IN SI£MORIAM. tiFJRI.IE.—In loving memory of our jlear sons and brothers. Sergeant Koy Joliu I,eallo. aRi-ii 'J:!. Main Body, «liod of wounds on hoard hospital slilp Miiheno. Srptc-mbcr 5, 1017. buried at llipectc. V!ttn .Tamps Alexander Leslie (Jim). nsed is nth llclnforcements, died of wounds, November 10, 101(1, burled In Frnm'e. Ijini'cl. gemuied with tear-drops, Laurel, for two away. Flopping sn far from the well-loved land. Waiting the brvak of day. rvrlnp for klnp; and country. Pyliiß for honrth and home: Kail In; nsleep on the mountain sldo, Si-il.lng beneath the fonni. Sadly missed, l.y thotr lovinff pnrrnta and plsttT Doircn, .iiul brothers Hcrl and | Ariii.t, SIARSII.- In loHns memory of my clear hiiFhand nnd daddy, E<lnuin<l nhnrles Harry iMnr-th (Tcdi. died ot wounds I" DYnm-e, September 2. mis; agfd SO years. X« "iin bums how much we miss him. ! Friends may rhink the. wound Is healed, ; But they Itillc know the sorrow i I>eep wlthbi our -hearts concealed. Tho midnipht stare ai-e shlnlns ] I"pon n silent crave, ■Where sleeping without dreaming Lips oni- wo could not save. Inserted by his lovlus wife and children, Irene, Ronnie, and Dickie. MAIISII —in memory of fTed) E. 'I". H. Mnrjtli. di«l of wounds in KroDco, Si-i>-li-inhpr -. 101 S. Inserted by and Annie. TF/TinUTT.-—ln lovlns memory of my dear brother Frank, who died of wounila, Septeaibcr v, l!>is. Inserted -by his loring sister, 7linule. TKRBI'TT— iKING.— In lovlup: memory of .lU.iiiii. \V. F. Tebbutt. n'so Ij.-Corp, 1 , . T. King, who l.ot-h died In Franc In Sepieinlier, IIHS. Anions a thousand In the list; lllit nnthln-B now shall lie the same. These shall Ik- always loved an<l missed.
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 10
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