REQUESTS FROM NEWMARKET. An echo of the week-end flood came to the Newmarket Borough Council last evening in the shape of reports from ratepayers. One of these stated that she had decided to erect a wall along her section in New Street to keep the flood water out. "My garden is absolutely no use as it is," sii£ wrote, "for if I plant any seeds the flood water washes them out, and rises up under my house." The writer concluded by saying that ehe would be glad of some material for building a wall, which it was decided to provide. The second complaint came from a resident in Parkfield Tcrrac, who stated tbat the drainage in that road waa very unsatisfactory. The writer stated that on Saturday last the water was a foot deep under his house, for the fourth time in as many months. Ue urged that the matter be dealt with speedily, as such a state of affairs was a menace to the health of the whole neighbourhood. Tt was agreed to inform this gentleman that the Council would do all that it could in the matter.
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 9
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 9
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