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RACING FIXTCEES. June.':. «. ._- Aueitaurt Racing flub. Jnne .'i, I—OUki Maori Racing club. June :i. 4 -DnuetUn Jocker Club. i —:

The Maniapoto nurse Kaniki is stated m be tnttterinz from enlarged fetlocks, ami is ~. lee hlis-ered aml-inrned *>nt f«r a -pell. the .jipeiilers are ai presenl I'us.r in work l.nildin. an extra room nn Uie members' stand for ihe»use ..f-.he handicapper. Mr. Morse. | .!. .'hilar.', .nil., has lbe Si'ill: liClriinE Mn.vwcll finin" aj:ain. and I his nmrnini. he w p scut a mil.- on the sand .11 a t,»n.,l The Australian-bred Ite,l Rook, which his i heen a fairly g.».d performer since iTarisl , mas. will ii"t i"' asked 1., carry silk again I this ..-asi.n. Veil will he sent in l/ouslaiuls , f,n v rest The steeplechase hooe'lluli.l -.truck liiiuself badly while si-hunting recently, ami the pr|.spee-ls of his hems; seen out ill I lie A.H.C. Winter Meelinp are nt presen' se'in"--wlm I remei c. The Southern irainer. P.. .1 wis booked le> leave Welling on for Sydney yesterday. jroinci a week in advance of his horses to make .irriingf-m'nl* r " r their | arrival a Newmarkci. ; The well known nmtiinir horseman. Mr. j Georae Be-.ilsnn. lias leased Sir Alba for th"- j Hracele- ai ihe A .HA. Wiiilee- Meotin". and ii is the son of Sir Lad,!., "ill be I bronchi North for ihe c.Tli.-riin:. V Mia llt nominations for the New y.e»lir...t I Cup clo-icd in the same time as those for J t.he prlnclpnl Australian eveius. him new departnre has been made this year, nnl entries do not close until next month. Evidently labour Hay has not heen pleas l-K her irainer on the tracks, fnr yesterday he wired cancelling the accommodation thai had been reserved for her. and she lias been allowed In drop out nf her encace ments. Neiiher .1. <V_,hca nor I!. lieeley will l.c ilding nt Kllrrslip on the openinp day of Ihe A.R.C. Winter ..eetinc. hntn. havins en jrapemenrs in the South. O'Shea will do Ht<ridinc fnr Prosser* stable ai the (It iki , Die et ins. ' Dcnise Orme. which was rather severely hiimt eat the Half of Erin fire al I'tinslnins time, isstated to be all right again, an.l it is the Intention-of her owjier. Mr. Moore, to send her :o A. Hall almoin immediately lo he pm into work. This being ihe „rr season with ih.- Australian heiokniakin-g fraternity quite a ninii- | tier of them have left for tours to England and the Continent. To even mutters up nn exchange mentions thai several punters have tiron cranted the oM pension. One day last month the iiklahonin Stul.Militia, aciing on the orders >>f the (lover •nor tn -top .amblinc on the Tulsa ra.-e emirse. tired a volley over the hemls of the rlelers cis they .-ame down ihe siralsM. None of ihe riders was iiijiireel. lull ihe ra.-e was broken up. The Adjutant -i -aid if einoihc- race wore run he ivoiil.l j order i he soldiers to shot down the ! The Spalpeen sreldinc Te.rcn.lnr has made : his reappearance on ihe tracks a' Ellersli'-. looklnc hie and well nfier his rest. His I owner. Mr. L. P.. Harris, informs mc ihai he recently purchase,! a _al£brnttier tn | Toreador, l.y Sylvite- The ynnnglMer is : only IK months old. being n Kebruarv foal, j but is spoken r,f as a real nice roll, and will be ci.en pie-niy of linie '.. maiure. ! The ,-ros*--ourtry hnr-scinnn Kelly Ins! been aaviuc a very In,l nil. .111-ills: Ihe pelst ; few weeks. I.'lilc i. Illlv l,v .llnli.elll c.l | his collnrbnne. an.l after inakiii.- :i •_•....,1 re | ,-nvcry was able l" resume riding again, only j :■> ineei wilh a further niisbu]. e.n Thursday. ] by which his .-..llarl.oiie was again disi.i- j eateil. Kelly did a 10l of riding ..f a ,n,.,n j inc. his services beinc in "real rcpie-M, and ! i- will le- exceptionnlly bard link If tie ._. j unable to have a mount nt the ineeliiur. The Australian Trolling Cup of JUUmovs. two miles, decided at Richmond iVie.i las! week, was of some interpfti to Au.-klunijers. j There were seventeen runners, the winner I beiiii. Kii-ai Voyage, by It,,n Voyage e_.s.j|. Elsie Downs, which irmied the distance iv I o.u on a track made very heavy by con- j 'inuons rain The previous day. Klsie liowns. ! rinin or the winner, is one of .ho mares, owned by the (trm ran Howus Slock Farm. Manim-wa. and is also dam nf Miss Marvin Downs, a successful local performer, and Alto Downs, which has a Irottin-.- record of _.I.i. r.obahlj ihe fii.-i tha: ihe Wellington Siroplrrhasc has been raised to inoOfwvs was responsible -'op ihe committee of the Cantrrhn-ry Jockey Clnh pnttinp in new >ron- | .littans tn ihe Grand National Steeplechase I and Hurdle -flnce to lie decided at their f'irthc.iiiiiiig winter meeting. The condition In ihe Steeplechase prm-ides for penalties I according |.» \a-lories which range up in | 14ll>; but n proviso i„ made au.v horse | hnjiili,Hepped at list or nv«tr shall carry half I liie penally, nnd Ihai nn horse be handicap j pel or penalised to .airy more than Vgst 711.. jln the Hurdle lime there is n.„ maximum I ti'iiwelglii. bin horses handicappe.! a: H>si I 7lb it over will only have to carry half ihe CXira weijrlu. The conffitinns are certainly niui-li more reasonable than have hitherto pi.-vjilel witli the ( allle-1.111-y Clubs big r.-ie-e., and an Indication lha: the- siroug conservatism lillherm siirronn.liiic ihe Smuheni Iml r is gradually being broken down :liy fopee ~f eireiimstane-es. The ex-New Zealand trainer of re.iliug hoi-pet. i M. Tdlwaniß, has evidently been out ot (favour with fortune during the past few monlJis. Only a .few weekF ago he had a ,-lose e.n ns liie result of ptomaine poiesonI ing, and now ward is toJiand tlrot no sooner [had ehe reet»vered than liis Dillon Turk stables, Victoria, wherein were tionseel ie:i horses, including Denver Huon, Dnstwood. and .lohnson .1.. were cempletel— ;by lire A large quantity of fodder, logrtlier l»itll all the lianv'ss and gear, not il bridle ! beinrr saved, were eons.tmert. Mr. and M's : Eilwar.;.- were in t'j.> metropolis, and Mr. .."larke, who is associated with Mr Edwards. frwind rhe p.:atil.'_. ablaze, roused ihe lads, and they removed the whole of the horses witiionl injury, .lohnson .1. iwho forenerly raced in Sy.Lneyi. which was slight It scorcher!. Mr. OaTtc had hto hair sinsrai while oi»«Tinc"tUe «tallion mil. tyr I and \M»s. go ma_M-aafltqee. elarmre. .anr^i-jiirimd the stables ■'vmrTird to lite rrwnil"*T>* tbe lads ho'.dinc die- horses alongside The. eniins. ' Tbe. building belonged to*lei?!rai. -Barobridce and tie'"i c. and ;h.» gear owned hy Mr. eEdwarde was insured

* A.R.C. WINTER MEETING. ! lup tharac.ier of tbe acce|>tances received I last night by Air. Harthtnd for the opening ,' day of ihe A.R.C Winter Meeting augurs well for a record gathering, and. favoured ' l,v fine weal her. lliere should l.c one of the largest attendances yet witnessed at head- , eiuarters f„ r a winter fi.lurc. 'I"lie final .rroplanee fnr Ihe Ureal Nnrthern Hurdles leaves a doze,, siill in. the defections being | Peary. Cornelian, iispartrrn. I'aoli, and Kn.k Ferry. Of ibis number, Sandy Paul. Bcrcola. ItutTy anil I'onzel bave a double engagement, and may be given a chance '~. try and emulale the deeds of Liberator some long time ago. Merriruax is ihe ruling favonrrte. ami t lie son ~f Merriwee is doing as well as his ln-sl friends could wish. His owner makes no secret of ihe fact thai he ejpeeis him In win, ami Ihe victory wonld be a popular nnc. Idealism did nol put a ! great deal of dash inlo his work this nlorn ting, and bis fencing was very careful, al* (bough the sta.c of the ground may have heen Ihe cause of ibis. Cloudy Lawn has j fully recovered fn.m his mishap, and is slritiing along freely in his work. The others all have crcdeniials. more or less good, ainl ihe race promises to be a dei eidedlv interesting mie. I ; StIMK IJOMK I'KITIIS j Ihe remarks of Mr. 11. I> Cr iwn.'el al i | iii,- animal meeting of ihe Canterbury .Inckcy I'li.l. should .In a im of good, for I there i. n.. doiil.i that, whether rightly or i wrongly. Ihe Soul hern i-lnli is no, he'd lit | il si ~i- should l.c l.y racing men j generally. Mr. tJre.-nw.wid, judging from . 'In- sliglii details m hand, indulged in seuue plain boil.- irelhs. and coming fmm one ~r j the club's strongest .'.upporlcr< niu-i carry I considcreelely more weight than from an I ordinary niit«ie|er. Hie Caoierbnry club, by | rear,,ii ..f , s ~:nke money, mils! he held t.e ; ;Le 'he premie* 'luh of the I...minimi, bin ' : i... evil in I'hrislihlirch lias il enjoyed Ihe ! I p..piilarii. ihai -hould l.c carried by a 1,.51y I jll.a! is k. nl going l.y .the j'tildi.. and pri'vi j I'.-illj hi-,, f.-, ihe providing ~f -por' f.v I bar pehlie d..c- led wish m ... int.. ! reasons why Ciings should |.c 5... bin i: may In. I 1.. mi! ~f plu-e io point ~,„ the rapiel | Isirtdes made I.v ihe New Zealand Melm- | jleolilel.e Trolling I'lull ill Ihesaill- loWll. Till! I . liie.. as he eecn-iary r"ceiul.v state.l in an ! inierview. rvngnises ihe value of Hie siip|..,n of ih.. general .public, ami do Iheir inmost m provide iheui with eery facility in enjoy their sport. Thai l hose method* are successful can 1,.- 1..-s| judged l.y Hie popularity enjoyed hy Ihe Trolling club and l.y Hi,- enormous inteA'.laiiees, which a. a rule greatly c. el those al Itic-arton. I liie rapid advance made in ironing as againsi racing ; . ~,wn by the fail that f"i- j ihe three days' N,,veml»-r .-arnlval Ihe large I sum ~f 1)10.04(1 is io i„. given away in ! ..Hikes, ihe X.Z. Trn'ting Cup carrying a j stake ..f ..Viisovs. a. againsi iuotisnvs (.. be riven fnr Ihe X.Z. Cup. Tin- amount f.->r the- I Troiting Cnp is (he largest slake yet offered I iei the Homini'm. and thai such a mm can ' club as against the smaller amount, offered j by one of the olriesi racing Tiodics ia the j Itamiiiion fn r their principal event is an object lesson in the pniimes pursued by I Indifferent bodies in the management ef the c THK .-A-NIKIvl:!'. CASK The full judgmeni in the Mannrere ease j -a.'.-:- -The material fa.-ts iv die case are as follow:- T. Wilson, owner of iM.nurero, .-laims lo be the owner-irainer of su.-h | h..rse. Al ihe Te Aroha Jockey Club.. meeting, held on March !>. 10! t. ihe said! hor-e run lirst in ihe Klootri'- Handicap.l and was entered f,,r such rs.-.- as being; ...vned and trained by T. Wilson. The' nwuer lives -ii Te Akau, aboiu _„ miles •from Hamilton, « here the horse Has kepi lin a pnddo, k in charge of one VV. Wilson. ( .ci licensed jockey, employed by Hie owner I ill a weekly wage of 25,'. the owner pm Tiding feed and paying all expenses. W.I worked the horse under the owner's I instructions, -uch -instructions .brim, some-1 ■ limes personally give,, by ihe owner. | 'aie.l al oih-r lime. given through hi- , j agent, itlm resided ~i llaniilmn The' I The sicwards of ,l„. 'j.,. Alleles Jockey l'lul.l liles.nissed ihe protest lodged by .1. Carry. ! ' owner ..T I lie 1,.,r-e- llarenna. who ran! I second io Mannrere, the ground- ~f s, K h ] , rrn!esi being ilia; Mannrere was trained I | eigniiis: i'nis decision was upheld by tie. I An.-k,and!.-i Committee. and T , j'Wilson, owner of Mannrere lodg.-d ihe| appeal now before us against the Au.-k- 1 land [lisirii-t <"omniiUee's decision. Having l ] heard Hie parries, an.l considered all thej , in our ..pinion 'I. Wilson j owiier-lminer of Mannrere. did not carry j the -personal supervision of ihe train! j ing .T su.-h horse. We are ..f opinion I eih.ii ihe posiiimi ..r owner-trainer should be .dearly defined in ihe Rules of! I llacing. We also regard Pari XXI. Raile! and others against employing to manage c Iheir s-inldcs any person who has ridden 1 , •»r iraiiicd f,,i- i,j r ,.. such perse,ns shoiil.i. I , | under ;!„• rules, apply for a license Wei i direct t _.-■ intention ~f the Auckland Ins . I (riot Committee to ihe fact that T. Wilson. , I employer of W. Wilson, does not appear I in have complied with ;he provisions of [Part XXI. I'.ule -1. of the Kules of Racing. The appeal nf T. Wilson is hereby dismissed. The- hnrpe Harem,,, is now ml- ( | .nidpi-il winner nf ihe Klectrie Handicap. . ; run in i tn> Te Aroha Jockey Club's meeting | _ "n May 0. 1011. We direct that the depnsi- In ibis .use he refunded. I Signed c 'K. A. Campbell. E. (.oodl.cherc, c. s. I W'.tkins. judges." ! .! i

j TLT.F TALK FKOM THE SOUTH. ', IANTRIim-Rv. illy Tflocraph. — Spe.ial I" ".s:nr."j itißisTrnrncii. rri,i,,. v . j The annual meeting of the Canterbury •l«..key i"liib on Thursday was more or lii's jj f fonnnl ftathrrlnß. There was no qnpMion pMTonJnrv."' 1 Mr. "Y;""iV. '("rppnwmwT "™c ' well kui>wn mvn.-r. exjvrrgsi-d nie. belief Miai I lie <_liil. was pitting through :i rritif/il permri. tiwiiijf Xi the j;rr,wlh of pop.ilaiion .Hid the dpvolopmfnt m Tii(- imponaoi dubs In ib<- Norih I.sland. ill., mentinnoil -aNn ilif romarkabli- of iroulnc In Ibf fa.-l ihai ihp Mrtropoliiari Trotiine <liih hart nVc-irtPri in utta.h a slako ~f C.SOO In Hit- nnl New Zealand Trollins; < 'up. -Mr. <;rof , nwfXKl rout-ludod by offoring LUX) inwards a <-up 10 b« io . Ihn -winni-r of ihp nfxl New Zealand Cup. | There is no <innbt (hai (he Metropolitan Tr<rtiißSr Hub intends t,. l.,>oin the sport li* Irark is rlglii at the gates of the city' and already ihe huge prarnistand i ? ovpVcrnwdpd. sf> rapidly docs 1 atten<lanfe at Mis ran- rnpeiinc srrow. Th.- ehtb is iroinp :o huild a new .-rewards' stand, prnhably wi:h nrrnrrimnriaiiim for nifinbe-r* m> ton The Metropolitan • lnb'< pnli.y in m.-reaFltiß thp stake fur : lie New Zealand TrotUne ( H up hilt as tbe total stake money for the Noreinber meeting Is being inereascd by.fiS.OOii. some of ir was bound to be ntjded to iae i ("tip nwraey. An additional £1,000 will be giwn In stakes ar the ATipust meetinß- ' 1 The •week lias oee.n rafber a dead one in I ' raring eireles. thonph tie weather fnndi- . 1 rion« hare been quite es fawmrable as I mold 1» erperacd ai this rtnm nf the jeir. vSunlxvuru Is elmwlaß injwMraient in his 1 si-tiooJins. nnrt Jiis iaat torn efforts hare 1 hnrn. quite pieaeintr. Scr<w«S'«:rii«nfed on Thursday with Elimenr. wjiirh also jrapp a • ?nod dispiav. naylishl. Kill came t3nwn on Thnralsy . while schooled over The fer.if.s. And : hi? rider ill. O>keri aaaeree a sligbi con-

.1, Ma.son lefi for Sydney on Thursday. I I-ai r on Mr. (lreenwoo.l s team will I", senl | across fnr the A..1.C. Spring Meeting. Oheruhiui. Valhalla. Rimet.r. Camuliie. and a sister tn Ilislorieiie will probably he included. 11. Piper. Hi.- well known siarler. under. weni an nperaiion fnr an Internal irnnnle during the week, and is now reported ie. he improving rapidly. A. it. Wn.„l, of Super, will lake bis place al ihe Iluncliii nieeiing


I-AI.K l>l , i: \i IMi STOCK. i


i.N"n:RF_»Ti.Nt; wokk. lIKAVY TltAi'KS H rained heavy ihn.ugh'.ul the nigni. j and when morning 1.r..k.- ii was slilj coming ; down heavily, and it looked a- if work on I the tracks al I'.llerslie would he out of the| qnestion. Alh.iii liall'-pasl seven, however, ihe wind veered reoiiel. an.l it .leared, beautifiiel... and -nine interesting tasks were registered. The rain iiiaile Hie I racks i very sodden, and Ihe only one ..pen was the sand, which, not withstanding the dchigc Ihul had down, was in I'airl. g""d order, aiihough. naiurally. on ihe <1...v side .1. Ha,. wa- I lie first le. lake ad vane age of ihe break in tile weather, mid wnr»e.l l.c, Iteiiia. Self and Wjiorewa early. Ihe iri., doing useful usk-. 5,...n al'ler ,-ighl ..'.-1... k .1. chelate-, .inn.. pn: iv an appeariiihe wilh i:..!d»iiei\ ivlil.-li he seiu n r..i Ihe -on ol' lillllen gelling In Hie end of Ihe journey in 1...S --'.. Master Kiy and .\la\wo.. isepuralelyi did strong work. Spaltisn was never doing his |„.,| i„ keep wilh Tyson over four furlongs, which Cey ran in .".I -r,s. Kah-iii.. inlnnei inking .v.'s f,,r a similar ioiirno... ..'.die (--ill,- give I .lima ii -nir: ami »a- ■:■ .' -iron, pu'.! m keep near '.im over -oven furlong, iv 1..".v :: :.. He- t'.r-i wall llaii li.-a;. Audi laic moving in :•'■•■! lioidele 5.11..1- wa. iclii -led 1., threeK.ikiiina ■ni.•:,.-. hnnped e.IT a: the mile I'"-: .ii.-l. " ilh ihe pa. < al. to- way. got in 'iie end ~r eiga: lurlmig- iv 1 lii. liie iasi ..-.en inking 1 :!'_■ lip din useful ....: I. ~ .nuple ~f r«ii mis. Sign.. i.l-a.-..1 Ijeiier l tin n \ 'aaiinbmsa mer live fur lungs, i v 1 .".. A great tu-s|e- wa- witnesse.l beiween Tragedy King. Soiiiiik-ft. ami I'rin c S.oilt over seven liirb.ngs, which ih.-.v ~,,-• r».l in 1 .':.:. head- separating the ire. at the finish milestone mil; Ire, Heel. I'hrlsimas Kose spurted four lurlongs in r.lsec. I'upiira la king :,.' '.•-.V.-e. !.. run the liraltan guv- i ■„„„„., ~,, „, m r..nahl» ride, trying to mm over a mile. ami. -swerving from ~n e tra.-k to ihe ..the.-. eventually finishing up on the lan. HerlM-ni easily heal Waterworks inl-l seven furlongs, run in 1:17 1 •.,. Kaiiroa and Makiri a c. r e .nmpani..iis over a mile, run iv 1 .-,<•>. A round was Hie task a ppon lem-.l Ngeitlrnantii and Try l-'luke. whj'-|, Hicy iri . versed in 1 :.ii _.",. ihe former tinishi-ng in Ceneral Mailer., pleaseil better i hail Was eleinar over Pmr furlongs. |„ .-,_ ::.-,»,.,-. The Pole and Slarkel tiiei-h,..| logelher over a mile, e-overed in |.:,7. ,;l "" m " r '' ■""! '■: I> l>a«» s-p-iratcy did strong work mi ih ■ . ; ,„,| Merritnax and Lady Sabrcla he iumpcl ■■IT together at ihe mile and i half p..s| and. .joined I.v Master Kegel, ran t.he short mile ami a half. M--riin:i.\ v..,. cotns e«?y alongside Master Ttegel ai i|.,. finis,,. "ilh !,ady Sabretache half a do/.ei, | In- journey Hiking . IT _ .". The firs, r..,„,d «> run in . i _;, ~„,, ~„. last toe,ml in o.;. .M-rrimu moved pleas Ingl.v ll'!'...lghnui. We, (~,.„ ~,.,;, hoH , -.-.,„„!„„! „.,.. seven |'„ rl „ n „. e„ ~R .. ~ „-,..,..., , ~.,. fiir'."ng» . iking :,_.. ■\>"" I'l-s alone ,pr,n...| ''~„.■ furlong. , Mmblefoni ~„.! ,1 ,;. ~„„,,.. ;.,,,..,.a a "'•nid in .'.l'l J'.. V.,5,.,| ,n.| H,ka ~:,. Tripoli -puried four furl..te-. ni.-.d. in I'.iy \'y rlnl.-h. -1 up hi- la.-k .. rurnin. h0i,,., four r.,r'.e,,_s ; :, :,i ::;,.. Admiral Soil!' pi, as,-1,.- Hi iii Ngi pllka ..,,.r .. round ill _ I . .V j :h. la-i iakinu Liv ::.-.. Haji.dtou spurted four inrlnngs in -V.s. Anus. win. the nssislan-e of crown Pearl, which had a big weight in ih.- si,.die over the !,i-t five, ran six far long, in 1.21 1 ."e. T.ikanini galloped seven in :•'..,,_;. lv 1..1U 27,. i:-is.- de . ;.ici-..- covering a fur'oiig le- iii 1.-ji _•:.. A lot of others a'so ex.-r.-be.l THK .11 Ml'llllS Ihe .:.,•,, ~f ,|le ground, iher- wa- a fair l.ii of s.-hmdiiig work. ltevehilie.n. Handy P.rce/.c. ;,i„! ]-~, „,-:i. associaled ~ve-r live hurdles. The former pair finished logelher, a long way in of Pet. which jumped badly, while Dandy Breeze also hit nnc or lite, ol' :he fences very hard. King Try and Mateiwerewe:e gave a good exhibition of jumping over- five liur dies, whidi deer negotiated milake. Haiiera. and Chris, after jumping ihe hurdle by the .mile nnd a half pnsi, jumped the eon wall dni.blc and si.."c wall in ! style. Idealism, wilh the assistance ..r l-'leei | Arrow- over ihe firs: five, was sem over ' seven hurdles. The llreat S'orthein .andi dale jumped very slowly, and his display I was not ai all an impressive one. The humors Ce.leiaine and .Maimer.jumpcel four liut-dle.s without misiakc. afterwards .-..vering a rnund of the sand. .N.inpcr Tandy pleased belter than I'ylns over half n-dnzen hurdles, 'he latter jumping very .slowly. No less J hail ien horses ! roiled down in 1 ihe head of ihe stralghl for a round of tiling country, going over Ihe bill. They were divided into iwo bus [eel. lnscnkender. Kirn Am. and .1 rriwa*ld\- composing ihe first hiine-h. The qunriet jii-mped. well unlil Ihe first fence on Ihe hill, wb.ii Irri wa.bly come m grief. tcel and It m Am Ihwi showed Ihe way to ihe double, in .ins, company". The first fence lii m Am si rm-l; hard, and came to srief. his rider l'l vi.he.v bruising ills .shoulder. Ice] finished on al.uie. Ingenkender being pulled up. The slaning ~r the nex: division • .cited a lot „f interest, for i: .-enipr'.si ■! Iter.,.la. -Sandy Paul. Pearey, parlnuu. Capiain .la.-k. ami Carre,.. l'ariiniu wei.i and _mle Hie iin.e fr.i-ji Sandy Pflnl aid Rrrcola, w'li'c I'eurcy wis riidr,. nel| benlll'l. :Ip :he bii; ;bey closed up. and al Hie .-..! 1 w-,i!l itisr were --lose ioge' tIT. I ir-'e!l ; siriking hard and coming to grief. Adniph. j ber rider, getting oEP witheiit injury. Th. I others jirtnped t.h« double and stone wall in a bnnch. and it was a decidedly interest. ing- *>ii. of schooling. Pearey wen wee|. *mt so dirt Beerenla. Shindy Ptul. and Pari et.tll. W.I1«! old Capmin Jack gave ~ I - 1 nod display. SWW ARHIVAI-S j X Tmige pui in an uppenraji'-e yes.-,.-1.,. j with Nappor Tandy- l.c-,. «nd S'-i-k"-I R»ip and 'Rock Fee-rv re«cl...i Ellers!> [ yesterday erenirtg.

lI\WK4:> \\.\\ vrKKPI.Ki'MASK. ' (B,v Tr;r : r.,p!i.- Prry. A>»«<liitlon.) NAI'lr.K. Iri.l.iy. j i _ N.nillnnllxnx i- iv.-.i '■■-• Hi- M.nil,,--s|i;,v j r..||...vs: K>ilpoii|»-:l. r;»- .spaiiiarri.' rmrV. l.|r.ili«m. Si.- i,-iii.-. i:;,|nrjn|n. Uonilnli.-V. I I'.'i—i'vV. I'lirraru.-i. .m.l Murthlk"

tl'-v Tflcersph. Pn-sx A"-?oriaiinn I TIMAul'. Iγ- rl , n Mr \V '.I I'altlHT"* m.ins -in. fc trait rMTrrri mi alirtimi m.l.i.i .:: \Vash'lyk». i The «!>.«. Si<-i>p|t<.-h.i-rr. Th.- Rroivrr. j iV.eiis. tn .Innv- Snrili. ..f luinrtlin; nn.| .Inhll limit:! 11. •■.L.-11-. I, II KlwonllJ. Mar!"l »I- lin—"'! " I , "*"- l>lll v -:>l»i is pp...llns ni ■'. I""- '—T""-l -I"". ' r >i--'-a pnor .1 Tiiinil fur l-.-i. k . Hi<- hi?li»>i l>ri'o itffrroil l.rina IKeii- '

fIKSI'I.T 'ir I'll" OAKS I " : "" ' I I..INHON. Ma,,- -".' I i rcMil rd: Pri.i.T- lionir 1

A.'CKLAXn RAC'IXC CLUB. ■ THE MEETING. i The ri.llowiiur acceptances have l.eeli i rc-cived fi.r iie.' An. klaie.I lla.iiiL- (lulls' Winter Meeting: ! iinEAT N'lK'miKIt.N UlTiIH.E 11AC1.. | Two mile, amI a half. ; -I. Il>. st. ih. I ler.-.'.ia 1" 11 ltniTv 7.7 .77! '.' :: MerrieniiN ... I" r Ilull7.Pl !l . Ile.e.-k N..r- Kanroa '•' I , I i hern In 7 Marl.wire .... :> n i ;'li.inly Hiiwii. '.i ::: T,. im.a n 0 . Mcalisn, !■ |g I .ll.ltV.HS 11 A NI > 1 • A 1 • Seven feir|..ie_. -1 ie. -I II. . i Try I'eeek. ... in :, i'.||ei,|.., ...... S '_• I Yankee !'•• . •!,.■ u ". .;..;.Irirc •. i I I-:,.'- I . . II ,1 V.ill.lliil.n.eH . - " . s.-if - Ig Ha/.e.|..i, s ,, I Un-,. iie lluerre S 1 I I ;,,'•,! Iiii.iTit . . s II | ilerliera . . . s 11 l.ii'l., MiddleI i7„i.,; -i |..„,.,■.:„ . s ,, i (I I I I I e r i II. ltd fine -. II , • Sands .... s s m. Lewis . . - » I I liiiina -- 7 Ki-e.-kiield S ii Mtilawerew, i.. s il Tiikiiniiii s •> Kill,. ..I ! tie \ Iel'e.,,1 S .. V.-lllel ... - :i Mi-s ,\V:| lull, lie - " I M.\ii. k n s i'i:i:i'i.i:i iiasi: i«., miv. ei,.I ,1-iia!!'. ! lliilliuri.e . . I" ii l.e! '■' n ; 1 Kir.' Am . . I«i 7 Tin u !> 1 Kelp 1" (i Veslal Il II , i \Viiier»..rks . ne :. Ma],una '.' 7 The riii.-r . . 1" :: 'aris '.. 7 | Maki'ri .7 :. iT | M..IM.N 111 KI'l.lis line mile aii.J ! l-'ir-i « n.riki !" I.' Sal.anni. . . II n lillulai.-ata '' '.' Mn-l.T Ite.el . :i II ...linera; S..UII '.' '.' N'u'.ulia'l || u Moli.ii.E.ii.ilii •■> 7 T ie I-..!.- ... ii ., I I l-'err. . . '■' .1 I Mini., Hrr. •;/.,. i. n Jlcie .Hi..11 ... '.' 1 l'Ifl-1 Arr.ivi -. ,, ! .».-.- i. 1 Mil ler S,i . :, ,, . I'ei ... n . K.-iih.-re •' ii ! Ilakn '■• '• ri lit N WALL 11 A N 111' \f line- •„... el ||. I a ennil. r I.., I.', lee 'i I.' Kav... •: .. . s ,; Kakaina ■■' I N .ni'.ii'ka" .'.'7 - t ■ Iti.vnl Anns . . v | ■ a'aei:'.»-ji ... - :: I. .lie li ,- - I'J IV,.. .... - i i Kin. >..n!e >. lo 'I'ri lluke . - n j MKMHI.US' IIANIHi'AI'. liv.- |',ir:,,ngs. i -i II. -; ||,. j li'mwii I '.•;.. r! . '.< Ill Ha. In - r I I'lil'-y IK'!;.' ■ '•' 7 Hiil.-s .... .v 7 Tripoli :i .; S,.|,,-,'„„, .. s ,; \».l . . :> .". \ I'eerl. . . s ( | I Kakaiiiii .... I' .'. Sign., s ,i | I..ii.-i_.ili..i. ... ... i i\..,nk .... - " ! I I'ri.i.e . :. I '.I.e.I K>e .... -. ,, I T.-l.-l sl. e lerisii,,.,. l;,,se S I, I Worcester SI. Iti'lierill Mil.ler.. s, II j.sip'alti-li 777 - l'l 'i.'hltire ' .-. n | Mnsier Lupin s -. .Iran.I Mart "..-in - u ; ' III N'T I'U'II III LIU.i:S Tn., „,,l,... ' -' II' -I Ih. ( ll.-e Ilk'- IH I.'.' I" I" !T..V.,l,.|e. ■.■ . . Ill i, I I'vii.s I" l lire A»|l. ... |l. |> ! /ilk I" ' Maslei- l.e-li,. |ll ,, I I Atahere I" I llal-lvir-wan . , I., o J Sahre < uiriiiimi 7.7' I'. 0 j II I NT I'll' Three miles. i -I II. -I |h. | liigenkelider .II :. ... lu 7 llalvala II " Chris In 7 , II n l 'uiruii na In 7 Til,,- II .1 K.-i'llir l" 7 I /eik I" I-j' .. in 7 1 Mas:,-:- Leslie In :. c„|,.raiiie In 7 IT..--.. 10 7 Aialiere in 7

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 128, 30 May 1914, Page 10

Word Count

RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 128, 30 May 1914, Page 10

RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 128, 30 May 1914, Page 10


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