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PROPERTIES FOR SALE. — OXEHr.Mii — Good ti-roouifd »" •'J House .md eonvs. close cars. T*Ttw. —J. I!. Millar. H3. Qneen St. B0 o'l-''TloX. 100 *v 2.">0: 2mln. 'from rar. Kemuera, be-st 'locality; only ±"i 10, i>er font.—Phone 2081 A. [>>J4 OTTaGE, 2-roomed, with large eecuoa, for Sale cheap.—Address at STAR. 85 DE "VOX P Oli Y—K a v rf"lfouse! 5 rooms, turner sec.: bmiu. ferry. £575. —W. A. 'Price. -MX). I' 'Rd. 43 TJIMiE-lUATL - PossefifiioTi—Ponsonby — 6- -*- roonittl Avoudale—<i-roomed House. 17 acres.—lrvin, Richardion lid.. ail. AIIH-rt. 3S I " 1 r--\ jn,A--lu:sT VALUE IN THE MARL c~- L "±" , -' KET.—U ROOMS and convs.; manor garage, telephone. Large and well laid out grounds. Everything in lirst-'-lass order. Dish or terms." Klrst to see will OWXKR, r>4. STAR. 30 - aiu:EXLAxI:-nKMi:KiIA~S ■ o-.Lk>\j\J i to/nl , s , al i cut.; good section; t«n::i. — Ueauuiont and Co., 11, Eudean's Bidge. 143 X> 1; il. L>7 xTi Sec Keuiucra, Epsom. -*-*■ Mt. Kdcn, Kj-'iininnuna. Takapuiia, I'oint Chfvniiur —lieaumout and Co., 11. Emleans Ii;d K s. 143 : 4>"07>~ iJ'EI-oSlT.—l'urncll— Residence, 5 ; •■»"— KJ rooms, bathroom and convs. Iv good order: elevated position Only £823. HOLLUtAY AND OROHAiK-b, 13, Queen SL 170 i -p I OAA— iMT. EII>EN.—Mod-ern BungavlL,w low, 5 rooms and kitchenette; every possible convenience; well-built, wardrobes, etc. Good section. Terms. A snip. — IK>L,LIDAY .IIND O'RCIIARD, IS. Qu&en St. 170 ' 4-" '\i\i\ IJEl'OSlT.—Avoudale. tlose station.—Modern ißungalow. 4 'rooms, beautifully tinlshed. planter ceJUngs. •Corner seotion. oOft x 165 ft. Price £1100. HOLLIDAY AND OItCILAKI), 15, (Jueen ,St. 170 i £-' °Pdrt DEPOSIT. — Remuera. —Sem;- ---! Dung-alow 7 rooms motor garage. drainage, nil modern conveniences; quarttrI acre section, property ut £KiT5. — ! HuLLLDAY AND ORCHARD, 15. yuven ;*t. 170 GUAKTUN nilns. from bridge..—Sound House of (I rooms and convs. Snip at £7<.Kj cash.— Thode P.ros., 17, I'hoenix ■'hainbeis (opp. G.1'.0.1. 3W* T ElTen (2nd Sectioui.—Solldly-bullt Bunculuw of 7 large rooms and all convs. I'ii./e. £115.-0. Terms.—Thode Bros.. 17. I'lioeulX Cha tubers. W3 1 KK"bN~i7 EA D—A Real Good Bargain— β-rnoined llungalow, r ,r "" c - ualh nud busln, klicb.'ii.-tte w.h.. callfont: good section. Price £1350. Terms arranged.—W. 11. Payne. Hitrlitniry Ciriicr. llirkenbead. 40 VIiAH KUIiX TEUKAI'-E.—House, Q rooms, heart kauri, in good order; Immediate possession £!>."io. Terms. —H. K. Cooke :ind Son. 12. Fort St. ISO i'IQQX— MT! EDEX.—Modern Bunga-!-«--LOOJ i, lw . (i rooms, latest appointinients: large Section. —Victor Stewart. SB. ig ui-nn St. 1«1 if*l'>.'^/l —MT. ALHEin —Bungalow, G il-JU rooms and convs. ; built 2 i years; p.od buying.—Buckley and Bull. i Smcpton's Hides. 21 t APT. .EI'EN —liea::lifHi Home. 6 rooms. £17.-0; cnsli f:i»Ki—Spain. l'W. Symoiuls St. no MT. EDEX—Xew well-built Kauri Bungalow right up to date. 0 rooms aud corns ■ large volciinii: section. Mnguilicout views Pri'-c £IIOU.— lilt EAT XUIII'UEUN' Ai;KN'"Y. 11. H.M. Anade. A <57- ACRES -Going CoiK-eru —£2.-. Per Ol) Acre. Cash £1000. (Jilt edge investment ilmost level rich limestone. Carry . 4<i cows. Go,,d bui'ninsrs. Include.-* 1« pick™! cows l!i yearliugs.—Gß-F.AT NORTIIKRX AGENCY, n. II CM. Arcade. A £»-l O~;ri —BrSiSALCiW (Eraptyi — Mt. o-J— O\J F deu. flcwe Terminus — X Rooms nnd kitclic-nette: (ift volcanic, no stone; built G rears, heart kauri, recently painted nuil i«i>cred: insured £7'iO: inA«l«iress at STAR. H 3 G ACRES GOOD LAXP. haU-acre strawberry plants, larse h-at.-d vinery 75ft j; 24ft tomato house 65ft x ISft, fruit trees, etc- Good G-roomed HOUSE: 2 Cotta«ea and Sheds. Cheap Property. — Great Northern Agency. 11. H.M. Arcade. A <-'Ift7?l- MT - I'LKASANT RD., MT. cT-IU 1 O KHEN — Cuarmlns Bungalow, 6 room* anil ki-.chenclle; p.b. and l> p.w.c vatedrs'lc'luli'l "view ; " t'crm'- P '"'rr l , -V' Ball, Sole Agent, li, (JUeen St. topp. G.1'.0.). ■_l_'linne Ltl"i4A. i."O.~:fM| -REMUERA-Beautiful Butira--1 ~-JW i,,w. o rooms; exceptionally artistic; dining room IP x l.">: pretty round buys and Inglenooka; every up-to-date couvciileiicc: elevated. A Snip -Fred Ball, l.'i. Queen St. uipp. G I'.O I. 'I'hone 2<k'.-IA. X'OI AA— MT. aT.BKRT—LoveIy Bunga-O--.J.1/VJ LOW. 0 rooms and kitchenette: dining room 24 x 1C: every modern cony.; brick motor garage; elevated, with gorgeous landscape nnd liarbour views.—Fred Ball, G.1'.0.) Thone 2654 A. i'CO IA/ I>ER ACRE—GORDOXTON -LU/ _ Ideal Dairy Farm, 130 acres: Or, acres grass, C» acres swedes, bulance drained swamp: 40 cows been milking lon property, and i>re well at top of list I for factory test: o rooms, bathroom, washhouse, concreted cowsb.d. G bails, fitted with 3-cow Simplex milking plant, which j piggeries, etc. As this property is beiug , sold to wind up deceased estate, this Iβ your big chance to buy right. —Fred Ball, 15, Queen St. (opp. G.1'.0.) Tlioue 2SC4A. j - D ! for;A— ponsoxby—xice elevated :o~OtJl/ SECTION AND GOOD SIX- ' ROOMED KAURI HOUSE, with convs. Handy tram and city.—Great Northern Agency 1! H.M. Arcade. A "pAMOUS HAURAJKI PLAIN'S. i To n:en with very little capital—l have j for Sale, on easiest* of ttrms, many small Sections; prp.ctin:tlly cow to acre country. some as zoing concerns, from £40 acre, doposit £200 upwards. COLIN" KELLY. Agent, Puriri. Thames Valley. A 4 ■ r-QAA—TAKA'rI".XA.—Right on the 1 beach. Glorious views of 'harbour. fharmins Canadian Bungaiow of 4 rooms. w _ iih large sle* 1 ! , !!!"- -poroh. Owner transferred to Duuedln and must sell. This is a snip. iOUAN'H AiMD I/ATTDSETI. Row's Ohanibers. f>Pl'- Hjl'.'O.K Qneen 'RtreM. 78 PVOIR SALE BY TEXTJER. HIGH rOSITIOX OF MT. EDEX. OEXTI.EMAX'S RBSIDEXCE of 7 rooms and officer;; large section. Upset price, Further particulars on application to X.S.. 793, STAR. . GOO TTE.R.XE BAY.—Well-built Residence. 6 j- 1 - , - large rooms, recently .papered and I iwintt-vl. porcelain baUi and uasiu. h iiud ;c., sewer drainage; -moior garage Bi- .-ccUon, S3 x Ho. live hedges, fruit trees, etc. i"I>AKNJiLL.—Ii-roouied House. perfect J- order, newly pa'pertnl paiuted: verandah all round: ciltfout. pantry, sculj lery. and ail modern convs. Freehold corrivalled landseai>e and sea view. £1700. PARNELL. —Good House of S rooms. sunny position and ciose car and .Domain. £W>o: terms. TUO USD ALE AXD CO.. A ___"'• Smertxm's Buildings. MANGERE A HOME THAT WILi API'EAL. Q3/ A ORES OF piKE "T^OLCAXIC j VCT BUXGAI.OW, <! large rooms, pantry j an 4 washhoust*. all 'possible cony., ii. and <•. water, pore, hath and basin, built-in : wnrdrohos and linen cupboard*, lifting i seats; fine ceilings, artlstk , design ami finish, weil built. Garage, store room and .cowshed. : House stands on nice knoll and com- ' mands pretty views of surrounding district. I Five minutes to station. Paths formed. I Pretty shelter tree.* and shrubs*. ! Without doubt Dhe best po-sitlon in ; Mangere. 'Make an appointment to Inspect this PIIiCE, pQQ AA TFJRMP AUiKAXGEO. I NORTH AUCKLAND FARMERS' CO-OP., LTD. KING'S CHAMBERS. ■ COMMERCE STREET. AUCKLAND. [ HEAD OFFICE WHAHGAKEI. D
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 3
Word Count
1,078Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 3
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