THE NEW J^ "Gossard" Models ifip For 1920 Have Arrived. Jajp> v. Recent shipments bring 29 cases wj--^ of the new season's ."Gossard" \\W!Jji Corsets, enabling us to oJter not *,\&jmnT\ *• only a model' for every flgure type, TI|WT ?m4^ but a complete size assortment in flßlj/ Vfr'T "C each range. Hi|j f l /?^ There are thousands of our SH, \~r&F patrons who fully appreciate the Iffljl -Wr ease of the " Gossard ' adjustment, Jill JfC\ the perfect freedom of movement flair n^-! and support it gives; whilst as an ffl '1' Urn' elegant foundation to the frock it JSj \ ||| is of intrinsic worth. *&&* ?\ Before deciding on the Spring VTiIP , Toilette is the time to select the new \ \ flv^jjJJJjJ corset, therefore allow us to demon- \ \ Jif'T"* strate the value and fit of the 1 fvlil " Gossard." I / /(Alp-* There is a " Gossard " specially /Jkh suited to your figure. > g^||/ <f^/st:a ;, ( (v->' — SHORT, HEAVY. j!t\ • TALL ' SLENDER. 24 L";r? is . ine ?P en » ive tT&QI' 263-A Good MediumMODEL is for the short £> <*■& weight "GOSBARD" of heavy figure, with full \>A Wh ' to Everlnet Cloth: proportion*. Carried \S \ \ ov bust, eli R htiy lusher out in White Everlaat S> V j n back; long well-cut Cloth, with lew buat ,sgtJ7 skirt; sizes, 23 to 36— and well-boned skirt, Price, ST/e. dartic to* 1 " tadkj "fvSnVnnSJ^T two set., of hoee cu P - I tr/\ / iiA { corset, porter*. Sires, 22 to 30 \**&#dPl ? . 1 vfi"™ Frlee, 22/6. \ I tyP*! made of White la/1 tvrvruipn \innnr MM I \ / / Coiitil. with medium 384-ANOTHER MODEL HI \ I/,/ burt and long gWrt . Made of the best quality MB I J penders; ninee, 21 to 30 Hernnghcne Cont iI, {IB /( —-Price St/I with low bust and well- [!■ \|J ' boned skirt: sizes, 20 to |B5 li , 665 ~ ANOTHEU USE24—Priee, St/e. ifiL L T li MODEL of Fancy -Ji*UMM~LU l«l\l lift r Cream Silk Betisto, with SHORT.'HEAVY. ao'to S-Pr^'se/e'' 250 - ThU "COS- SHORT, SLENDER. HEWY SARD" i 8 of mc- 236—This LIGHTLY- ' ■ dium weight White BONED MODEL it' 262 — A well - boned Everlaet Cloth. ef White Coutil, medium bust Lotr bust, trimmed with low bust and " G O"8 SARD " Embroidery, and short skirt; eizes,, MODEL of Whit* long skirt, gemi- 20 to 27—Price, l»/« EverUet Cloth; long heavily boned,"end • -'"Another Similar Model wcllrcut «kirt, fitted fitted 3 sets hote is showing in size* larce elaatic gurnet supporters; 21 to from 23 to 29— in back; sizes, 22 to 33—Price, M/«. Price, Sl/e. 364?rlce, 38/6. MILNE & CHOYCE, LTD. QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND.
KODAK Day by Day The innumerable picture* jam. opportunities that present themselves whilst out for a stroll or off on a week-end visit, even; in Winter time, emphasize the yM I I T|rtekavJßf • mmcc '' ale ple**ures of Kodakvk 11 111 I I pHR ' n S- And in time to come your I Hi il.lilllJlwp album o( " Snaps " will be one Kj fIT °f y our greatest treasures. ■—« Make Kodak photography a feature of all leisure hours —it is most fascinating and enjoyable. Get your Kodak to-day ! No. 1 Autographic Kodak No. 1A Autographic Kodak Junior. For Pictures Z{ z Junior. For pictures 2J x 3J inches. 4£ inches. Price - • - £4/12/6. Price -- - £5/0/0. Other Autographic Kodaks from 50/-, Brownies from 13/9. Of all I ; 1 KODAK If U isn't p^, KODAK »d it isn't a Kodak (Awtralasia) Ltd., KODAK A«ckUiid f Welliß|teii, I Christchurca and Duedin. »» Golf Goods *~^* Joit landed. New ShlmaaU a(Clt^sw i feseielly. The Clincher Cross - (which has made a great name ia Snclaad reeeatJr) -f tie 0.5.0. Colonatl — <a aplesAid New Ball wttfc elthar mask er arambla markinftJ Price 41- aaeh. Three Point. Prloa -*m aaeh. Colanela, 3.19 Ospray. 3/e. These balls we eeanatnd to ercry keen Golfer , * attantioD. -WISEMAN'S IT© QUEEN STREET.
Page 9 Advertisements Column 3
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 9
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