"ASK LOASBY ABOUT IT." I Can Cure Neuritis. Her* ii the Proof. "I wish to express my gratitude for your treatment, both by medicine and electrical. For weeks before visiting you I did not average two hours sleep nightly. After the first treatment 1 got relief, and now, only three weeks later, I am completely cured. "It gives mc great pleasure to recommend all sufferers from Neuritis to 'Ask Loasby About It.' " I will show any patient who calls the original letter, with (he writer's name and address. This Is no fnke cure—lt is cenuine and the patient wrote on March Brd and now, over two months later, he is still well —no sign of pain. L can tell you of plenty of others I have cured with medicine and electricity. A. M. I.OASBY. Tlie Only Prescribing Chemist. 24. H.M. Arcnde. Auckland. (Ad.) LEATHER ECONOMY. X new dependable sole-leather that will save voti many tioot ropalr Mils is "CKOMOXO " is specially prepared leather tuat twice as staunch as the ordinary kind. Hy a special process wax is pressed into the leather llbre. rendering it extremely durable and waterproof. •• CIiOMOXO "' is supplied in ready-cut heels, soles and studs, l'ricps rauge*fro:n 1/ to 4/, according to size and grade. Manufactured in New Zealand; supp.ied wholesale by Harold Lightband, Ltd., Strand Arcade, Auckland, and at 'Chiristchurch. Obtainable at all boot dealers and stores. See that "Cronioxo" is branded on every pair.—(Ad.) Since it costs no more to insist on having ZANETIC In your pen-duplicating books, why not enjoy the perfect permanent pencopies "obtained with such a minimum of effort? If any difficulty in getting supplied, write to the makers, ZANETIC, 159, Albert Street, Auckland. —(Ad.) CORSET PERFECTION. . Every lady will find absolute corset perfection In B. &C. Corsets. They are made on scientific lines, giving the maximum of freedom and comfort, besides supporting the agnre correctly and giving the height British manufacture, and by specifying them you get the best value obtainable. Ask to see B» * C. Corsets. All leading drapers stock them.—(Ad.) A Bare and pleasant specific for removing worms is Wade's Worm Fige. All chemists. — (Ad.J,
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 7
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Page 7 Advertisements Column 3
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 7
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