PRIME MINISTER PREACHES ECONOMY. The Rudire.t has been announced, and the Prime Minister, guarantees to euton-e rLplti economy In State -.Dopartnwnts. Follow uLs Lead aad economise in your special de-partm-eiit—-th-e home. Buy only those commodities that are economical. Take, for liretattce. Tucker's Family Bating PoTvcter. By v.sing Tuctoer'u you get tractor rcifults In noiue cookery, nnd better results mi'im 11 groat savliug to you. Tucker's "Family" Baking Powder is made of pure grape therefore a tin lasts longer. Professional chefs use Tucker's. sureJy a siithcleut guarantee of its excellent qualities and dependability. Get Tucker's to-d;iy—all grocers stock Tucker's. —(Ad.) BIG MONEY Is often made out of the simplest inventions; provided, of course, that thi-j are fully protected by Patent Tii c htß. Intent that idea of yours; there is nrnliahl; -Bis Money" In It. For full particulars, consult Henry Hughes, Ltd... Patent Attorneys, Queen Street, opposite Fort Street. Also, 157, Featherston Street, Wellington.—(Ad.) A rapidly-growing business—the A.B-C Stores, Newton. Our policy of catering for thoee of moderate meang is rapidlj extending our circle of patrons. Thej appreciate our values and courteous ser vice.— (Ad.) Create an atmosphere of Xazol about you, bo that you constantly inhale it. About ten drops on the chest of pyjama jacket at night, or on the einglet in the morning, protects you against infectious germs.—(Ad.)
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 7
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Page 7 Advertisements Column 4
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 7
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