The Daintiest oP SPRING MILLINERY ,t>£flflpPhtrr>«v. *-* ur fixf l u ' s ''- e new season's styles are now being <31bMmf2?> played, and are. attraoMujc *** P much attention. The bright colours of spring and JB summer comn as a welcome , change, and the smart. pleasing shapes are rightly 4&?m\ 1 Vl admired. Our Department, is <*£3tf&fyiHKijdf3 now situated at the head of , the main staircase, pleasantly ™ -T I situated for light and well /•F " equipped with facilities foi* / T "' ' 2jf prompt, efficient attention. straw. Willi ribbon edge: ( is arriving regularly, and ladies are cordially invited '^^»fitii§i)ss"T\ inspection, ancf so keep in ' / I • touch with Fashion's latest, SI6—SMART HENDERSON purchased direct from the READY -TO - WEAR, as best manufacturers, and illustrated; drooping brim, marked at Auckland's lowest with straw and "bbon trimming; Mastic shade—• pnecs. Gpod Va | Uf> eg/_. In our Art Needlework Department. JUST REOEtVED—Shipment WHITE NEEDLEWORK of BEEHIVE TEAZLE and JUST T0 HAND. 3-PLY JUMPER WOOL. READY FOR WORKING. These Wools are made A large shipment of Linen specially for Ladies' and and Lj nen Finished Goods, Children's Coats, Jumpers, containing Supper Cloths, Sweaters, Caps, etc. A Centres. Carvers. Runners, nice variety of colourings. D'Oyleys, hemstitched or JUMPER WOOL: ShadesPurple. Nigger Brown, c tQ Ig/e _ Emerald Jade Green, CENTRES _ From 2/e t0 Copper, Lemon, Saxe Blue, m/e Lavender, Pale Pink and CAR^E p S _ Fpom 2/11 to Dark Green. 10/e. TEAZLE WOOL: Shades— RUNNERS — From 3/11 to Biscuit, Pale Blue, Black, 18/6. Blue Heather, Green D'OYLEYS — From e<l. t* Heather, Mauve. 3/0 each. We stock all materials for embroidery work—Cottons : Peri Lustre, Mercina, Crewel Needles,-Stilettos, etc., etc. Qmith&dSuoheij Ikelmli I Itmily **■* 253-263. QUEEN STREET. AUCKLAND Our TttßiiMM will reauda optn natU 9 pjb. TO-MOMOW {TMXDM.T) Remember &at Discount Week ends on Saturday at 1 p.m. A Fitting Finish to HART'S Ex * Mioa SALE 2s. in the <£ Discount off Sale Prices All Departments except Toilet Goode. A Tremendous Rush to this most UNUSUAL BARGAIN GIVING ! per Hundreds of Pounds given back daily! Why not Participate ? The discount is allowed on all purchases over I/-. That 10 % "makes all the difference" Mondays Too Late The Bis Department Store. AUCKLAND.
Page 9 Advertisements Column 6
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 9
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