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LIEUTENANT D. HOTTON. Mrs. Hutton, 10, St. James* Square, Auckland, has received private information that her husband, Lieutenant David Hutton, Fifth Gordon Highlanders, was admitted to the Thirty-ninth General [Hospital, France, on December 5, suffering from severe strain and shook. SERGEANT CHARLES M. ROTE. Sergeant Charles M. Rope, killed in action, was born in Te Kopuru, and was educated at the Training College, Auckland. He left New Zealand with the | Main Body, was wounded at Gallipoli and Bent to Malta; three .months latei Ihe rejoined his old regiment. He wai (killed at El Arieh, on January 9th last Prior to enlisting he was engaged lx teaching. RIFLEMAN CLTVE BEAUMONT. Rifleman Clive Beaumont, killed ii action, was the second son of Mr. Wil lliam Beaumont, of Maunu, Whangarei He enlisted in the Fifteenth Reinforce ment, and was prior to enlisting engagex in farming pursuits. His elder brothei was killed in action on Gallipoli. PRIVATE HARRY WRIGHT. Mr. J. Wright, of Tikiponga, Whanga rei, has received word that hi* son, Pri vate Harry Wright, recently report» " missing," has been killed in action, als< that his youngest son, Private A Wright, has been wounded whilst sen ing with the Lewis gun section in Franct Both boys left with the Fifteenth Rein iorceirients, and each had worn seven badges for proficiency in rifle shootim; Mr. and Mrs- Wright have given foil sons to serve the Empire. TROOPER ALiBEBT J. CROSS. Trooper Albert John Cross, cable new of whose death in action was receive this week, is the third son of Mr. E. . Cross, of Dairy Flat. He left New Zei land with his Tbrother in the Sixth Reii Jorcement, heing attached to the Aucl land section of the Mounted RiflftS. Tli brothers saw nearly two years' activ service together, until tile action leadir to the capture of El Arish, when Albei was kißed, and Ernest, though escapta onwoujnded, had his horse shot und« I him. The deceased soldier was in h twenty-seventh year, and prior to enliff j ing was in partnership with his brotni [in a contracting twaineam,

AMUSEMENTS. — ■ 3 KING'S THKATBE. I le Bxandou-Crenier Dramatic Company i c again to be congratulated on the ' , Mi-ant success which characterised their , | dramatic effort, "The Danger Signal," . i i-Ji commenced its season at the King's i i atre on Saturday evening before a very j 1 c audience, which showed its apprecla- j iv a most enthusiastic manner. The 1 ' is ably presented, tne settings oeing i a completeness which sets out to the i t possible advantage tne progress of • plot, and is convincingly enacted by a < y strong cast. Briefly told, the story 16 .with the efforts of Sampson Fox, a up, to Bet his son Frank in the place of Igatlul heir, who is supposed dead, tut ■ d reappears in the nick of time to aid hero lv saving the situation. The leadparts—Sampson Fox and his adopted Drank, the hero lover, Lucy and her Cher, and the woman with a past—were most successfully portrayed by the star alliens of this particularly strong dratic organisation, and tne subsidiary racters contributed not a little toward currying out of the most pleasing and illlug entertainment the contpany has placed on the boards. The same play 1 be repeated at the special holiday tlnee this afternoon and nightly oughout the week. OPERA HOUSE. 1 programme of more than usual merit I cornmeuce Its season at Fuller's Opera use this evening, when several first-class •us are advertised to be presented byson and Le Cain, the E-lmars and the leys, who are all appearing for the flrst le In the Dominion, it is with regret it patrons will learn that the musicians, perna and Laerte, are appearing this for the last time. KING GEORGE THEATRE. Magnificent Theda Bara is again before She takes the part of Lady Isabel, c heroine of "East Lynne," a irvellously fascinating photo reproduction the world-famous novel and play. The •ture is a William Fox Corporation flvet release, with In every way an excep>nal cast for which this studio Is famous, rerybody is familiar with the mighty thos of the tale unfolded by this great I ama, which has ever been acknowledged absolutely the finest conception, most II of pathos and of heart appeal, that is yet been framed. lt'-would spoil to a eat extent the pleasure of those who ill have the supreme privilege of witnessg this superlative production to lumerate the details of the plot; sufficient tly can lie said to convince of the merit the play. The settings are in the most irfect accord with the spirit of the protctlou, the projection of the varying enes, with their changing moods and issions, is such as would contribute to the erlt of any picture. Beu Deely, as the >nder-hearted husband, no less than the jrtrayal of Judge Hare, the stern and avlelding father of little Barbara, and the -oundrelly Levisou, plentifully endowed ■Ith all the'graces and wiles necessary >r the carrying out of his nefarious ractlces, all combine to make a drama -bleb most even exceed in popularity the rlglnal production, endowed as It Is with fe and movement, and- the true Jnterpreatlou of the wonderfully life-like reatious of one of the finest writers of 11 time. STRAND THEATRE. EveryboJy knows, and most of us have .ad familiar dealings with "Uncle,' whe .•ill allow the needy to pledge for a tithe f their worth the most valuable articles n their possession. But to see L-hnrlie :hapliu, endowed with his moustache, ds pants, his boots, bis smile, .nd his popularity, act as this commutoi ■t valuable slnto silver currency is a slghi iccorded to comparatively few. Yet this nay be witnessed at the Strand, as mans vlll smilingly ahow. "A hurricane o: aughter" does not do it justice. Followlnj "harlle's picture comes the interestin; "tory "Jim Grimsby's 'Boy.' " which showi low Jimmy was surprised and beaten whei lis heart's desire was thwarted, and hi 'ound that his "boy," as a girl, could no 3e Improved upon. A most entortainln; selection of -pictures goes to complete : apftaholiday programme, and the lates mechanical orchestra will give pleasure t ill. Tne Strand Is a continuous plctur ShOTV. PRINCESS THEATRE. The first showing o£ the appealing pic ture now current at the Princess, "In Sunbeam," was characterised by a crowde louse, and the huge audience went awa: 3ne and all satlshed. "The Sunbeam, though not altogether a psychological study, deals with the ways of a sweet little girl, who, by her contact with the people ot New York, where the story Is set. brings uut the Inherent good iv them all. The play is one of the best yet from the Metro, producers, and Mabel Taliaferro, who plays in the leading role, gives very pleasing evidence of her wonderful artistic powers. The heroine is named Prue Mason, and when she meets In succession all the several characters Introduced into the play, the drama is replete with thrilling situations, handled by a true master, and embracing many of the widely differing stratums of American life, from the slums to high society. Themes of a topical and humorous nature complete an absprbiog entertainment. EVERYBODY'S THEATRE. At Everybody's Kitty Gordon, a beautiful and accomplished screen artist, takes the Important role In "As In a Looking Glass," a story of universal popularity with, as the foundation of an ideal drama, the wiles ot Llla Despard, an adventuress, with which she cajoles and deceives her many admirers, who flutter about her as moths round a candle. The film Is staged with an eclat which must go a long way towards making it pre-eminent as an entertainment, and foremost amongst the moat attractive settings are the magnificent costumes worn by Miss Gordon, which contribute not a little to tbe success of the presentation. Other items are In evidence to assist a holiday attraction which has already become popular, while the orchestra at this picture house, perhaps the best in the city, dally charms and delights patrons. TITO LI THEATRE. "Public Opinion" Is now. being featured at the popular Tivoll Theatre. It is, a: lbs title implies, a drama of peculiar powei and charm, and the machinations of a scoundrelly doctor to separate by Innuendc and lies the beautiful young nurse and her lover is full of rare appeal. Hazei Gray, a nurse, and Phillip Carson, stepson of a wealthy philanthropist, are ft love. The young man quarrels with hi! step-father, and goes out Into the worlc to work for his living, stopping at the same boardinghouse as does Hazel. Hi! mother becomes seriously ill, and h< arranges that Hazel nurses her, and h< returns home. The doctor who is callec In Is an utter scoundrel who forces hii attentions on the girl, and when he sea how matters stand does -his utmost tx separate 'the lovers, with what nearly sue cesaful results the film Itself displays. Ii tie role ot Haael dray. Miss Uilanch Sweet, who has made herself a unlversa favourite by her 'beauty and her personality reappears to enthral Auckland audiences and word* cannot convey tbe nameles charm which she lends to the action of thl fine aim, which anounds in scenes of th most startling dramatic force. The manne in Which the girl-hero proves the unjus lodgment of the public opinion which i levelled at her. and, to a lesser extent, a her sweetheart, provides a most uttln conclusion to perhaps the best romance ti be seen now In the city. The entertalnln effect of the programme Is finely Increase by a suitable selection of musics numbers. GLOBE THEATRE. Lovely Florence La Badle features thl week a,t the Glohe as the ueautiful daughte of an erring society mother In "The Pillory a picture of-such astounding merit that It popularity should be phenomenal. A soclet woman - has a daughter, and eventuall marries the scion of a proud old name. A goes well until she is denounced In h< own house, and before her guests, as bern« the mother of an Illegitimate child, and her daughter with her lover are the only two who defend her. She is .turned away, and her daughter goes with her. They devote their energies to the uplifting of unfortu--na<te women, until the mother meets a violent death. The daughter unites ' wtth her lover in carrying on the work of the mother, and the father is humbled. It is a moat dramatic film, full of sensational surprises. A good programme follows. WEST END THEATRE. Tbe luxurious fittings at the We«t JSnd Theatre provide ideal continuance for the extraction ot the utmost pleasure from the dellgftytful entertainments there shown. ' Norma - Talmadge ts there now, and her role is tbe leading one in the Secretary," tne story of whose donrSF-bow she saves the daughter of her employer from ruination by an unscrupulous beast, and gains, loses, and regains the love of her affinity, is one of the wonder-plots of the present thne. A distinctly meritorious series of supporting items contributes to the iaujajiitent «C everjfcadj.

LTRIC THEATRE. Many have been the "magnificent pictures hich have been presented at the Lyric leatre, -but the wonderful dramatic' epn>ptlon "The Law Decides," which- comenced Its season at this famous nhn-show i 'Saturday, hkls fair to outshine them all Uh the glory of Its settings, no lew than le vivid human interest of Its action. The itensity of the story unfolded of the ireatened dissolution of the marriage tie stwlxt a strong husband and his beautiful lie is rendered still more appealing by the itroductiou of little Bohfoy Connolly as the agel-child, and his appearance teiUs 1 takes for the whole strength and vivid- . em of the plot. This feature' film, part « f an entertainment of the highest rank, ' as already given ample promise of ( be popularity which It will achieve, and he splendidly realistic portrayal of lointhv Kelly as the beautiful young wife > ably" contrasted by Harry Morley as her J usbaud. Indeed, several of the scenes ( etween these two are of the most strong ppeal, and tbe appearance of tbe little hild as mediator lends charm and heartnterest to a play of real Intensity and i lower.' A suitably varied list of supports . nd good musical numbers strengthens the ' lopularlty of tbe programme. QUEEN'.S THEATRE. William S. Hart is acknowledged to be he most satisfactory performer In screenlorn of virile strong parts, and his reippearance here in the five-part Mutual nasterpiece, "On the Night Stage." now ■urrent. at the Queen's, ensures that latrons of this entertainment —and they are >v no means few—win depart more- than satisfied. The plot Is laid in the Western American States, and the exciting, free ife of the men of those regions is ably lrawn upon to provide the stirring incilents of the drama, through which runs :hat thread of romance Without which no nodern play would be a success. The thirteenth episode of the mystic serial "The Mysteries of Myra" provides a fitting support to a film which has few equals. GRAND THEATRE. The management of tbe Grand Theatre screened on Saturday afternoon for the first time "The Law Decides," featuring Dorothy Kelly as the young wife and little 'Bobby Connelly as the boy-child, whose delightfully naive attributes come as a distinct refresher after so much prying into the sordid motives . for the actions of humanity. A programme of merit and tuneful orchestral selections combine to attract more than the ordinary crowd of Interested patrons to this delightful rendezvous of lovers of the 'best in the picture world. AROAIHA THEATRE. The Arcadia Continuous Theatre Is this week starring "Her Surrender," a powerful drama In live parts, which has aroused the greatest Interest wherever It has been screened. A powerful plot, scenes of Intense g,ood staging, and acting of highest order by a most efficient cast, render this drama a most absorbing production. Chapter two of the interesting serial "The Mysteries of Myra," 4 filni-play of unusual length, and unfolding' a dramatic story of magic, intrigue and sudden death, is also showing with "Tbe Grind," a drama of real life featuring one of the -worlds .popular film favourites. Pauline Bush. Splendid music is a feature of this theatre. ROYAL THEATRE. The Royal has always specialised in absolutely the best of pictures, and the selection now coming before the many patrons of this theatre is well up to the usual standard so well maintained by the management and so much appreciated 05 the public. Mary Miles Mlnter features this week In the leading role of LovelJ Mary," an exquisite five-act Southert romance. The management announces thai every Wednesday to Friday session, com menclng Wednesday next, will *c *om an episode of the now popular "Mysteries of Myra." I 'PAiLAOE THEATRE. Maty Pickford Is deserving of her great fame as a movie actress, and her presentation of at the Palace afternoon and evening sessions is being hailed with delight by a very considerable section of the puWlc. The story describes, witii ' ideal settings, the romance rf *HJ^' n# little Esmeralda and her strong loyerr pi !„ there is a villain, but outwitted and his schemes frnstratea. one whote programme ' enttoralls, Whilst toe _ . „ at every entertainment sheened at s thls magnlflcelt picture house.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLVIII, Issue 25, 29 January 1917, Page 2

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ROLL OF HONOUR. Auckland Star, Volume XLVIII, Issue 25, 29 January 1917, Page 2

ROLL OF HONOUR. Auckland Star, Volume XLVIII, Issue 25, 29 January 1917, Page 2