ITO the Editor ' £iir, -In your issue of July lo appears! a statement by the member for the Hay j uf Plenty. Mr. \V. Mac Donald. renaming! the needs of sick soldiers. The member draws attention to what appears to bo in astonishing lack of consideration for the nerds of sick and convalescent sol-j tiers, instancing the case of a man. who. Having been severely ill. was wearnjr when still in a v<ry weak condition \ * pair of heavy Trentham boots. As tointed out by the member, a pair of fell j dippers would ha\e made all the differ | ■nee to the man's tomfort at sin li a lime. We who have brothers and friends in camp feel that little attentions such ! i!s these should not be neglected, (.'on i ; idcrin£ the siress under which the Department is working just now. could not in.- or other of the patriotic committees' make it their special duty to investi , gate thoroughly the personal needs of' soldiers and arrange for their comforts"; Ther • are man\ of us who would mos'. willingly help in this work, which is a| privilege as well a- a dut_\. if some organised body would show the way. Trusting this matter will receive the, early attention of those working on | behalf of our soldiers.- I am. etc.. A SOLDIER'S sIsTEK. !
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Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 8
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Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 8
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