-V meeting of-the Mt. Koskill Roa.l Board was hekl last evening. Present: Messrs. G. K. Tansley (ehnirnran). S. .1. Uanion. E J. Herd. J. J. l'reston, S. Scarborough, and J. -Pert. Claim for Pamasps-A cluUn of £14 was received from Mr. W. ill. SuiUU. for damages to suit of clirlhes tt>. and £0 apwial damages. While walking on tl>e footpatli in Mt. Albert Koad on Snnday evening. June (>. Mr £mith stepped on the wall about a Too; froiu tlie edge, wlipn it gave way. He was thrown on t.» theliarbcd wire fnnee. when Uis face wae cut in s*v«?ral places ihi<l h\A fuiVl of (.■lot'btjs was no t.iru mxl damaged tha-t it Is now useless. llf? therefore asked <be board to pny him £H. The claim was referred to tbe bon-rd'* s-Oleitor. Electric Power.- The Aucttaml Town Clerk submitted taruis for suppl.rlne rfeccrio power l>y the City ("ounril to the subirrtian local bodies desiring sued supply. Tlio council will only exteud mains tmtu time to time In those areas w&en , and w!ien it considers -that the demand wUJ •b* sulticlem to eive a partus return, mie rate rbnrged for current ehall lie at Tjdl rimes thfl ennw as -the rates for conenn*ere wkhlti the city, .-md all accounts must !><■ iiald dlfpctly to the city •tj-easun-r's ollire. Th« whole iucomo 'frrMn the rouETiniers shall be the property o( the City Council. whl<-b shall be granted a concession of :« years -t*> carry oiM ami corapletoe with ail necessary tnat/>rtete. machinery and appli anrm, the undertaking suhjecl to ihe conditions presorlbpd. Tlie tiTins were accepted. Road Improvement.—The board aivpjvtAd Uk> offer of the Board of (iovernors of th- , Vetemns' Home to transfer a strip of land to the board near th* borne, for the lmproviTnent of the Mt. Albert Road. fne<» of cost : the Road Board to pay the cost of transfer. Kfi-lined. —The board decline*! to rontriimte towards the cost of Investigating the. Tram Company's flgtnwi b.T -the Mt. Jvden Bonousrh Council, when considering the proposed increase In tram fares.
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 9
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 9
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