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(By V7FIALEBONE.I RACING FIXTURES. Aug. 26— North Taranaki Hunt Club. Sept. I—Morton Jockey Club. Sept. 4—Olago Hunt Club. ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. SI'BSCRIBKR (Ponsonl.y).--The rider you i mention was born In England, and came to New Zealand a-s a child in IS3S. I have no means of obtaining his exact age. The Spalpeen—Walmangn .Illy in W. Sharp's charge is to race as Miss Melva. Kauri King started favourite iv the Junipers' Elai Race which lie won at Itlcearton on Tuesday. Mr. Geo. Clinic's coll Thespian, by Absurd—Leta, is reported to be Hiaplng satisfactorily In his work on Hie tracks at Wansauui. The Dannevirke Racing Club, after wViting ofC £120 7' for depreciation, showed a prollt of £'J3S It.!. 4 ou last season's operations. The cx-Aiicklaiidei' T. A. Williams Is amongst those trainers licen-ed by the Australian Jockey Club to train ou courses otiier than at Randwlck. The Wellington District c-ommlttoe have granted L. Manson a jockey's license, so that all the boys concerned in the Avondale incident are'uow reinstated. Killowen, the winner of the C.J.C. Winter Cup, was only twelfth in the order of favouritism, and a substantial dividend was relumed to his supporters. Included in the Wttngnnul Jockey Cinb's Spring programme is a new weight-for-age race, the Eclipse Stakes, ..r Whisov*, „i uo furlongs, for three-year-olds and upwards. Although W. Bell was wired through as the rider of H.-.-ltbev.sprig lit the C.J.C. Winter Cup. the Auckland horseman. A. J. McFliun, rode the Gbsborne-uwiicd gelding. No less than five horses, Will Oakland. 11.-alhorsprig. Gold Kip. Urnckcnfteld, and Nlghtrai.ler. carried over a thousand pounds apiece iv flic C.J.c. Winter Cup. , Coalition's lime for the C.J.C. Grand ■National .Steeplechase. 7.2.1 2-.. is the slowest recorded sine linn!, when Phaelouitls took 7.14 2-3. A gelding by (Jtiln Abbey from a Freedom mare was brought from the Waikato on Thursday, and has gone into E. Pope's charge. Owing to the ilealli of Mr. John Peach, father of the owners of Oaklclgh. that gelding raced In the nomination of his I miner. C. W. Coleman, at Ihe C.J.C. National Meeting. Talcing into consideration the high cost of living, the committee of. the Auckland Racing Club have made substantial increases iv salary to all their leading officials. Mr. R. A. Armstrong, the recently elected, member of the North Island on the NewZealand Trotting Association, is well known In Auckland, nud should prove a valuable acquisition to the Board. A praiseworthy feature of the Avondale Jockey Club's programme is that no race for horses three-year-olds and upwards Is of a less distance than six furlongs. Other clubs could follow suit -with advantage to everybody. It transpires that the mishap to Sa'mlel during the running of tho Trill Hurdles at RSccarton on Tuesday, which necessitated •his destruction, occurred while he was galloping on the Hat, about six furlongs from home. Oulv on nine occasions has a horse won the C.T.O. National Steeplechase with n heavier weight than Coalition won with on Tuesday. * The poundage Coalition was successful under is the heaviest successfully carried since Levnnter won with 12.0 in the saddle In iSO 7, just 23 years ago. The well-known Melbourne trainer, Mark P. 'Whitby, died at Flemlngton recently at the age of CD. He was most successful with liorses, amoug his most -prominent wluners of late years gelng Cncle Sam, which he trained for Mr. Held, and which won two CauUleld Cups. Lochella was a good favourite for the -C..T.-C. National Steeplechase, the order of the others iv the betting being Crib, Guanneo. Walmal, Oakleigh, Coalition, and Master Strowau, wir.h Sau Sebastiau -the outsider. The annual football match between the Jockeys representing the North nnd -South Islands was played at Iticcarton during the week. South Island winning by !> points to 3. For the wlnuers tries wer escoreil by W. Griffiths, W. Bush, and A. Wormald, while F. Cress crossed the line for the North. Tile time, 4.31 recorded by flylans when lie won the C.J.C. National Hurdle Race on Thursday Is the slowest since the distance of the race was Increased -to nbout 2* miles •Not since 1011, when Continuance won under 11.11, has a horse with a weight e.|i:nl to the 11.4 carried by Hylans been successful. Record Reign holds the weight record, winning iv 1900 under 12.12. After the C.J.C. Grand National Steeplechase, run at Riccarton on Thursday, R. ThTjTnpson. the rider of Guanaco. complained that 11. McSweeney, the rider or Coalition, had bored him out when racing for the last fence. McSweeney's version was that he was In danger of being pushed i' toward the inside rail and so running round Ihe fence. The Judicial Committee supported this view, and administered a caution to Thompson. In presenting whips to successful jockeys at Chrlstcuiiroh ou Tuesday evening last. Sir George Clifford said. I hat in the last few mouths he had a good deal to do with Hie jockeys, and had found them reasonable and fair-minded men, and whatever might be said by some people of their conduct, be knew them as being as honest as men of other professions. L. 11. Hewitt, who left Xew Zealand to try his luck in some ot'aef country. Is pro'■bab'y one of the best known horsemen iv tlic world, and Ims ridden, in New Zealand, Australia, England, and ou the Continent, which Is a record held only by the horse--muji named, lie has had a wonderful career in the saddle, and up lo th" present has ridden In 3,231 races, being placed first in 733, second iv 423. and third In 344. .vhile his earnings, tola] something like £13,;)U0, including retainers, etc. Oakleigh is proving a most payable proposition to the Messrs. Peach, for iv his I. st seven starts Ire lias won on live occasions, being third once, and only o'nee unplaced. Last sua "on he won M7o.sovs ir. s!n!-.c: : . while his win on Thursday, null It is third in the C.J.c. National Steeplechase n\rc worth 30osovs to his owners." in the Beaufort Steeplechase op Thursday his performance was an attractive one,for he had 11.t in the saddle, a big weight/or such-a little fellow, but won easily at the fiuish. a lot of work waiting to be put in hand at Ellerslic. but owing to ihe shortage of material the more important works are hung up. In the meantime, the club are doing minor tasks with their own stall', who have improved the lot-.ilisafor house by altering it a little, which will give ten extra .selling and Uf-teen windows. The inside of the stewards' stand is also being altered somewhat, while the house which formerly" stood just inside ihe gates at the Kllerslle cud is being shifted on to one of the club's sections ounside the railway entrance. When the building, restrictions an> removed there will be a busy time at headquarters. At the annual meeting of the Victoria ißaeing Club it was made clear tiiat the ■members were not unanimous with regard -,o granting free passes in the way «f admission to members of Parliament, in supporting the report. Mr. 0. E. Ogden. referring especially to the item £3393 for Government license and tax in the balance sheet, said among other things, that ihe club should stop the free invitations to members of the Federal Parliament. These members taxed -them to crealte hig-her salaries i&t themselves. Flatites at Flemington were taxed to the extent of Id, whereby the memoers of Parliament could obtain funds to pay themselves an extra -£400 a In reply to Mr. Ogden. the chairman stated that th? committee would give due consideration jo the suggestions regarding the member* of Parliament. He (Mr. Mackinnoni beld -strong views in Tegard to the members of Torllament. (.Applause.)

Master Strowan was very sore after his effort in the C.J.O. National Steeplechase, and will want a good spell. Oak'eigh was sent out an odds-on favourite for the Beaufort which he won at Riccarton on Thursday. The Taltapuna Jockey Cluh paid the j Government £ll.0.":s D/ll as tax as the .result of their four days' racing last year. Mara, which ran second to Coldstream in ■the I.incolu Handicap at Addlngion on Wednesday, was sent through to Auckland as one of Che "morals" of the meeting. A gelding by Quin Abbey, wiilch was a member of V. Weston's team at KUeHlle, lias been purchased for Australia, and was shipped 10 Sydney by Lie ltlrerlna on Thursday. As far as (he C..T.C. National Meeting has gone Hie lotnlisator ligures amount lo £14.".372 10/. this amount 'being a record for Itiecarlon. Signs are not warning ihul (lie Canterbury Jockey club will come into public favour again shortly. As the Avondale nvetlnga during the coming season clash with Wanganui in the spring and Wellington In tile autumn. Mr. It. I!. Lusk has resigned his position as judge to the local club, and application* are now invited by the Avoudulc Committee f»r the position. THE 'GUINEAS' CONCESTS. Although t lie Avondale and Wanganui Jockey Clubs' -spring meetings clash as regards the opening days. It i* possible this year for a three-year-old to contest both the Wanganui and Avondale Guineas, the lirst "classic three-year-old events of I lie season. The Wanganui fixture opens on Thursday, September -13, on which day the ■CJnliieas Js run. birt although the Avondale Club open their meeting on September -o. the Avondale Guineas is not decided until the second day. September 20. This would ?lvo owners plenlv of time to get their horses north ir ihey so desired, but the added attraction -of the Fclipse ■ Stakes of .-nogs, pot on by the Wanganui Club for the lirst -time, and which Is run on the second day. will probably be an Inducement for owners to stay iv the -south. Horses claiming the engagement in both events are: — I.lstotvcl. Itla.-km.-iil. Miss Muriel. Mnropa, Prince .Martian. Strategy. Klldee, A«kari. l'en-te. Dim, Ucllght. Clirysostniil, and Gasbag. Auckland horses engaged at Wanganui but not at Avondale are: - Geoffrey and LoveiigTit. VOI'NGSTKIIS AT ELI.BRRr.IK. Willi the start of a new season, considerable Interest centres i« the doings *of the i\vo-year-o!ds. So fur at ■headmpirters none of the youngsters have been :tsked to do any serious tasks, although plenty of useful work has been registered; but the next few weeks should see those claiming engagements in Ihe Avondale Stakes tried against the Wa*ch for a few furlongs. At present then' are -some 3(J two-year-olds being prepared as follows:— !•'. GII.CHHIST.-.Br colt by Roragoon — Golden l'"lv: blk filly by Herman—Bow Hells: b ill 1 v by Laud of Song—Smokey. J. IircIIAXAN.-llr .-olt-Sussex. |>yV»rcoDirge; h niiv in- Bonlform—.Satlsfalre: b lilly by KudoniH—Wasa. .1. WILLIAMSON--Ch colt Loyal Irish, by Absurd - Molra-ma-chree; b g c.-ld.-it Dream, by Bozonlan—Somnlform: blk colt Hoodoo, by Kiysian -Kowcrewere. W. PATTERSON.—B colt (lranga. by Royal Soult-Cadence; eh cult Young Thnnihani, by Thnrnham—Analogy; eh colt Thurulcy, by Thnrnham-iLira. K. HEATON.- Oh colt Sunny River, by Sunny Lalci —Orange Pippin; eh lilly silver Rain, by Matkhope— Grand Raih. K. POI'E. —Ch f I'eiiewen. by Penury - Lady Given; br coll by Mountain Knight— Rhodium. W. TOZER.—Ch filly by Thnrnham - l'l.igsblp: eh colt l'cace Day, by Monoform colt - .Anuatus. W. M. TAYLOR.—B gelding by King "\fark—Pellicle; b or br coll by Bezoniau — Skirl. C. COLEMAN.—Ch filly by Thurnhain — Olellua. iL. COLEMAN.-Br filly by Thurnhain— Cailierimi. N cr\NI\T,HAM.-d3 filly by Thnrnham — Miss Modesty. .1. LA'M'BBSS.—B Ally by Bon:form—Northern Ri>*e. W SMITH.-B colt by San Tran—nocn. H . EVA.—B colt by Marble Arch—Monow r °KKMr.-B colt by Marble Arch—Miss Ethel. „ , , A. ROBERTSON. -B tilly by Robert the Bruce- Miss? Winsome. P t'O.WI'AY.-B colt by 3larble Arch — Miss Pauline. , . C. RING.-iB gelding by Potoa—C aime. ' NORTH TARAXAKI HUNT CLUB. THE HANDICAPS. (r.y Telegraph.—Press Association.) WELLINGTON, Friday. D»r H. Covle has declared the following weights for 'the North Taranaki Hunt Club's meeting:— Hunters' Flat Handicap, one mile and a quarter.—Glenroy 12.13, l'.atana 12.9. Hoyal Park 12.(!,« Cadet 11.IS. Knfour 11.4. Tornea 11. J. Prince l'aul 11.2. Legato in. 12, Tlrnu 10.10, Encircle 10.1). Lochson 10.0. Kenepuru 10.9, Clem 10.0. Jlaiikino I<>.9, Zimmer 10.0, Wangawal bl.i), Husbandman geldTng 10.0. Grand Parade 10.0, General Wauchoo 10.0, Cordon 10.7, Warning 10.7. Urcnui Hack Handicap, 0 furlongs.— Scrap o' Taper 11.10, Hallow Kareao 10.2. Neniallue 10.0. Big Push 10.0, Empyrean 9.13. Pure Laziness 0.11. Piropiro 9.H., Ilori 0.0, Quinlro 0.0, Crystal Palace 0.4. Catalini 0.4. Muster Cnrrnu 11.3. Lady J'allla 9.3, Warrawee 0.2. Alice Montrose 9.0, Independence 9.0, Grab 9.0. I'atrogun 9.0, Advancer 9.0, Amber Tips '.).(>. Hypothesis 9.0, Oay Lady 9.0, Festive 9.0, Lord l-'ormby 0.0. Ladles' Bracelet Steeplechase, two miles. —Tetoa 11.12, Dunrobln 11.12. .Camp fiuat-d -11. r.. Applaud 11.3, Suftidrlnghani 11.0." Tornea 10.10. White Hanger 10.7, prince Paul 10.7, Papatere 10.3. Cordon 10.0, Jet Black 10.0, Glenaron 10.0, St. Bela 10.0. Larry 10.0. Gnianforte mare 10.0, Glen Paul 10.0, Grand Parade 10.0. Cataln Black lo.u. I'unjuub 10.0, Karere io.O, Wee l'aul 10.0. Stratford Handicap, six furlongs.— Siinonideti 11.3, Depredation 10.11, Glenroy 10.0. Alteration 10.0, Income 10.4. Scrap o' Paper 10.2, Egmonr Park 0.12. Ilushman D.S, Carmel Arch 0.3. Tirana 9.2. Kareao 0.0, Pure Laziness 9.0, Master Curran 9.0, Hnri 9.0, Olter 9.0. North Taranaki Hunt Cup, three miles.--Dunrobin 12.2. Camp Guard 11.10, Kurunlpl 11.8, Saiidrlngliani 11.."). Patarilci 11.2, Pnputere 10.7. Argo 10. T. Olen Paul 10.7. Wee Paul 10.7, Wakamoa 10.7, Gnianforte gelding 10.7. Waihi Hack Handicap, seven furlongs.— Scrap o' Paper U.S. Voluble 10.8. Hallow 10.5, Kar?ao 10.0. Nemallne o.ia. Big Push 9.15, Plroplro 9.12, Pure Laziness 0.10. Mlmire 9.5. Quinlro 9.8. Florist n.S. Army Service 9.7, Lady Paula 9.2, Guianform 0.2. Warrawee 9.2. Rikl 9.0. Aiice Montros 9.0. Uaukino p.o, Zimnier n.o, 0.0. Stolpnul 9.0.. Lord Koi'Ulby 9.0, Independence 0.0. Lepperton Hunters' Hurdles, one mile and a half.— 11.2. Royal Park 10.11. Dunrubin 10.10, Applaud 10.(5, Tiran 9.9. Cheddar 9.9. Kafour 9.9. Tornea 9.5. While Ranger 9.C. Prince Paul 9.0, Cordon 9.2. Grand Tarade 9.0. Glen IPaul 9.0, Captain Black 0.0.. Encircle (1.0, General Wauchnp 9.0. Warning 90, Karere f'.O. Wro p.-uil 0.0. Gniajifotte gelding fl.O. Direr 9.0, St Be'-t 9.0, Waugawai 9.0, Jet Black 9.0, Argo 0.0.

TL'RF TALK FROM THE SOUTH. (By Telegraph..— Snecia! to "") CITRISTCIIUHni, Fnila.r. In spire .if pxtremply unpleasant wrathor we havi- liiul Rood sport durlDK ihe past few days. hut tI;N mnrnins rain fell liesivily and ii<vesit:ited thp postpon-eraetit of die "third day of the 'Metropolitan Trotting Club's llxiure until WcKlnesday next. The trotting has been exwllent. and two fine performaiifes by Author Dillon stand out. ("ritli-s insisted that lie was short of work, had mine off. etc.. but when it eflini , to real business he made the remainder look like second-raters. He is easily the best pacer in Xew Zealand tu-day. F. E. Juiie.-i. of galloping fame, is coniiuo; to the fronr witli paceiv. and has move tVn a pn.inkinj: a-.-idlup in lixyal Step, wiiic-li has won a double at the present meeting K. bad l-.u lu.k iv lu<tUK tlio servict's of Unj-llglit, who liroke his ne<-k in'the C..T.T. Grand National Hurdle Race. He was pulling,' double at the time of the mishap, and took off too soon. Had be stood up he would have been very hiiid to beat. Oakleigh is not a. picture to look at. but there is no doubt as. to his quality. He ran a rattling good race in the National Steeplechase, and on the second day had Ilia race won a long way from honi<v .San Sebastian is a good jumper, but does not stay too ivell. •ie.neral retain is oue of the most promising hurdlers seen out for some time. He stand* close on seventeen bauds luhll T. Canmmt left for tbe North on YWlnesday with Haster Strowan and Gang Awa.

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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 194, 14 August 1920, Page 13

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RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 194, 14 August 1920, Page 13

RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 194, 14 August 1920, Page 13


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