AUCKLAND CITY. SOME REDUCTIONS IN VALUES. The sitting of tbe City Assessment Court, before Mr. 8.-C. Cut ten, S.M., lasted until close ua 5 p.m. yesterday. There were very few objectors who attended to give evidence, most'of the reductions being previously agreed to by the City Valuer, Mr. Bidding, owing to rentals having been reduced. The following reductions were confirmed or made by Mr. Cutten:—J. Dove, office, land mid shed. The Strand, fSOO, reduced to £;100; .Tames Dunning, house, Ascot Avenue, £30 to £44; do.. Lucerne Eond. £06 to £05. do., allotments, Klrlwa and Konial Street, each from £8 to £T; S. Flu-man, house, Symonds Street, £40 to £25: t'. D. Elliott, house, Remuera Road. £62 to £80; Kdeu Lodge, 1.0.0. F., brick hall. Kennal Street. £44 to £40; Johanna O'Snllivuu. property. Queen- Street. £120 to £110; eirs. Mary Foley, property, Store Koad. Uemuera. £174 to £163; do., shop, Ilobson Street. i'SO to £70, do., house. £S0 to £70; M. Foley, house, Ilobson Street, £120 to ill.'!: do.. Baker Street. £14 to £10; do., tIS to £l(i; G. 11. Fray, brick shops. Victoria Street, four, each reduced from £82 to £l»i; C. 11. lurness, warehouse, Customs Street Kast. £.'«»2 to iSGO; P. K. Gardner, house. Fleet Street. £32 to*>£3o: Mrs Ilalstead. per O. .1. Garland, brick cottnco. Albert Street. £ISO to £120; do., smithy. £130 to £120: house and shop. £130 to £120: A. 11. Geddes. "Windermere." Scotia Place. £240 to £186; A. E. Olfford, house. Sarsflelcl Street, £30 to £74:. shop. Jervois Road. £40 to £36. do.. £40 to £38. brick office. High Street. £100 to £14(1; A. T. Good, house. Collinswood Street. £50 to £44: A. G. Graham, house. Victoria Avenue, fllli to £110: house. Cloubern Road. £44 to £42. brick house, llohson Street. £80 to £65: Mary Grnham. house. Oliphant Street. £10 to £12: R. C. liray. house. England Street. £38 to £36; Cummer and Holinnn. lot. Spencer Street. t. to £t"; 11. B. Guthrie, house. Creuiorne ■Street. £100 to £!>o. ■f. 11. Ilannan. house. Cobdcn Street, '•'•use. £20 to £10. do.. £12. do.. West Street. ±10 to £12. do.. Frauds Street. £20 to £10. do.. Montague Street. £10 to £12. do.. £20 to £14. do.. Newton Koad. £12 to £10, do.. £12 to £10. do.. £14 to £12. brick shop Federal Street. £00 to £50, house. Cook Street. £!4 to £10. do., l'nriri Street. £12 to £10: Charles T. Harris, house. Lincoln Street. £24 to £20: H. 1.. Ilartnoll. allotment, Vernon Street. £48 to £34: George. Hatcher, shop and ofliee. £30 to £20: C. T. Haines, allotment. Great South Road. £13 to £14: It. M. Ilelghton. allotment. Selwvn IMace. £4 to £3: M. A. Thomas, allotment. Ponsonby Road. £4.1 to £42. do., wood house, £."i! to £50; Hill and Plutntuer. allotment. Ilobson Sireet. £100 to £80; W. Hlldreth. «tore shed. Customs Street. £110 to £100: do., wood shop. £180 to £101): S. Hoffman. shop. Queen Street, £400 to £345; I". 11. llogan, house. Grey Street. £10 to £30: E. Morton. house. Remuera Road. £240 to £225: Henry Horton. house. Remuera Road. £290 to £277: K. Hudson, building. f'lonborn Koad. £70 to £6C; XV. G. Hutchison. building. Kden Terrace. £130 to £120: F. G. Hmif, house. St. Martin's Lane. £140 to £130: it. A. Irwin, house. Wakefield Street, iSO to £00: John Marshall, dwelling. Remuera Road. £100 to £1S0: H. E. Jones, house, l.ochiel Road. £40 to £30: John Kneebone, brick shop. Symonds Street. £100 to £'.'2. do.. £70 to £00: A. 1.. Kreut/.er. house i and brick shod, Queen Street. £110 to £100; Charles Lavor. house. Khvber Pass Road. £90 to £83; J. E. S. Lepine. house. Marine Road. £30 to £46; L. M. Watson, shop. Green Lane. £40 to £35: A. Looseinore, house. Macmurray Road. £60 to £oS: Kate Mackv. house. New South Rond. £30 to £31: G. I. Marr'.ner. house. Koslyn Avenue. £58 to £54; Henry McCormick. house. Grattan Street. £10 to £14. do.. Wellington Street. £20 to £20; I. Mevers. house. Albiou Street. £30 to £34: L. V. Moses, house. Albert Street. £260 to £242: e.vrs. M. McGregor, £hop. Ilobson Street. £100 to £80; L. Nathan, building. Karangahape Road. £1.000 to £050; H. E. Lundon. house. Colllßgwoon Street, £54 to £48; E. Bell, house. Russell Street. £38 to £34; J. Potter, house, Burleigh Street. £4C to £40: S. S. Clarke, shop, Karangahape Road, £150 to £121). Executors W. Adams, per LV J. >"erheny. house, cycarhorough Terrace. £26 t.> do.. two brick houses. Wakeilelrt £70: do., brick house. Grey street, £40 to £40: do., shop. Pitt Street. £33 to £30: do., house. Vincent Street. £80 to £72; Jessie Prince, house. Sale Street. 122 to £21): F. Bell, house, Collingwood 'Street, £32 to £28: James Adams, house. Grey Street. £S0 to £52; P Nerhenv. houses. Commercial Road. £26 to £22. £25 "to £22. and £25 to £22; L. H. Neumegen. house. Cook Street. £120 to £100. shop. Market Square. £54 to £50, two houses. Ilobson Street. £120 to £105. house. Svmonds Cvtrcet. £90 to £85. house. Park Avenue, £160 to £130. four houses. Park Avenue, each from £52 to £50; Geor.ce property, Arney Koad, £181) to £1.5; Annie Oeincke, wooden house. Kclmarna Avenue. £40 to £38: Peter Oliphant, house, Jervois Road, £40 to £30; W. Parr, house, Green. Lane. £40 to £30: Thomas Pearce, house, Pompallier Terrace, £32 to £30; F. A. Pearson, land. Queen Street, £170 to £135: .1. Petford, shop. Albert Street, £225 to £150: J. Phillips, house, Vermont Street, £56 to £52: J. A. Pond. three houses. Remuera Road, £86 to £04. £0S to £455, £100 To £05. buildings. Customs Street. £200 to £175: G. Frunkovlrh, brick building. Customs Street. £10') to £100, do., to £140: executors Maurice O'Connor, brick shop. Symonds Street. £110 to £100, section, do.. £110 to £100, shop. Grey Street. £32 to £30. do.. £32 to £30. Dominion Chambers. Queen Street. £20 to t2O. £10 to £12, £40 to £30. £10 to £12, and 120 to £16: 11. K. A. Reston. house. Collingwood Street. £48 to £40: Public Trustee, house. Whitaker Place. £60 to £50, house. Brown Street. £28 lo 122: A. E. Roes, house. 'Bassett Road.. £44 to £40: M. .Regan, house. Newton Road. £44 to £40: R. Row. shop. Victoria Street. £») to £fi<>: 'Francis Roberts, allotment. Grand Vue Road, 130 to £34: j. 1.. Roche, house. (Sea View- Road. iIOO to £95: D. Rodger, bouse. Seatield View Road. £41 to £40; \V. Rutherford, house. Maretra Road, £82 to £30: Bruce Scott, shop. Cobdeii Sireet. £40 to £34: G. K. Sharumi. house. Cloubern Road, £30 to £14; .1. Bradley, house, Norfolk 'Street, £32 to £30; S. Trudgeou. house. Krowh Street. £26 to £24; M. Katovieh. house, Burwood Street, £65 to £60: R. .1. Hall, house, Grafton Road. £51 lo £50: exe.-utors M. I.ouergan. house. Servla street. £30 to £24: executors E. Kearney, house, Randolph Street, 128 to £24: : S. I'olgase. shop. Earanjrahape Road. £110 to £104: .1. E. Hall, shop, i'.-ako fStreet, £2.i to £18. do.. £20 to £18: G. Edwards, building. Dominion Road. £I<H> to 050; H. S. Dudley, house. Grey- Street. ±40 to £36: executors J. Dadley. house.. Grey Street, £20 to £18: executors 1.-Young, bouse, St. 'George's Bay Road, F2O to £18; 11. S. Dadley. chop. Queen Street, £182 to £156; V. Skelton. foundry, Victoria Uvne, 1120 to £S0: Sisters of St. Joseph, bouse. Middlemore R-oad. £G0 to £4-5: Victor Smith, shop, Queen Street. £390 to £250: W. A. Smith, home, Unikei Koad. £115 to £110: F. W. .Smith, offices. Wyndham Street. £100 to £75: J. Stokes, brick offices. Qurtn Street, ±2000 to £1050: J. C. Spcdding, offices. Union Buildings. Customs Street. £80 to £80, £200 to £100. £124 to £110; L. C. Sjfenecr, house, Victoria Avenue. £120 to £115: R. Stark, house, Pukeora Koad. £34 lo £32, Lucerne Road. £0 to £3, house. Stark Avenue, £25 to £22: .1. Steele, house. Arney Koad. £100 lo £05: XV. V. Stewart, house. Kemuera Road. £115 to £108; Charles Stewart, house, Arthur Street, £34 to £32; George Stone, house. Wharf Road. £30 to £33; «. C. Streeter. shop. Karangahape .Road, £110 to J iloi': house aud shop, Anglcsea street, t~!S to £:.(«; executors J. Green, shop, \ Ictonu Street. £70 to £(18; .R. Takle, house, Norfolk Street. £32 to £30; executors i,™ , i,s ,..f ml ' , ' vsnn - ''""dings. Wyndham I?'™,'",?' ,l 0" ** bl « awl "•»rk- *'.!»" «05; 11. J. ~-. Tbl>(U . t ho , " ''■"•} X " a -- "- to £30: H. Thompson: ir, ~S P' . r u,lr< '"' SU-eel. £2! to £22. do., ... shed, James Street. £22 to i-0- P !H house. Pukeora Koad. '& To Road i 4S M Tn P r.r h ° USe ' »"»"»■« T P ■Wo,iesley t4 StreeY. fITS" wood shop. noo to £73 * • ao - B-U Street. '£M Brothers rooms On. .. *V. ' M»"enstelii Mrs. %£$ office,. Vulcan Lane. £90 \ „ gg* ' elair. shops. Queen Street E7O to £<••> £--- to C4S, c.-,.-, to £43. £33 lo £4! j to £48 £Si to £43. £55 to £48; 11. k. v.aile hricl; shop. Queen Street. £34 to V Xt "cJi S- »V ai ',-- ilr ' UK ''' oraf '°" Koad. "£so* to ,£44: I(. E. vaile. shop. Great North Ifcsad £40 tr, £i. Thcmas MclrJ ~ Mai.ukau Road. £40 to £30. ditto 04- ,' £40: Join, restaurant Oueen ¥££*' £t3O '" -""' ~ri,|c K hop'£3oi> to £-,i 0: exors. Mrs. Fairwcaihev. house *l .Tames' Street. £18 to £10: J. V Ge'ddV house, Karaka strrrt, £:\: to qfl- ifi f Hirst, house, Arthur Street. £80 to £70"
8. James. £70 to £50; LvO'B. and Casey, offices, Durham •Street. £60 to £50: brick offices £70 to £00. toaeemeut £100 to £80, i ground floor £80 to £60; airs. Price, shop. ! •Hobson 'Street, £30 to £26, ditto four wood bouses. £ISO to £16*1: A. Sanford, shop. I ■Customs Street, £110 to £70. £130 ' to £90, £S4 to £60. £120 to £6-3, £48 to £3S: £46 to' £3S; Vaile and 'Sous, offices, Queen Street, £120 to £110. office and mart £310 to £300: Mcsdames Brown and Co.. 'Karangahape Koad. three shops, eaeb reduced from £00 to £50: L.OB. and Casey, c-hoixs. Queen Street. £340 to £320; M. Casey, house. Franklin ■Road. £30 to £26: shop, MaTket 'Square. £70 to £60; eztors. ... Coombes. shop. Franklin Koad, £70 to £60; J. Collins, house. Newton Road. £34 to £30; Mrs. E. ■M. Dickson, house. /St. Andrew's Street. £2S to £20: John Endean, houses. Khvbe.r Pass, £180 to £S0; M. J. Tisdall, house. Glanville Terrace. £10 to £35; J. Barkley. two brick houses, Vincent Street. £100 to £80; Hallensteln Bros., buildings. Queen Street. £40 to £30. £40 to £30. £50 to £45. £60 to £40. £48 10 £40, £100 to £SO. £160 to £12(). £132 to £lbi. £60 to £5". £130 to £140, £101 to £00; J. Veale. bouse. Heme Bay Road. £70 to £64: Hugh Wallace, house. £50 to £40; M. IT. Walsh, shops. Symonds Street. £70 to £64. £70 to £04: W. Ware, .property. Portland Rond. £50 to £15; house £150 to £130; L. Walker, house. Belgium Street. £42 to £.38: West End Pictures Theatre. Ponsonby Road. £430 to £400. ditto shops £160 to £130: .1. C. White, house,'Cloubern Road. £34 to £32. ditto £70 to £00: J. G. Whit ing. three houses. Summer -Street. £48 to £43. £44- to £40 and £44 to £40; B. li. Wei. cock, house. Clonbern Road. £00 to £04: V. Outhwaite. woolshed. Victoria Street, £110 to £100: Charles Williams, two houses. £24 to £22 each, ditto Howe Street £20 to £ls and £22 to £18; J. Wllloughby. house. Racecourse Parade. £30 to £35; llcvvin's Estate, shops. Wellesley 'Street. £244 to £200. £100 to :£!>0; £100 to £fh>: £180 to £130. £150 to £125: Arthur Wood, shop. Wellington Street, £«4 to £60: M. 11. W'yuyard. office. Fort iStreet. £220 to £218; 11. Young, houses. Bassett Road, £30 to £33.
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Auckland Star, Volume XLIX, Issue 87, 12 April 1918, Page 6
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1,962ASSESSMENT COURT, Auckland Star, Volume XLIX, Issue 87, 12 April 1918, Page 6
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