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WAITED KNOWN. /'"tUXSrL.T Maflttine ißnroiit, returnod (from V nlToad: electrlr lwilr trc-muii-nt. -'R«nin 1, Arcade, epp. Npwton 1.0. inputatrn). .17."i DEUVYS Aiuf ■ DA-NiiKROrH. -Order your siii- now. Take d-ellwy when you like. Vi> will be only 100 pleased 10 send .\.iu pilteniK.—XloßßlDE. The Tailor. II IS, VUiorlu Sireet. £1 i'jS ■OEAirniT-T. NKW SKA-SON'S IHMIK J-> KIKNISHINfiS. Finest .Selection, aiid our I'rlee-s lire Moderate. lUCHARD ARTHUR. LTD., I) I'ppei' Qiiwu Sireetjopp. Town Hull). USE— VATBS , GRAIN iLEAL, For Poultry nnd vl'ige. A. YATICS AND CO.. LTD., A Lower Albert Street. nOwii-VS. the- Oldest a"iilklug MacLlnuHouse In Auckland. Only the (Latent In KdiK.m, C.'himbla, Zonophone, and Ui-iUißflnjt. I.H-U-.- Stock or lU"-urds. - Howie's. Quay St.. la'.e of Ni-« ton. A WIIAUUIv Inslitiite aud'Wjiiata Tropical •» liorden." l'.irk.Tliead.- Indian l'ara flise — Uuepi'im lively Palms -Flowers. «'hri>iv.| ITifrrslimeutrt. UfUS-tfUl Ilea 11 ll lliNin, Admission. 11. _ A MARSHENi: Ucdiiclug Tablets, reliable .-in,] U-uellcinl '-' i> and I i>: :t mont'.is' course, i'l rlii-uiisl. Wlmnt-'arel. V /V K. XIKI.SKN, Sisht Specialist. ti2. lilt y ' Sj.. opp Central K<re .Station. RxaniJ nation Five. ' Charges mod. 'I'lnme 1.'174. A rpl I-K 1.0 in j,. 11 V lot h 111 s■' lealli 11 z I. 1. •■- W. • 1 Iti-modefl Lfft-orf 'Houulil.- K. i;r>at \..ri'h X.:. Tln.n,- :i:V?.i <_ rinu-ni. t:t'_> IOKWINIi M.-ichlues Hepiifred. " niailp on pretnHe*. Open Friday. !i p.m. J llliford. ■:. Kuilsnd St. ''hone _7.»7A. Illli j TTOt'ND RHEI'M" AND 'I,O»T RIIKI' - 1 MATISM. If v.iv BiifT-!- fron: i: iieiun/i [ism. limit, ' Sciatica, or Lumbago, read ilu> experience of a WeUlngton bnsincSß man .name rlvoii j on request) who lia.-i "hcen Ihroiigh tlu> I jn : :;." and ihiMlly r.'liml Iliul -itillKl'MH Micceedod whi»Te oilier reuiPdliM had | failed. "For many yearn I suffered from Rheumatic lioul. nml ■ttirtui; ilia! Hum took I ■f.-irlons medicines, but Willi very little effect RU-RL'MU was brought under uiy notice by 11 friend, ami ai Ills earnest solH-ltation I decided to Ij-v n boltle I <il.l so, and fecllug better, d.-elded 1.. lake I nuuther. The result was surjirisiiiß. and I 1 11m pleased "to sn.v lhnt 1 am mnv oiUte well." Don't delay; RIIKI'MO has bwu iest«l and proved (niccee-sfnl. It seldom I falls. 2. G au.i 4 <;. (1,K,) Ho rra dough'h iingle Xorrlne utiickiy cures I'oothache. 1/ti everywhere. ftarracloneh's Progandra cures Corns giikily. 1/tl. YOUR "gODSE JfURNISHED ON ■pJASY rpEß_is. For £5 W»rth, £15 0 Deposit, 5/ weoklv £10 „ £2 10 0 Deposit. 5/ WeeK,y £15 „ £3 15 0 Deposit, 5/ £20 ,„ £3 0 0 Deposit, 0/6 " £25 „ £8 5 0 Deposit, 8/ " £30 „ £7 10 0 Deposit, B/6 " £40 „ £10 0 0 Deposit, 12/ " £50 „ £12 10 0 Deposit, 15/ " Special Arrangements Made for Larger Amounts. A ■ Q.BOSSMAN AND r\O., j rpo^ 111115. KARANGAHAPE BOAD, AUCKLAND. D ■ X -RE- YOU SUFFERING WITH ii. VARICOSE ULCERS? If co, th'o Turex Method of. Treatment ■will core you, not temporarily, uut permanently and painlessly. No need to lay up. Cures old and long standing cases as ■ readily as new ones. Send for pamnhlec and testimonials to ERNEST H'KALJSY, Chemist, Foston, or Auckland Agent, Nurse Vane-Wallace, 13, Plerce's Bldgs., Upper | Symonde Street D WANT3-D TO SEIX. JiAiRE Chance.— Be3t Kapok, 1/G perlb, cash with order; get in early.—Vickerstaff, IBlUott St. i B'UI'DDJ_N-U 'Society iShnTes V) for Sale;" 3Gth 'Gronp.—Address at iSTAR. 57 TJ-LiDING-, Society Shares, Group 28, £2(i 12/ paid-up; what offers?—Termiruiting, SO. STAR. «K| BAIKIiL Itaoou Cuttinu Machine. .•>, q,nlek buyer: no further use.—Renown Fish Mart, 233, Karanpahnpe Rd. _24 T>UY your Furniture direct from .the manuJ-* faclurers.—E. Dennant and Son, Parne» ItlBC. W of 3 roomed- Cottage, in ■ ■*• Birkenhead, -buyer liaving option of renting.—lß., SO, STAIR. 13 OLD Port, Sherry Winee—'Vella's grand | quality, 35/ case, cash with order, freight paid.—Vella's Vineyards, Oratia. D TK)Ur Wine, Special, 35/ case, delivered ►T c ity; railway freight extra.—Colonial Wine Co.. '_4h. Swnnsou St. 1) ■pORT Wine (good), 15/ per gallon.—Bring •*• your Jars to Wendell's Wlno Shop, 1-8. Karangahape Bd. U " T ICEMNE- Kills Lice on Horees, Cowo, ■U Calves, nnd Pigs. Obtainable all Stores; 24>>_ tin. posted, 3/6. 'FRISCO AND DOMINION CO., Cook Street, Auckland. D GRAMOPHONES and Records, all leading xnaKes in stock.—E. and F. Mano Agency, Ltd. S. Coldicutt. Manager. D TTASY Terms—Furniture. £20 worth £5 A- deposit, 6/6 weekly. Pianos from 10/ flcposlt. 5/ weekly.—7o, City Chambers. D ■VrUITBER OF STANDING ' TREES * (Pinus Inslgnis) FOR SALE, AT OTAHUHU. Apply A. S. PATE-RSON AND CO., LTD., Customs Street, Auckland. 522 FUL-L STOCKS CHS ALL HOIBB FU.R NISII-INGS now in our New Pfemlsea Upper Queen Street (opp. Town llall) RICHARD ARTHUR, LTD l> Auction Pent., I-Ullott Street. WHY NOT TURU THOSIK OTJD ARTICLES INTO 'CASH?—We Vivn the higheet prices for Men's Clothing, lluslcal Instruments, Accordeons, JeweHery, etc The Anchor Loan Co., 60-4)7, Victoria St w' WF3 XPRAT'S Tineries, S-waneon, for real good x> Port Wine, 8-/0 case (2gal.). Railway frelg-ht paid. , A SLNGETK (round shuttle), 7 drawer, drophead, as new; long shuttle, 7 drawer cover top.-J. H. ROGERS (Returned So.dier), eucceseor to R. H. Wilson, 23 and 38, Wellealey Bt. Phone 3408. A SINGER (long shuttle), 7 drawer, drophead, as new; Hand Machines, also fitted on to treadle: all makes t>f treadle mac-lues—J. H. ROGERS, 23 and 33, Weilealey St. (above Fuller's Opera). A SEWING Machines taken as part payment. Needles, parts and repairs for aU makes Wextheim Needles in stock.—J. H. Rogers 23 and 33, Wellesley St. W. (above Fußer'e Opera). Phone a-iUO. • A PI_A-fTS FOR SA3-E. /VflOOf iPlairts for 'Sale; also Settings or tT Houdans Eggs; 10 eggs 10/.—i Peter» Mt. Alhert Rd., Mt. Albert. 1W rhEOOMA aiBDGK PLANTIS, gpod, 2-yenr--1 old—Apply 'Phone 3&i <4 rings). ffi>7 MOTOR GARAGES. Tl/TOTOB Lorries OTertjenled and Kepalred IV-1- by Specialists.—Seabrook, PViwlds, and Co., SymoVds St., cor. C3ty Ed. Phone A 2071. A POUITEY WASTED. TTKOTANCOOTB Cock, mnet be 'from egg W strain,—_>artic_]_iß to __axw-11, BatWn Bd., ATondnle. la
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 2
Word Count
968Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 211, 3 September 1920, Page 2
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.