* English aluminium saucepans, 4/11, 6/C, 7/11, 9/11, 11/6. 14/0. Spceia! heavy quality at Lambourne's House Furnishing Sale, starting to-morrow. —Throe Lamps, Ponsoiiby. —(Ad.) i Ladies should protect themselves I against influenza infection by putting about ten drops of Nazol on a Jiandkerchief and placing inside a blouse on the chest. Use Nazol freely in this way— Sit does not injure the most delicate fabric —(Ad.) English aluminium saucepans 4/11, 6/6, 7/11, 9/11, 11/6, 1 4 / 6 - Special heavy quality at Lambourne'e Houee Furnishing Sale, starting to-morrow. —Three Lamps, PonsonJby.—(Ad.) Buy crockery and hardware nowj&nd cave money. — At Lambourae's Houee Furnishing"Sale, Three Lamps, Ponsonbiy , . CAd.)
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 4
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 5
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