEEKING A NICE. CLEAN HOME SHOULD AT I ONCE ARRANGE INSPECTION. It I is cheap at : PRICE. £1250. ' EPSOM. YyELL-BUII.T BCNfJALOW of 6 rooms In perfec' order: pore. b. and b., h. and c. water service, cupboards, i presses, etc. Section 50 x 150. nicely ! laid out In iawns, gardens, etc. Handy to car. PRICE. £1730. ! TOM HADFIELD & SONS, i ; GROCXD FLOOR, IMPERIAL BLI>GS., j Opp Smeerons, QUEEN STREET. G ; PARNELL. 3 ACRES FItEEIIOLD LAXD and CharmIng Residence of 11 rooms and appointraems, all in order. Grounds i beautifully law out. Splendid views of i harbour, etc. Only 1 niinuie from tram • an,', b niluutes yuttu Street. PRICE, • i'IOUO. ij m ou - vt E DE - N - -6-ROOME.I) BUNGALOW, every possible convenience. Good section. PRICE ' ; £1300. Ttrius arranged. \\ P. J. CRUMP, . j ALSTON CHAMBERS, . I "53, QUEEN STREET- A C I TTTSO-μ. 3rd Section—Land. 121 ft by ' J - J 130 ft; beautiful position, close to car: • lawns and ornamental shrubs: Residence. 7 rooms, kitchenette, bathroom. wa.shhouse. | • workshop: sewer drained. Price. £2.16(1: I - terms arranged. iNo.' lasi) I GREY LYNX, close 2nd Section—Corner Section, J2ft l.y 11."..0 ft: good solid House, fi rooms and kitchenette, porcelain ' bath, calilont. built-in dresser and c-up- ' boards. washnouse, sewer draiued; no . : mortgage. Price. £1.3.">0: terms; £050 '• cash. Possession 27Ui September. 5 J iXo. 19S0) DOMINION ROAD TERMINUS, close to | Tram—-Section. sOft X 140 ft; good *> ' ' ! Roomed Bungalow and kitchenette, porce- j ' ; lain bath and basin, eußfont. gas stove, all - ii'oderu throughout, l'rice, £1,550; £900 : cash. ' O'°- 19"") MT. ETDEX, Epsom side —Land about jacre. well elevated; good sound Kauri 1 i House. 7 rooms, porcelain bath, hot aud cold water, patent, fernery, newly painted ', ' and papered, unoccupied. Price. £2.000; \ ! terms. £750 cash. (Xo. 1075) : N.Z. HOME BUILDERS, LTD, ' SAFE DEPOSIT BDILDIXGS, HIGH STREET. D 3 "VfODERX BUNGALOW of 5 rooms, very >. AL artistic design, near station, Papakura. A dandy little home. Everything well kept. At £575. with £400 cash. Why, 1 would like to get married again, if only to buy ? this. 1 \fODEBX HOME of 6 good sized rooms, • bungalow style, replete with every modern convenience, wiUi 10 acres of good land. Handy to (suburban station. Price, £3200. Cash £1500. PAPAKURA — 3roomed Cottage: washhouse, and a i-ncre of freehold land; £.-!20 : cash £120. Handy station, c TJAPAKURA —Handy Level Section, two • -*- acres; £300. Level and in grass. PAPAKIRA —20 Acres and a milk run. Ail level. 4 acres fftliow, balance pass ture. Small 4-roomed Cottage and cowshed. 2 G lb for butterfat Is no good to this man. i. He gets 6,' a lb. Only £220u. Cash £400. S <™|XE Acre and Modern Up-to-date Bungn- ' " low. 2 minutes station. section, and good soil. A gift at £1150. Cash £400. SELLERS— I require Suburban Properties. Kindly forward mc particulars. W. K. FRANCIS, PAPAKU.UA, Phone 44. r>47 0 INVESTORS! T>UY A OITLEXDID s 'tT'ATIEHOUSE, OR ,'_ "pACTORY QITE. RIGHT IN THE HEART OF THE CITY. ; rtouxoaj gEcnox, ■• FACIXG TWO OF .-U'f'iiLi-ND'S iIAIX STREETS. R'ETURXIX'G -GOOD IREXTAiS '• AT PRESENT. " SECTION" IS 105 XT X QQFT JIX. PBKE: £120 j " el; fuot - £2000 CASH - INSPECT THIS TO-DAY. c WM. A. HORNE, LTD. " THE LAXD MAX." REAL ESTATE SBRVICE AXD AUCTIOXEERS, J 19, SEORTLAXD 'STItEIET. AIXKLAXII. '■ And at HAMILTON". A 5 A. J. WILSONAND CO., d THE QUICK SELLERS, l- 44, FERRY BUILDINGS. l POXSOXBX gXIT _ £ 1350 I X>QOO CASIiI vuva r< "> Imo one " f the s I wOUU »j W [ Houses iv Ponsonby, 6 rooms, bath and basin, w.h. ic. and t.i, hot water service, fras stove, built-in o".ei--tric licht. Insured for ±70t). Bal. can'be "7 JIOOM'S. everj- cony.; hnndy to cars » Say, £200 or £800 cash. Don't lose any' ) rime. Tiis Jβ one oi THE Bargains A
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 3
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897Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 3
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