■HTPPIIfG. ___^ UNION STEAM BHIF COMPANt OF NEW ZEALAND. Circumstances Permitting. F.ydney Direct. •Mnhenn Thursday. 2nd Sept.. 4 p.m. Sydney (from Wellington). ♦ Moana Friday. 3rd September, 3 p.m. Glsborne and Napier. •Arahura Tuesday, 7th Sept., 31 a.m. Calls Tokomnni Bay on Soutbwnrd Trip fur Passengers only. ~ Napier, Wellington, LytTeTtou, Dunedlu. Steamer Early. Lyttelton, Dunodln, Bluff. Onmara, Timaru. (Cargo Only.) ■\Vnnnk.i About Btli Soptember ' Wplllugton to Lytteltou. Steamer Dally (Sundays exooptpdl 7.4." p.m. New Plymouth (from Onehunga). nimu Mnmlny. fitli Sppt.. 2 p.m. Tr. 1.13 Fiji (Suva). Samoa (Apia). Friendly Islands (Nukunlofii, Haiipat. Vavanl. ♦Moknln A limit 2."> th Septombpr Rarotonga aud Tahiti. •Tnlrne Ahnul 11th Sept. San FranciSf-o (via Uarotongn and Tahiti). iFrom Wellington.) •Tofua About lUth Spptpmber Suva, Honolulu, Victoria, Vancuurer, B.C. (For Al! Canadian and American Points, London, Liverpool, Glasgow, etc.) •Tahiti About 2:ird September *l'"lttcd with Wireless Telegraphy. All Cargo must be booked ut office before Ehiument. A LL R ED R OUIE FROM AUCKLAND TO LONDON , , LIVEIU-OOL, GLASGOW, VIA CANADA AND U.S.A. Iv Conjunction with Canadlan-Puclilc Railway Company. I'ROI'OBISD SAILINGS: TAHITI ABOUT 23r0 SEPTEMBER NIAGARA AIIOUT IOUi OCl'Oßliß XAHITI AHUUT 10th NOVEMBER BS " ROYAL MAIL SERVICE. FROM WELLINGTON TO AMERICA AND EUKOPE. PROPUBED SAILINGS: TOFUA ABOUT lUth SEPTEMBER 31ARA.MA ABOUT Oth OCTOBER KETURN AND ROUND TOUR TICKETS INTERCHANGEABLE. Through Bookings to Europe at Cheapest Hates. Quickest Routes to London. Through Bookings to U.S.A., via Honolulu. Return Tickets to United Kingdom can be made available for return Journey uy 1". nud O. and Orient Lines, via Suez, or by N.Z.B. Co., via l'unama. All passengers oversea require passports. For full particulars, apply to UNION STEAM SHIP CO. OF N.Z. D A*& O HIBXT L INE 0F QTEAMERS FROM CSYDNEY rpp TOKDOK, VIA WELBOUENE, ADELAIDE, FREMANTLE, COLOMBO, EGYPT, NAPLES, ■ AND TOULON. Steamer. Tone. About ORSOVA 12,036 Bept. 25 ORMONDE 14,853 October 16 KONIGIN LOUISE. 10,785 October 30 OSTERLBY 12,129 Nov. 18 For full particulars apply to the Agents, "BNION 6:6. COMPANY OF N.Z., LTD;, Agents In New Zealand. B gHIBB J^INE. AND rtTEST riOAST pORTS rjNITED -g-INGDOM-OUT AND HOME. S. S. ARGYLLSHIRE SAILED FOR LONDON. CARGO, carried at low rates of. freight. Offers of .Cargo London to New Zealand wanted. 0 SHIRE LINE built Jlrst steamer specially constructed for New Zealand Refrigerated Trade, which vessel loaded In Nev. Zealand, ISB4. Since then Company have been continuously in the Passenger and Cargo Trade to and from New Zealand. For Pafisagc and Freight, apply to rpURNBULL, TuTARTIN AND p{o., DUNEDIN, LOADING BROKERS. D gHAW, gAVILL QO., T IMITED. THE DIRECT LINE OF STEAMERS TO SOUTHAMPTON AND LONDON, VIA PANAMA CANAL. THE LARGEST PASSENGER STEAMERS IN THE NEW ZEALAND TRADE. Carrying Ist, 2nd and 3rd Class Passengers. PREPAID PASSAGES.— Persons desirlna to arrange paseuges for friends from England to New Zealand may now do so, by prepayment or guarantee. Full particulars supplied on application. Steamer. Tons. From About ATHKNIC. . 12,845 Wellington Octobpr COIUNTHIC 12,343 Wellington Early Nov TAINUI 10.000 Wellington End Nov lONIC 12,332 Wellington End Dec' lO°l ARAWA...*. 10.000 Wellington EnrlyMarch, For full particulars, apply to A. S. PATERSON AND CO LTD L. D. NATHAN AND CO 'ltd DAIXSETY AND CO., LTD. D CANADIAN (Q. OVERN ME N T •VTEHCHAN.T jyTARINE, T TD. DIRECT-MONTHLY SERVICE BETWEEN CANADA AND NEW ZEALAND. S.S. CANADIAN PROSPECTOR will Loai for VANCOUVER, taking Cargo for Inlant Points of Canada and the United States about 30th September. To be followed by the CANADIAN IMPORTER Early Octobe CANADIAN EXPORTER .To follov For Rates of Freight and further parti culars apply to EUSSELL AND SOMERS, Agents, Customs Street West, Auckland. 1 JTTn r> O. L x * E (JIO LONDON, Yta COLOMBO AND SUEZ. —Vosgef Tons. From Sydney ml^ua. , :.:": »mo nov. so ...••••• 12,000 i an, ? K°TDKRA."r... 10.000 1 " All Steamers fitted with Wireless Tele Pnsjengem from New »«*■«* Europe can embark on arrival ol the las connecting steamer at Sydney. For further particulars, apply to BUSSELL AND SOMERS, jj is. Customs Street, Agent*.
Page 6 Advertisements Column 1
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 6
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