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ARTICLES FOR SALE. J \ N\'ll.-S (HI.'b. -Jii-iit. and 4rwl: good : -*- condlilun.— W. K. Kichanlson and Co., I'imtouiH Ht. K. ]<K> ,: \ SIIA'KU Cbiouosrapb Watch, small , -■»- guaranteed correct: price, c>, — Mills. Wul<-linmkcr, -8, Swanyon St. 205 1' \ ltii You Furnishing? We sell 6olid Oak ;'-»- RiMlroiiiu -Siiltos. i'.'td. Ituy at Keaus 1 Small Hc-ni Shop u«rt Save rounds.— j'.i. (!rent. Xorfh Kd. IHB BWDROU-M Suit,'.-. In ~R|inu.. Oak. ami Knurl, I'roni f- , -. h'nrnh-.hinfis all descriptions, llargiiluii.— Mi. Ureat »nli Rd. I(i7 7 10VN Corui't. ivy. Hrst-rlass order; qiiTi-k v- , i-liauge.—lH7. Great iVorth Rd. ;!1 / K/UNTOJiT, lift by _ft 6in, solid top, v with till, fM-1. STAR. 10S ■ f xIIEST Wln'i-lwrlcht's Tools, good roil 'j (iiiion: .-heap.—4_, Elgin St. 'Crey ; Lynn 20 j / lAXtKßAriiirslgn - Popular >Rj>Uh\. J-plaie; V :itps>ilutely new: ws: over t_u: price H7 .I" . -r.uMffll. 7-, STAR. _ 4-1 TyfXNKil Suit, size ulwui "4J:" price." £5.— ]■» ' Apply US; Nelson Si.. lit-Mveeif 5 and '• ii 111. IW nl \A \ ( linirs " 7-1." tipholstifed hi 11 ."iiicUc Address a; STAR. ISu IIUKSS Siiil. bi-nutlfiil c-loih, almost new, i•' lii man ".fi Tin: i.-"'. Kjirgsiln.—Hβ, i Cri'iil North ltd. !«'' 1 lrous. nil ItrliiKli: ;Ci each. - •'-' Illllker. l-:i,M-n-i.:il Knclueer. 484, yiicen •<:. I'liiiiip 'JH'.'A. n X.-t, Tin-"J«!horns; almost new. L I'll.'Up. !>ii."i. STAR. l:i3 . wooden, jtnod. and Infant's i A I'i.t, ."" ■ <-lieni>. —•">!'. Commercial Rd.. A-.-h Hill. SO "I/MNII I'l.mi- I'abiui'f UniniopUoUe. ColuinI hlii riMinidui'Pr. lot Double Records: rlniip. l'-H I" ■ Address at STAR. I+t / 1 i.ASS. stil.-uiili- for isvaiHt bonne or uucura;ier fruiiii-H, for S::ie. rheap.— Culpnii. 1 I.!. .\ii._le-v.-i si., i'.insonhy. M7_ GAL". li-i.u lintliH (iMiuiuellfdi, No. - Orion Suni-. l.mvii Muwer.—oo, Cruuge Kd. I I'h.iUi' l:i--.i 1.". 27 I /lAS I'oi.per. I'oiiipU.'te". and eallfout.—lUß. P-T'M.-r.'.il.::!! KM., l'arnelh l'hone 514 A. 576 ! y~V*I«A JiT>lMri>N.K. N>w Oak llornle.-u, ill i.,--i 11:1 Til tout', with 20 new Records, •s («ort.h il-Kj Ti). Oltv Ohambers. 131 {\ "UAMOI'iiIONKS from £8 10,'; I'liouo-'-T graphs from IA 10,': Nee-dles 0d per box .if 21111 (iHiii-.Mli.--Eill.sou Denl-ers, 70, CKy I I'hanihcrs. p i/A.'.tAMi'l'llOiNK. New Oak" Cabinet. i°l doii'il,' motor, beai'tiful tone, with 20 1 I New iVibnnbla lti-ri>.-ds: only _1«, wori-h I _T_Ei.-—' nupi-iMion, 7(i. city Chambers. 131 LARTTk Snratoifa Trunk - ' Haniper; also, souie Wire Netting.— i •1.-1. lit. North ltd. « IHi ! T OVKLY Pair of Lady's Patent Boots, kill tops, small r>, price £2. Al«o, Itlanket Costume, medium size, latest style. new, cost £12, take £ti 10,'. —Address at STAR. 105 ANTELI'IKCK, oile.d rium: <Jas Heatiii>: Stove, plaster bark: all excelleuC i-ouditlon.-'JI. King_l;:flwujvl Ay.. Epsom. 64 PHONcVIJRAIIH (K-dison .Home), perfect order, lylth O-lninond IKe-produeor and I'vgnel iHoru: only £13.— 70, City Chambers. 133 PHiINO'I;HA-'I'iIIS— K-dison Diamond, Standard, £10; choice of :'.OOO Blue Amberol 'Keeords.— Kdlson 'IJealers, 70, City Chamlieiv. l<y» PRAM, seagrate, in good order.— ll4, __ Crummer Road. Orcy Lyun. 500 P - RASTseasrassTspiendld ordeF: wllfeeli chetip.—l4, St. Leonard's Rd., Devonport. ;;i liil-i: .Dinlnj; Suite. Saddlebag Couch, Small Tables, Halls-taud, 'Wash-stand. Ware. -yp.iST;i!!s Cuulrs, ■ Ornaments, 'Hull Carpet, .Safe, IMctures. —33, Aitken Terrace. Ulenmore. 34 ■OIA-MSJS, Orion or Orb. wanted: hot water, -*-*' hlßh presfiure.-TRange, STAR Agency. Onehtmca. 580 SARATOGA Trunk, fitted trays: Lady's Leather Hat Box: both. large slse; as new.—Address at STAR. _ 32 SEWING MACHINES — Thompson, 8, 1 Strand Arcade. Cheapest and best. No Queen St. rests, anrt deliver free. D CiEWINC Machines, all- jnakos, lowest prices; every machine guaranteed — 'Globe, ir>4. Queen St. Phone 253. D SBWING Mnchlnee.—'Lflrgest Stock of Second-hand Machines in Auckland at . iHilfonl's. from £2 10/ to £10.-8, Rutland 1 St. Phone 2787 A. 105 SIDKBOARD, Oak, best workmanship, latest design; cheap.—2, Boyle Cres., : Park lid. 50i> TNGEiR 7-drawer Oai, splendid condttton, dropta'ble, £4 15/; hand, £_.—Globe. "A, Queen St. , D SINGEJR Boot Patching LMacbine, In good order.—lT. Hilford, 8, (Rutland St. Phone 2757 A. • 193 XSWAUh OP SECOKiD-HAND TIJIBiEIi. 2 CESSPITS AND P.ItPES, WHEBLiBARROW, 11 IRIO.N CY'DIiNUEIRS, "Long; TEiNiNIS NET (Complete) AND _ 'RACQUETS. SMALL LOT OF .WJHE N'ETTI>'G. 23, ROAO, 25 Dominion .Road. fl\_}NTS, -Cheap; order now for cannping I - 1 - Koason; 10 x 12, 0 x 5.—35, Phoenix :-Chambers. 30 rriELiEiPiirONBS, magneto ringing, suitable : -*■ for farmers, connecting farm to I farm, 30/ each.—ll. Rendall, 2, Stuart St., Ponson-by. 58 T\7iß wish to 'Sell pri\-ately most of our * ■Boardin.ghouse Effects.—2B, Anglesea 'Ponsonby. 18 OVJIiN Glusa Accumulators (2), each 4volt, 40 amps, new, In wood bases.— W. H. Piper, Norrhcote. 194 1 AAA BENZIiN-E fTlns for Sale. T^ihat XVfmj l offer?—'PJione 3SUBA. 1127 K(\ SHiBET-S Iron, eft, at 6/6: lOgal. Cop«>w per, new, 37/6; OOjral., flO.—Vickerritaff. Elliott St. . 18S KIEEI , It Dark. — Clarke's Hair Dye restores Black or Brown Hair, 2/ and ;i/C.—Clarke, Chemist. 110, Victoria St. 13FARMKRS.— Giant Instantaneous Water Heaters; safest nnd handiest for house or dairy use.—Keesing, Strand Arcade. A WANTED TO BUT. TJOOT - Trau'e—Wanted to (Buy, Set Boy'e JJ , iron or "Wood 'Lasts, j?ood fitting.— Urgent, Si, STAIR. 073 THE A CCKJLA> T D TJABBIT «ES po. Are CASH BUYERS OP WINTER SKINS In Any Quantity. Prompt Returns. QUALIFIED GRADER. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. Send for Our Latest Price List. -JJABBIT ,C<KIX r^o. STANLEY STR-ESrr. Hox 1400. I'houe 3707. D MACHINERY WAMTED. BUZZ I'luuer and Shaper, or Shaper SplDdle.—BuUder, 22. STAR. 220 ptIIRCULA'R Smw—oJa.u, with plaur, to cut POT?' 'ni 3 ? re ; v , ooU ' HSl'som.—Firewood, '—-_r£ x Auckland. ■ ng . E-iine, wanted to IBuy; must ■ M - J 'lie in-good order.— Tiers., Kβ. STAiR. SS ' Jj} l^ o ™ o 'Motor, Secondhand, about 1 '■ wr-Aii -I, '' wuntt!d ; state price.—Electric, 77, - B \ Alt. j^^y ' JOINTS, 4-c>cl,r-§- or 10 torse-poiver; . ~ wanted; must be In good worldn" I working order—Magneto. 88o7sTAR C 1,4 (KIT All' UiXG -LA'dULNJiS, oiwo" *3> or Hln>. t Reply Box 1370, G.q'.Q. D3l \ iS A W Ml L t I , I; A S T. 1 I Wanted to Pnwliaw - Ca_U'.LI9PB Ml'LLluW r,bANl', or will Buy iSoparatcly • loVh.p. 'Portable Engine and -Boiler iLosr , iHauler. and Other .Plaint S < Villi TmrticulaTs and ipriees to-— j ITOLVCrPA-L. Box TVeiiington, 1 .T. -v:. .1.1-XS-3X, Talhape. 530 •I POGS FOR SAIJE. I TJOMERANiIAN, orange cable sire- also r ' X Puppy.—l 96, Victoria St.. City. 549 I I cS'PD'NBy Sillcle, purebred, tor Sale—63 t' i_> Cs'oTtb 'Rd.. Glenmore. _ad
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 2
Word Count
1,003Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 2
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