ITCHING PIMPLES ALL OVERHEAD Face, Arms. Child Suffered Agony. Cuticura Heals. "When my KtUe girl w.s three months old, itching pimples came out tall over her head, face and arms. The pimples appeared scattered and the skin was very red. They were very sore and she suffered terrible agony. She could not sleep. "A friend advised mc to nee Cmicurm Soap and Ointment and I cent for free sample. She was relieved so I bought more Soap and Ointment which healed her." (Signed) Mia. Emma Curtis, Mangana, Tasmania. These fragrant emollients arc ally ou need for all toilet purposes. The Soap to cleanse. The Ointment to heal. For sample each addrew: "R. Toon* A CgjjSydn.y.N.S.W." Sold everywhere. gg~Cutic«ra So»p »h»»ei r/ithout cro,.
SPRING SUITINGS FROM 8 GUINEAS A staperb assortment now BEING OPENED. YOU ARE INVITED TO CALL. THE BRITISH WOOLLEN CO., Ladic's & Gent's Tailors, 175 KARANGAHAPE RD., NEWTON, Oppwite Biuik of N. Z. and Po»t Offioe
Painless Fillings NO MORE DREAD OF THE DENTIST'S DRILL NO MORE PAIN. Painless extractions have been for some time an accomplished fact—we use the method every day, Now we announce painless filling of teeth by our desensitising method, which banishes pain completely. It enables us to fill teeth without pain, and is available without extra charge. These are the plain, simple facts. Back of them is our reputation as Surgeon Dentists for 20 years. We know that it is a big claim to make, but it is an established fact in our surgeries, end we want you to inspect. 6ALLIN AND RUSSELL, Dental Specialists (by Exam.), SYMONDS STREET. Phone 1229. Bonn 8 e.m.-S p.m., T-S s>.»
can use it! TINTEX, the wonderful cold water dye. i» wonderfully simple to use. Old blouaei. stockings, satin shoe*, coreeti-. any article of clothing, can be dyed in » moment in 1 1IN i t-A. There is no more easy, fait and economical dye than The Cold Water Dye " Colours that were ne»er known to ran." A packet costa 9d. and «fll ■ do 5 ItaM A.k Chemi.t. .nd Groe«. for TINTEX. For beary bailine dysa. vat DYTEX, tha bad bolli'B dye. Kenipthorne. Proreer and ■Cβ., Limited. Dolt 2
Page 9 Advertisements Column 2
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 9
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